blob: 769e185ddd65f0b8058643d73202319aeabc9e35 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This module is for OS checkstop opertions.
Resource ../../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../../lib/utils.robot
Library OperatingSystem
*** Keywords ***
Getscom Operations On OS
[Documentation] Executes getscom command on OS
... with the given input command.
[Arguments] ${input_cmd}
#input_cmd -l|--list-chips
# -c|--chip <chip-id> <addr>
${output} ${stderr}= Execute Command getscom ${input_cmd}
... return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
[Return] ${output}
Gard Operations On OS
[Documentation] Executes opal-gard command on OS
... with the given input command.
[Arguments] ${input_cmd}
#input_cmd list/clear all/show <gard_record_id>
${output} ${stderr}= Execute Command opal-gard ${input_cmd}
... return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
[Return] ${output}
Putscom Through OS
[Documentation] Executes putscom command on OS
... with the given input arguments.
[Arguments] ${chip_id} ${fru} ${address}
#chip_id processor ID
#fru FRU value
#address chip address
${cmd}= Catenate putscom -c 0x${chip_id} 0x${fru} 0x${address}
Start Command ${cmd}