blob: a0c56b8f78d37e86b88ec676cb5c0a2308ce71ab [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Utilities for Robot keywords.
Resource ../lib/resource.txt
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../lib/connection_client.robot
Resource ../lib/boot_utils.robot
Library String
Library DateTime
Library Process
Library OperatingSystem
Library SCPLibrary WITH NAME scp
*** Variables ***
${pflash_cmd} /usr/sbin/pflash -r /dev/stdout -P VERSION
... dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=${OPENBMC_BASE_DBUS}.settings.Host
... ${SETTINGS_URI}host0 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get
${dbuscmdString}= string:"xyz.openbmc_project.settings.Host" string:
# Assign default value to QUIET for programs which may not define it.
${QUIET} ${0}
${bmc_mem_free_cmd}= free | tr -s ' ' | sed '/^Mem/!d' | cut -d" " -f4
${bmc_mem_total_cmd}= free | tr -s ' ' | sed '/^Mem/!d' | cut -d" " -f2
${bmc_cpu_usage_cmd}= top -n 1 | grep CPU: | cut -c 7-9
# /run/initramfs/ro associate filesystem should be 100% full always
${bmc_file_system_usage_cmd}= df -h | cut -c 52-54 | grep 100 | wc -l
${total_pnor_ro_file_system_cmd}= df -h | grep /media/pnor-ro | wc -l
${total_bmc_ro_file_system_cmd}= df -h | grep /media/rofs | wc -l
${BOOT_TIME} ${0}
${BOOT_COUNT} ${0}
${count} ${0}
${devicetree_base} /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model
# Initialize default debug value to 0.
${DEBUG} ${0}
${probe_cpu_tool_path} ${EXECDIR}/tools/ras/
${scom_addrs_tool_path} ${EXECDIR}/tools/ras/
${target_file_path} /root/
${default_tarball} ${EXECDIR}/obmc-phosphor-debug-tarball-witherspoon.tar.xz
# These variables are used to straddle between new and old methods of setting
# values.
${boot_prog_method} ${EMPTY}
${power_policy_setup} ${0}
${bmc_power_policy_method} ${EMPTY}
@{valid_power_policy_vars} RESTORE_LAST_STATE ALWAYS_POWER_ON
*** Keywords ***
Check BMC Performance
[Documentation] Check BMC basic CPU Mem File system performance.
Check BMC CPU Performance
Check BMC Mem Performance
Check BMC File System Performance
Verify PNOR Update
[Documentation] Verify that the PNOR is not corrupted.
# Example:
# FFS: Flash header not found. Code: 100
# Error 100 opening ffs !
${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}=
... BMC Execute Command /usr/sbin/pflash -h | egrep skip ignore_err=${1}
${pflash_cmd}= Run Keyword if ${rc} == ${0}
... Catenate SEPARATOR= ${pflash_cmd} --skip=4096
${pnor_info}= BMC Execute Command ${pflash_cmd}
Should Not Contain Any ${pnor_info} Flash header not found Error
Get BMC System Model
[Documentation] Get the BMC model from the device tree and return it.
${bmc_model} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... cat ${devicetree_base} | cut -d " " -f 1 return_stderr=True
... test_mode=0
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Should Not Be Empty ${bmc_model} msg=BMC model is empty.
[Return] ${bmc_model}
Verify BMC System Model
[Documentation] Verify the BMC model with ${OPENBMC_MODEL}.
[Arguments] ${bmc_model}
# Description of argument(s):
# bmc_model System model (e.g. "witherspoon").
${tmp_bmc_model}= Fetch From Right ${OPENBMC_MODEL} /
${tmp_bmc_model}= Fetch From Left ${tmp_bmc_model} .
${ret}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${bmc_model}
... ${tmp_bmc_model} ignore_case=True
[Return] ${ret}
Wait For Host To Ping
[Documentation] Wait for the given host to ping.
