blob: 06c2f18086cc9e66a959701dd1a50b24d1dfe33c [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test Open BMC GUI BMC host information under GUI Header.
Library DateTime
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Suite Teardown Close Browser
*** Variables ***
${xpath_select_server_control} //*[@id="header__wrapper"]/div/div[2]/p[2]
${xpath_select_refresh_button} //*[@id="header__wrapper"]/div/div[3]/button
${xpath_select_date_text} //*[@id="header__wrapper"]/div/div[3]/p/span
*** Test Cases ***
Verify IP address
[Documentation] Verify BMC IP address displayed in GUI header.
[Tags] Verify_IP_address
# NOTE: gui_displayed_ip can be either a host name or an IP address.
# (e.g. "machinex" or "xx.xx.xx.xx").
${gui_displayed_ip}= Get Text ${xpath_select_server_control}
Should Contain ${gui_displayed_ip} ${OPENBMC_HOST}
Verify Refresh Button
[Documentation] Verify Refresh Button in GUI header.
[Tags] Verify_Refresh_Button
# Verify power is on after refresh button.
Expected Initial Test State Off
Click Element ${xpath_select_refresh_button}
GUI Power On
Click Element ${xpath_select_refresh_button}
Wait Until Page Contains Running
Verify Date Last Refreshed
[Documentation] Verify Date Last Refreshed text in GUI header.
[Tags] Verify_Date_Last_Refreshed
${date_info_1st_read}= Get Text ${xpath_select_date_text}
${current_date}= Get Time
${date_conversion}= Convert Date ${current_date} result_format=%b %d %Y
Should Contain ${date_info_1st_read} ${date_conversion}
# Refresh button pressed.
Click Element ${xpath_select_refresh_button}
Sleep 2
${date_info_2nd_read}= Get Text ${xpath_select_date_text}
${current_date}= Get Time
${date_conversion}= Convert Date ${current_date} result_format=%b %d %Y
Should Contain ${date_info_2nd_read} ${date_conversion}
# Comparison between 1st and 2nd read.
Should Not Be Equal As Strings ${date_info_1st_read}
... ${date_info_2nd_read}
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
Open Browser With URL ${obmc_gui_url}