| *** Settings *** |
| |
| Documentation To Verify KCS interface. |
| |
| Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot |
| Resource ../lib/ipmi_utils.robot |
| Variables ../data/ipmi_raw_cmd_table.py |
| Library ../lib/ipmi_utils.py |
| |
| |
| Suite Setup Test Setup Execution |
| |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| ${LOOP_COUNT} ${1} |
| |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| |
| Verify KCS interface |
| [Documentation] Verify KCS interface. |
| [Tags] Verify_KCS_interface |
| |
| Verify KCS Interface Commands |
| |
| |
| Verify KCS Raw IPMI Multiple Times |
| [Documentation] Verify KCS interface raw ipmi command for multiple times. |
| [Tags] Verify_KCS_Raw_IPMI_Multiple_Times |
| |
| Repeat Keyword ${LOOP_COUNT} times Verify KCS Interface Commands |
| |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| |
| Test Setup Execution |
| [Documentation] Do suite setup tasks. |
| |
| Should Not Be Empty ${OS_HOST} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${OS_USERNAME} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${OS_PASSWORD} |