[Arguments] ${host} ${timeout}=${OPENBMC_REBOOT_TIMEOUT}min
... ${interval}=5 sec
# Description of argument(s):
# host The host name or IP of the host to ping.
# timeout The amount of time after which ping attempts cease.
# This should be expressed in Robot Framework's time format
# (e.g. "10 seconds").
# interval The amount of time in between attempts to ping.
# This should be expressed in Robot Framework's time format
# (e.g. "5 seconds").
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} ${interval} Ping Host ${host}
Ping Host
[Documentation] Ping the given host.
[Arguments] ${host}
# Description of argument(s):
# host The host name or IP of the host to ping.
Should Not Be Empty ${host} msg=No host provided
${RC} ${output}= Run and return RC and Output ping -c 4 ${host}
Log RC: ${RC}\nOutput:\n${output}
Should be equal ${RC} ${0}
Get Boot Progress
[Documentation] Get the boot progress and return it.
[Arguments] ${quiet}=${QUIET}
# Description of argument(s):
# quiet Indicates whether this keyword should run without any output to
# the console.
Set Boot Progress Method
${state}= Run Keyword If '${boot_prog_method}' == 'New'
... New Get Boot Progress quiet=${quiet}
... ELSE
... Old Get Boot Progress quiet=${quiet}
[Return] ${state}
Set Boot Progress Method
[Documentation] Set the boot_prog_method to either 'Old' or 'New'.
# The boot progress data has moved from an 'org' location to an 'xyz'
# location. This keyword will determine whether the new method of getting
# the boot progress is valid and will set the global boot_prog_method
# variable accordingly. If boot_prog_method is already set (either by a
# prior call to this function or via a -v parm), this keyword will simply
# return.
# Note: There are interim builds that contain boot_progress in both the
# old and the new location values. It is nearly impossible for this
# keyword to determine whether the old boot_progress or the new one is
# active. When using such builds where the old boot_progress is active,
# the only recourse users will have is that they may specify
# -v boot_prog_method:Old to force old behavior on such builds.
Run Keyword If '${boot_prog_method}' != '${EMPTY}' Return From Keyword
${new_status} ${new_value}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error
... New Get Boot Progress
# If the new style read fails, the method must necessarily be "Old".
Run Keyword If '${new_status}' == 'PASS'
... Run Keywords
... Set Global Variable ${boot_prog_method} New AND
... Rqpvars boot_prog_method AND
... Return From Keyword
# Default method is "Old".
Set Global Variable ${boot_prog_method} Old
Rqpvars boot_prog_method
Old Get Boot Progress
[Documentation] Get the boot progress the old way (via org location).
[Arguments] ${quiet}=${QUIET}
# Description of argument(s):
# quiet Indicates whether this keyword should run without any output to
# the console.
${state}= Read Attribute ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}sensors/host/BootProgress
... value quiet=${quiet}
[Return] ${state}
New Get Boot Progress
[Documentation] Get the boot progress the new way (via xyz location).
[Arguments] ${quiet}=${QUIET}
# Description of argument(s):
# quiet Indicates whether this keyword should run without any output to
# the console.
${state}= Read Attribute ${HOST_STATE_URI} BootProgress quiet=${quiet}
[Return] ${state.rsplit('.', 1)[1]}
Is Power On
[Documentation] Verify that the BMC chassis state is on.
${state}= Get Power State
Should be equal ${state} ${1}
Is Power Off
[Documentation] Verify that the BMC chassis state is off.
${state}= Get Power State
Should be equal ${state} ${0}
Initiate Power On
[Documentation] Initiates the power on and waits until the Is Power On
... keyword returns that the power state has switched to on.
[Arguments] ${wait}=${1}
# Description of argument(s):
# wait Indicates whether to wait for a powered on state after issuing
# the power on command.
@{arglist}= Create List
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/chassis0/ powerOn
... data=${args}
should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
# Does caller want to wait for power on status?
Run Keyword If '${wait}' == '${0}' Return From Keyword
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3 min 10 sec Is Power On
Initiate Power Off
[Documentation] Initiates the power off and waits until the Is Power Off
... keyword returns that the power state has switched to off.
@{arglist}= Create List
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/chassis0/ powerOff
... data=${args}
should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 10 sec Is Power Off
Initiate OS Host Power Off
[Documentation] Initiate an OS reboot.
