blob: c2f179ed3866af88c2a06ca7a7cde2a95a4fffbf [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Module to test IPMI disable functionality.
Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Disabling And Enabling IPMI Via Host
[Documentation] Verify disabling and enabling IPMI via host.
[Tags] Verify_Disabling_And_Enabling_IPMI_Via_Host
[Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail
... AND Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access on
# Disable IPMI and verify
Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access off
Run Keyword and Expect Error *Unable to establish IPMI*
... Run External IPMI Standard Command lan print
# Enable IPMI and verify
Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access on
${lan_print_output}= Run External IPMI Standard Command lan print
${openbmc_host_name} ${openbmc_ip} ${openbmc_short_name}=
... Get Host Name IP host=${OPENBMC_HOST} short_name=1
Should Contain ${lan_print_output} ${openbmc_ip}
Verify Disabling IPMI Via OOB IPMI
[Documentation] Verify disabling IPMI via out of band IPMI.
[Tags] Verify_Disabling_IPMI_Via_OOB_IPMI
[Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail
... AND Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access on
# Disable IPMI via OOB IPMI and verify
Run Keyword and Expect Error *IPMI response is NULL*
... Run IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access off
Run Keyword and Expect Error *Unable to establish IPMI*
... Run External IPMI Standard Command lan print
# Enable IPMI via Host and verify
Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access on
${lan_print_output}= Run External IPMI Standard Command lan print
${openbmc_host_name} ${openbmc_ip} ${openbmc_short_name}=
... Get Host Name IP host=${OPENBMC_HOST} short_name=1
Should Contain ${lan_print_output} ${openbmc_ip}
Verify IPMI Disable Persistency After BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Verify IPMI disable persistency after BMC reboot.
[Tags] Verify_IPMI_Disable_Persistency_After_BMC_Reboot
[Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail
... AND Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access on
# Disable IPMI and reboot BMC.
Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access off
OBMC Reboot (run)
# Verify that IPMI remains disabled after reboot.
Run Keyword and Expect Error *Unable to establish IPMI*
... Run External IPMI Standard Command lan print