blob: f2a414d68d3b17a8ae4caf110b726f120bb156f2 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Power cycle loop. This is to test where network service
... becomes unavailable during AC-Cycle stress test.
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../lib/pdu/pdu.robot
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../lib/state_manager.robot
Test Teardown Test Exit Logs
*** Variables ***
${LOOP_COUNT} ${50}
*** Test Cases ***
Run Multiple Power Cycle
[Documentation] Execute multiple power cycles.
[Setup] Validate Parameters
[Tags] Run_Multiple_Power_Cycle
# By default run test for 50 loops, else user input iteration.
# Fails immediately if any of the execution rounds fail and
# check if BMC is still pinging and FFDC is collected.
Repeat Keyword ${LOOP_COUNT} times Power Cycle System Via PDU
Run Multiple Reboot
[Documentation] Execute multiple reboots.
[Tags] Run_Multiple_Reboot
# By default run test for 50 loops, else user input iteration.
# Fails immediately if any of the execution rounds fail and
# check if BMC is still pinging and FFDC is collected.
Repeat Keyword ${LOOP_COUNT} times BMC Reboot Cycle
*** Keywords ***
Power Cycle System Via PDU
[Documentation] Power cycle system and wait for BMC to reach Ready state.
Log "Doing power cycle"
PDU Power Cycle
Check If BMC Is Up 5 min 10 sec
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 min 10 sec Is BMC Ready
BMC Reboot Cycle
[Documentation] Reboot BMC and wait for ready state.
Log "Doing Reboot cycle"
${bmc_version_before}= Get BMC Version
Initiate BMC Reboot
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 min 10 sec Is BMC Ready
${bmc_version_after}= Get BMC Version
Should Be Equal ${bmc_version_before} ${bmc_version_after}
Test Exit Logs
FFDC On Test Case Fail
Validate Parameters
Should Not Be Empty ${PDU_IP}
Should Not Be Empty ${PDU_TYPE}
Should Not Be Empty ${PDU_SLOT_NO}
Should Not Be Empty ${PDU_USERNAME}
Should Not Be Empty ${PDU_PASSWORD}