[Arguments] ${os_host}=${OS_HOST} ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
... ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD} ${hard}=${0}
# Description of argument(s):
# os_host The DNS name or IP of the OS.
# os_username The username to be used to sign in to the OS.
# os_password The password to be used to sign in to the OS.
# hard Indicates whether to do a hard vs. soft power off.
${time_string}= Run Keyword If ${hard} Set Variable ${SPACE}now
... ELSE Set Variable ${EMPTY}
${cmd_buf}= Run Keyword If '${os_username}' == 'root'
... Set Variable shutdown${time_string}
... ELSE
... Set Variable echo ${os_password} | sudo -S shutdown${time_string}
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command
... ${cmd_buf} fork=${1}
Initiate OS Host Reboot
[Documentation] Initiate an OS reboot.
[Arguments] ${os_host}=${OS_HOST} ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
... ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD}
# Description of argument(s):
# os_host The host name or IP address of the OS.
# os_username The username to be used to sign in to the OS.
# os_password The password to be used to sign in to the OS.
${cmd_buf}= Run Keyword If '${os_username}' == 'root'
... Set Variable reboot
... ELSE
... Set Variable echo ${os_password} | sudo -S reboot
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command
... ${cmd_buf} fork=${1}
Initiate Auto Reboot
[Documentation] Initiate an auto reboot.
[Arguments] ${milliseconds}=5000
# Description of argument(s):
# milliseconds The number of milliseconds for the watchdog timer.
# Set the auto reboot policy.
Set Auto Reboot ${1}
# Set the watchdog timer.
Trigger Host Watchdog Error ${milliseconds}
Trigger Warm Reset
[Documentation] Initiate a warm reset.
log to console "Triggering warm reset"
${data}= create dictionary data=@{EMPTY}
${resp}= openbmc post request
... ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/bmc0/action/warmReset data=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${session_active}= Check If warmReset is Initiated
Run Keyword If '${session_active}' == '${True}'
... Fail msg=warm reset didn't occur
Check If BMC Is Up
Check OS
[Documentation] Attempts to ping the host OS and then checks that the host
... OS is up by running an SSH command.
[Arguments] ${os_host}=${OS_HOST} ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
... ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD} ${quiet}=${QUIET}
... ${print_string}=${EMPTY}
[Teardown] SSHLibrary.Close Connection
# Description of argument(s):
# os_host The DNS name/IP of the OS host associated with our BMC.
# os_username The username to be used to sign on to the OS host.
# os_password The password to be used to sign on to the OS host.
# quiet Indicates whether this keyword should write to console.
# print_string A string to be printed before checking the OS.
rprint ${print_string}
# Attempt to ping the OS. Store the return code to check later.
${ping_rc}= Run Keyword and Return Status Ping Host ${os_host}
SSHLibrary.Open connection ${os_host}
${status} ${msg}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Login ${os_username}
... ${os_password}
${err_msg1}= Sprint Error ${msg}
${err_msg}= Catenate SEPARATOR= \n ${err_msg1}
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Fail msg=${err_msg}
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= Execute Command uptime return_stderr=True
... return_rc=True
${temp_msg}= Catenate Could not execute a command on the operating
... system.\n
${err_msg1}= Sprint Error ${temp_msg}
${err_msg}= Catenate SEPARATOR= \n ${err_msg1}
# If the return code returned by "Execute Command" is non-zero, this
# keyword will fail.
Should Be Equal ${rc} ${0} msg=${err_msg}
# We will likewise fail if there is any stderr data.
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
${temp_msg}= Set Variable Could not ping the operating system.\n
${err_msg1}= Sprint Error ${temp_msg}
${err_msg}= Catenate SEPARATOR= \n ${err_msg1}
# We will likewise fail if the OS did not ping, as we could SSH but not
# ping
Should Be Equal As Strings ${ping_rc} ${TRUE} msg=${err_msg}
Wait for OS
[Documentation] Waits for the host OS to come up via calls to "Check OS".
