blob: eb0bd71dd9ac63890bdbe6999c9982a736287656 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This module is for collecting data on test case failure
... for openbmc systems. It will collect the data with a
... default name openbmc_ffdc_report.txt under directory
... logs/testSuite/testcaseName/ on failure.
Library String
Library DateTime
Resource resource.txt
Resource connection_client.robot
*** Variables ***
${PRINT_LINE} ------------------------------------------------------------------------
${MSG_INTRO} This document contains the following information:
${MSG_DETAIL} ${\n}\t\t[ Detailed Logs Captured Section ]
... ${\n}\t\t----------------------------------
... ${\n}${\n}TEST SUITE FILE\t\t: ${SUITE_NAME} ${\n}
${FFDC_LOG_PATH} ${EXECDIR}${/}logs${/}
*** Keywords ***
[Documentation] Generic FFDC entry point. Place holder to hook in
... other data collection
Log FFDC If Test Case Failed
Log FFDC If Test Case Failed
[Documentation] Main entry point to gather logs on Test case failure
# Return from here if the test case is a PASS
Return From Keyword If '${TEST_STATUS}' != 'FAIL'
${cur_time}= get current time stamp
Log To Console ${\n}FFDC Collection Started \t: ${cur_time}
# Log directory setup
${suite_dir}= get strip string ${SUITE_NAME}
${testname_dir}= get strip string ${TEST_NAME}
Set Suite Variable ${FFDC_DIR_PATH} ${FFDC_LOG_PATH}${suite_dir}${/}${testname_dir}
# -- FFDC workspace create --
create ffdc directory
openbmc header message
# -- FFDC processing entry point --
Execute FFDC command list on BMC
${cur_time}= get current time stamp
Log To Console FFDC Collection Completed \t: ${cur_time}
Log ${\n}${FFDC_DIR_PATH}
create ffdc directory
[Documentation] Creates directory and report file
Create Directory ${FFDC_DIR_PATH}
create ffdc report file
create ffdc report file
[Documentation] Create a generic file name for ffdc
Set Suite Variable ${FFDC_FILE_PATH} ${FFDC_DIR_PATH}${/}openbmc_ffdc_report.txt
Create File ${FFDC_FILE_PATH}
write data to file
[Documentation] Write data to the ffdc report document
[Arguments] ${data}=""
Append To File ${FFDC_FILE_PATH} ${data}
get current time stamp
[Documentation] Get the current time stamp data
${cur_time}= Get Current Date result_format=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f
[return] ${cur_time}
openbmc header message
[Documentation] Write header message to the report document
${cur_time}= get current time stamp
write data to file ${HEADER_MSG}
write data to file TEST CASE NAME\t\t: ${TEST_NAME}${\n}
write data to file FAILURE TIME STAMP\t: ${cur_time}${\n}
write data to file ${\n}${MSG_INTRO}${\n}
# --- FFDC header notes ---
@{entries}= Get ffdc index
:FOR ${index} IN @{entries}
\ write data to file * ${index.upper()}
\ write data to file ${\n}
write data to file ${FOOTER_MSG}
write data to file ${MSG_DETAIL}
write cmd output to ffdc file
[Documentation] Write cmd output data to the report document
[Arguments] ${data_str}="" ${data_cmd}=""
write data to file ${\n}${FOOTER_MSG}
write data to file ${ENTRY_CMD_TYPE.upper()} : ${data_str}\t
write data to file Executed : ${data_cmd} ${\n}
write data to file ${FOOTER_MSG}
Execute FFDC command list on BMC
[Documentation] Get the commands, connect to BMC and execute commands
${con_status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Open Connection And Log In
Run Keyword And Return If ${con_status} == ${False} Log Open Connection Failed
@{entries}= Get ffdc index
:FOR ${index} IN @{entries}
\ Loop through ffdc dict list and execute ${index}
Loop through ffdc dict list and execute
[Documentation] Feed in key pair list from dictionary to execute
[Arguments] ${data_str}=
@{ffdc_default_list}= Get ffdc cmd ${data_str}
Set Suite Variable ${ENTRY_CMD_TYPE} ${data_str}
:FOR ${cmd} IN @{ffdc_default_list}
\ Execute command and write to ffdc ${cmd[0]} ${cmd[1]}
Execute command and write to ffdc
[Documentation] Execute command on bmc box and write to ffdc
[Arguments] ${data_str}="" ${data_cmd}=""
write cmd output to ffdc file ${data_str} ${data_cmd}
${stdout} ${stderr}= Execute Command ${data_cmd} return_stderr=True
# Write stdout data on success and error msg to the file on failure
Run Keyword If '${stderr}' == '${EMPTY}' write data to file ${stdout} ${\n}
... ELSE Run Keyword write data to file ${stderr} ${\n}
write data to file ${FOOTER_MSG}
Offload file list from BMC
[Documentation] Copy files to current log directory
${con_status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Open Connection for SCP
Run Keyword And Return If ${con_status} == ${False} Log SCP Connection Failed
# --- Files to be copied ---
@{ffdc_default_list}= Get ffdc file BMC Files
Set Suite Variable ${ENTRY_CMD_TYPE} BMC Files
:FOR ${cmd} IN @{ffdc_default_list}
# Get File from server to current test FFDC directory
\ write cmd output to ffdc file ${cmd[0]} scp file ${cmd[1]}
\ scp.Get File ${cmd[1]} ${FFDC_DIR_PATH}