blob: f3a17dc2d6e6e89ac055cee7b9b1d135f12ff503 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This suite is for testing general IPMI functions.
Resource ../../lib/ipmi_client.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Variables ***
${new_mc_id}= HOST
*** Test Cases ***
Set Asset Tag With Valid String Length
[Documentation] Set asset tag with valid string length and verify.
[Tags] Set_Asset_Tag_With_Valid_String_Length
# Allowed MAX characters length for asset tag name is 63.
${random_string}= Generate Random String 63
Run Keyword Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi set_asset_tag ${random_string}
${asset_tag}= Run Keyword Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi asset_tag
Should Contain ${asset_tag} ${random_string}
Set Asset Tag With Invalid String Length
[Documentation] Verify error while setting invalid asset tag via IPMI.
[Tags] Set_Asset_Tag_With_Invalid_String_Length
# Any string more than 63 character is invalid for asset tag.
${random_string}= Generate Random String 64
${resp}= Run Keyword And Expect Error * Run IPMI Standard Command
... dcmi set_asset_tag ${random_string}
Should Contain ${resp} Parameter out of range ignore_case=True
Set Asset Tag With Valid String Length Via REST
[Documentation] Set valid asset tag via REST and verify.
[Tags] Set_Asset_Tag_With_Valid_String_Length_Via_REST
${random_string}= Generate Random String 63
${args}= Create Dictionary data=${random_string}
Write Attribute /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system AssetTag
... data=${args}
${asset_tag}= Read Attribute /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system
... AssetTag
Should Be Equal As Strings ${asset_tag} ${random_string}
Verify Get And Set Management Controller ID String
[Documentation] Verify get and set management controller ID string.
[Tags] Verify_Get_And_Set_Management_Controller_ID_String
# Get the value of the managemment controller ID string.
# Example:
# Get Management Controller Identifier String: witherspoon
${cmd_output}= Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi get_mc_id_string
# Extract management controller ID from cmd_output.
${initial_mc_id}= Fetch From Right ${cmd_output} :${SPACE}
# Set the management controller ID string to other value.
# Example:
# Set Management Controller Identifier String Command: HOST
Set Management Controller ID String ${new_mc_id}
# Get the management controller ID and verify.
Get Management Controller ID String And Verify ${new_mc_id}
# Set the value back to the initial value and verify.
Set Management Controller ID String ${initial_mc_id}
# Get the management controller ID and verify.
Get Management Controller ID String And Verify ${initial_mc_id}
Verify Chassis Identify via IPMI
[Documentation] Verify "chassis identify" using IPMI command.
[Tags] Verify_Chassis_Identify_via_IPMI
# Set to default "chassis identify" and verify that LED blinks for 15s.
Run IPMI Standard Command chassis identify
Verify Identify LED State Blink
Sleep 15s
Verify Identify LED State Off
# Set "chassis identify" to 10s and verify that the LED blinks for 10s.
Run IPMI Standard Command chassis identify 10
Verify Identify LED State Blink
Sleep 10s
Verify Identify LED State Off
Verify Chassis Identify Off And Force Identify On via IPMI
[Documentation] Verify "chassis identify" off
... and "force identify on" via IPMI.
[Tags] Verify_Chassis_Identify_Off_And_Force_Identify_On_via_IPMI
# Set the LED to "Force Identify On".
Run IPMI Standard Command chassis identify force
Verify Identify LED State Blink
# Set "chassis identify" to 0 and verify that the LED turns off.
Run IPMI Standard Command chassis identify 0
Verify Identify LED State Off
*** Keywords ***
Set Management Controller ID String
[Documentation] Set the management controller ID string.
[Arguments] ${string}
# Description of argument(s):
# string Management Controller ID String to be set
${set_mc_id_string}= Run IPMI Standard Command
... dcmi set_mc_id_string ${string}
Get Management Controller ID String And Verify
[Documentation] Get the management controller ID sting.
[Arguments] ${string}
# Description of argument(s):
# string Management Controller ID string
${get_mc_id}= Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi get_mc_id_string
Should Contain ${get_mc_id} ${string}
... msg=Command failed: get_mc_id.
Verify Identify LED State
[Documentation] Verify the identify LED state
... matches caller's expectations.
[Arguments] ${expected_state}
# Description of argument(s):
# expected_state The LED state expected by the caller ("Blink" or "Off").
${resp}= Read Attribute ${LED_PHYSICAL_URI}/front_id State
Should Be Equal ${resp} xyz.openbmc_project.Led.Physical.Action.${expected_state}
... msg=Unexpected LED state.
${resp}= Read Attribute ${LED_PHYSICAL_URI}/rear_id State
Should Be Equal ${resp} xyz.openbmc_project.Led.Physical.Action.${expected_state}
... msg=Unexpected LED state.