blob: c931ab63f110bc6e14ad723be7b65b838d79ba00 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Contains all keywords and supporting keywords to do various reboots.
Resource ../resource.txt
Resource ../utils.robot
Resource ../connection_client.robot
Library DateTime
*** Keywords ***
BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Gets the uptime of the BMC, then reboots the BMC. If an OS_HOST
... is given, will also attempt to get the uptime of the OS Host and verify that
... the host stayed active during the reboot.
&{bmc_connection_args}= Create Dictionary alias=bmc_connection
${OS_exists}= Set Variable If '${OS_HOST}' != '${EMPTY}' ${True}
... '${OS_HOST}' == '${EMPTY}' ${False}
&{os_connection_args}= Run Keyword If ${OS_exists} == ${True}
... Create Dictionary host=${OS_HOST} alias=os_connection
Open Connection and Log In &{bmc_connection_args}
${bmc_start_uptime}= Get Uptime In Seconds
${conn_rc}= Run Keyword and Return Status Run Keyword If ${OS_exists} == ${True}
... Open Connection and Log In ${OS_USERNAME} ${OS_PASSWORD} &{os_connection_args}
${OS_exists}= Set Variable If ${conn_rc} == False ${False}
${ping_rc}= Run Keyword and Return Status Ping Host ${OS_HOST}
${OS_exists}= Set Variable If ${ping_rc} == ${False} ${False}
${os_start_uptime}= Run Keyword If ${OS_exists} == ${True} Get Uptime In Seconds
Validate or Open Connection bmc_connection
Reboot BMC
Check If BMC Is Up
Close All Connections
Open Connection and Log In &{bmc_connection_args}
${bmc_end_uptime}= Get Uptime In Seconds
Should Be True ${bmc_end_uptime} < ${bmc_start_uptime}
Run Keyword If ${OS_exists} == ${True}
... Open Connection and Log In ${OS_USERNAME} ${OS_PASSWORD} &{os_connection_args}
${os_end_uptime}= Run Keyword If ${OS_exists} == ${True} Get Uptime In Seconds
Run Keyword If ${OS_exists} == ${True}
... Should Be True ${os_end_uptime} > ${os_start_uptime}
Close All Connections
Get Uptime In Seconds
${uptime_string} ${stderr} ${rc}= Execute Command cat /proc/uptime
... return_stderr=True return_rc=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Should Be Equal ${rc} ${0}
${uptime} ${idle_time}= Split String ${uptime_string} ${SPACE}
[return] ${uptime}
Reboot BMC
Start Command /sbin/reboot