blob: 7d168e71fca56065913636e55b61f4ba20eb9cc5 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Error logging utility keywords.
Resource rest_client.robot
Variables ../data/
*** Keywords ***
Get Logging Entry List
[Documentation] Get logging entry and return the object list.
${entry_list}= Create List
${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${BMC_LOGGING_ENTRY}list quiet=${1}
Return From Keyword If ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}
${jsondata}= To JSON ${resp.content}
:FOR ${entry} IN @{jsondata["data"]}
\ Continue For Loop If '${entry.rsplit('/', 1)[1]}' == 'callout'
\ Append To List ${entry_list} ${entry}
# Logging entries list.
# ['/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/14',
# '/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/15']
[Return] ${entry_list}
Logging Entry Should Exist
[Documentation] Find the matching message id and return the entry id.
[Arguments] ${message_id}
# Description of argument(s):
# message_id Logging message string.
# Example: "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure"
${elog_entries}= Get Logging Entry List
:FOR ${entry} IN @{elog_entries}
\ ${resp}= Read Properties ${entry}
\ ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status
... Should Be Equal As Strings ${message_id} ${resp["Message"]}
\ Return From Keyword If ${status} == ${TRUE} ${entry}
Fail No ${message_id} logging entry found.
Get Error Logs
[Documentation] Return a dictionary which contains the BMC error logs.
[Arguments] ${quiet}=1
# Description of argument(s):
# quiet Indicates whether this keyword should run without any output to
# the console, 0 = verbose, 1 = quiet.
# The length of the returned dictionary indicates how many logs there are.
# Printing of error logs can be done with the keyword Print Error Logs,
# for example, Print Error Logs ${error_logs} Message.
${status} ${error_logs}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Read Properties
... /xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/enumerate quiet=${quiet}
${empty_dict}= Create Dictionary
Return From Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' ${empty_dict}
[Return] ${error_logs}