blob: 5e1fc3772a47b95ce4c98b2ac5d74ce82f79895d [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Verify REST services Get/Put/Post/Delete.
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../lib/resource.txt
Library Collections
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
REST Login Session To BMC
[Documentation] Test REST session log-in.
[Tags] REST_Login_Session_To_BMC
Initialize OpenBMC
# Raw GET REST operation to verify session is established.
${resp}= Get Request openbmc /xyz/openbmc_project/
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
REST Logout Session To BMC
[Documentation] Test REST session log-out.
[Tags] REST_Logout_Session_To_BMC
Initialize OpenBMC
Log Out OpenBMC
# Raw GET REST operation to verify session is logout.
${resp}= Get Request openbmc /xyz/openbmc_project/
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED}
Get Response Codes
[Documentation] REST "Get" response status test.
# Expect status URL Path
${HTTP_OK} /
${HTTP_OK} /xyz/
${HTTP_OK} /xyz/openbmc_project/
${HTTP_OK} /xyz/openbmc_project/enumerate
${HTTP_NOT_FOUND} /i/dont/exist/
[Tags] Get_Response_Codes
[Template] Execute Get And Check Response
Get Data
[Documentation] REST "Get" request url and expect the
... response OK and data non empty.
# URL Path
[Tags] Get_Data
[Template] Execute Get And Check Data
Get Data Validation
[Documentation] REST "Get" request url and expect the
... pre-defined string in response data.
# URL Path Expect Data
/xyz/openbmc_project/ /xyz/openbmc_project/logging
/i/dont/exist/ path or object not found: /i/dont/exist
[Tags] Get_Data_Validation
[Template] Execute Get And Verify Data
Put Response Codes
[Documentation] REST "Put" request url and expect the REST pre-defined
... codes.
# Expect status URL Path
${HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED} /i/dont/exist/
${HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED} /xyz/enumerate
[Tags] Put_Response_Codes
[Template] Execute Put And Check Response
Put Data Validation
[Documentation] REST "Put" request url and expect success.
# URL Path Parm Data
/xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0/attr/RequestedHostTransition xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.Transition.Off
[Tags] Put_Data_Validation
[Template] Execute Put And Expect Success
Post Response Code
[Documentation] REST Post request url and expect the
... REST response code pre define.
# Expect status URL Path
${HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED} /i/dont/exist/
${HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED} /xyz/enumerate
[Tags] Post_Response_Codes
[Template] Execute Post And Check Response
Delete Response Code
[Documentation] REST "Delete" request url and expect the
... REST response code pre define.
# Expect status URL Path
${HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED} /xyz/nothere/
${HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED} /xyz/enumerate
${HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED} /xyz/openbmc_project/list
${HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED} /xyz/openbmc_project/enumerate
[Tags] Delete_Response_Codes
[Template] Execute Delete And Check Response
*** Keywords ***
Execute Get And Check Response
[Documentation] Request "Get" url path and expect REST response code.
[Arguments] ${expected_response_code} ${url_path}
# Description of arguments:
# expected_response_code Expected REST status codes.
# url_path URL path.
${resp}= Openbmc Get Request ${url_path}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${expected_response_code}
Execute Get And Check Data
[Documentation] Request "Get" url path and expect non empty data.
[Arguments] ${url_path}
# Description of arguments:
# url_path URL path.
${resp}= Openbmc Get Request ${url_path}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${jsondata}= To JSON ${resp.content}
Should Not Be Empty ${jsondata["data"]}
Execute Get And Verify Data
[Documentation] Request "Get" url path and verify data.
[Arguments] ${url_path} ${expected_response_code}
# Description of arguments:
# expected_response_code Expected REST status codes.
# url_path URL path.
${resp}= Openbmc Get Request ${url_path}
${jsondata}= To JSON ${resp.content}
Run Keyword If '${resp.status_code}' == '${HTTP_OK}'
... Should Contain ${jsondata["data"]} ${expected_response_code}
... ELSE
... Should Contain ${jsondata["data"]["description"]} ${expected_response_code}
Execute Put And Check Response
[Documentation] Request "Put" url path and expect REST response code.
[Arguments] ${expected_response_code} ${url_path}
# Description of arguments:
# expected_response_code Expected REST status codes.
# url_path URL path.
${resp}= Openbmc Put Request ${url_path}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${expected_response_code}
Execute Put And Expect Success
[Documentation] Request "Put" on url path.
[Arguments] ${url_path} ${parm}
# Description of arguments:
# url_path URL path.
# parm Value/string to be set.
# expected_response_code Expected REST status codes.
${parmDict}= Create Dictionary data=${parm}
${resp}= Openbmc Put Request ${url_path} data=${parmDict}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Execute Post And Check Response
[Documentation] Request Post url path and expect REST response code.
[Arguments] ${expected_response_code} ${url_path}
# Description of arguments:
# expected_response_code Expected REST status codes.
# url_path URL path.
${resp}= Openbmc Post Request ${url_path}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${expected_response_code}
Execute Post And Check Data
[Arguments] ${url_path} ${parm}
[Documentation] Request Post on url path and expected non empty data.
# Description of arguments:
# url_path URL path.
${data}= Create Dictionary data=@{parm}
${resp}= Openbmc Post Request ${url_path} data=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${jsondata}= To JSON ${resp.content}
Should Not Be Empty ${jsondata["data"]}
Execute Delete And Check Response
[Documentation] Request "Delete" url path and expected REST response code.
[Arguments] ${expected_response_code} ${url_path}
# Description of arguments:
# expected_response_code Expected REST status codes.
# url_path URL path.
${data}= Create Dictionary data=@{EMPTY}
${resp}= Openbmc Delete Request ${url_path} data=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${expected_response_code}