[Arguments] ${os_host}=${OS_HOST} ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
... ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD} ${timeout}=${OS_WAIT_TIMEOUT}
... ${quiet}=${0}
[Teardown] rprintn
# Description of argument(s):
# os_host The DNS name or IP of the OS host associated with our
# BMC.
# os_username The username to be used to sign on to the OS host.
# os_password The password to be used to sign on to the OS host.
# timeout The timeout in seconds indicating how long you're
# willing to wait for the OS to respond.
# quiet Indicates whether this keyword should write to console.
# The interval to be used between calls to "Check OS".
${interval}= Set Variable 5
${message}= Catenate Checking every ${interval} seconds for up to
... ${timeout} seconds for the operating system to communicate.
rqprint_timen ${message}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} sec ${interval} Check OS
... ${os_host} ${os_username} ${os_password}
... print_string=\#
rqprint_timen The operating system is now communicating.
Get Power State
[Documentation] Returns the power state as an integer. Either 0 or 1.
[Arguments] ${quiet}=${QUIET}
# Description of argument(s):
# quiet Indicates whether this keyword should run without any output to
# the console.
@{arglist}= Create List
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/chassis0/ getPowerState
... data=${args} quiet=${quiet}
Should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${content}= to json ${resp.content}
[Return] ${content["data"]}
Clear BMC Gard Record
[Documentation] Clear gard records from the system.
@{arglist}= Create List
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method
... ${OPENPOWER_CONTROL}gard Reset data=${args}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Copy PNOR to BMC
[Documentation] Copy the PNOR image to the BMC.
Import Library SCPLibrary WITH NAME scp
Open Connection for SCP
Log Copying ${PNOR_IMAGE_PATH} to /tmp
scp.Put File ${PNOR_IMAGE_PATH} /tmp
Flash PNOR
[Documentation] Calls flash bios update method to flash PNOR image
[Arguments] ${pnor_image}
# Description of argument(s):
# pnor_image The filename and path of the PNOR image
# (e.g. "/home/image/zaius.pnor").
@{arglist}= Create List ${pnor_image}
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method /org/openbmc/control/flash/bios/ update
... data=${args}
should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 10 sec Is PNOR Flashing
Get Flash BIOS Status
[Documentation] Returns the status of the flash BIOS API as a string. For
... example 'Flashing', 'Flash Done', etc
${data}= Read Properties /org/openbmc/control/flash/bios
[Return] ${data['status']}
Is PNOR Flashing
[Documentation] Get BIOS 'Flashing' status. This indicates that PNOR
... flashing has started.
${status}= Get Flash BIOS Status
Should Contain ${status} Flashing
Is PNOR Flash Done
[Documentation] Get BIOS 'Flash Done' status. This indicates that the
... PNOR flashing has completed.
${status}= Get Flash BIOS Status
should be equal as strings ${status} Flash Done
Is OS Starting
[Documentation] Check if boot progress is OS starting.
${boot_progress}= Get Boot Progress
Should Be Equal ${boot_progress} OSStart
Is OS Off
[Documentation] Check if boot progress is "Off".
${boot_progress}= Get Boot Progress
Should Be Equal ${boot_progress} Off
Get Boot Progress To OS Starting State
[Documentation] Get the system to a boot progress state of 'FW Progress,
... Starting OS'.
${boot_progress}= Get Boot Progress
Run Keyword If '${boot_progress}' == 'OSStart'
... Log Host is already in OS starting state
... ELSE
... Run Keywords Initiate Host PowerOff AND Initiate Host Boot
... AND Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 min 10 sec Is OS Starting
Verify Ping and REST Authentication
[Documentation] Verify ping and rest authentication.
${l_ping}= Run Keyword And Return Status
... Ping Host ${OPENBMC_HOST}
Run Keyword If '${l_ping}' == '${False}'
... Fail msg=Ping Failed
${l_rest}= Run Keyword And Return Status
... Initialize OpenBMC
Run Keyword If '${l_rest}' == '${False}'
... Fail msg=REST Authentication Failed
# Just to make sure the SSH is working for SCP
Open Connection And Log In
${system} ${stderr}= Execute Command hostname return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Check If BMC is Up
[Documentation] Wait for Host to be online. Checks every X seconds
... interval for Y minutes and fails if timed out.
... Default MAX timedout is 10 min, interval 10 seconds.
[Arguments] ${max_timeout}=${OPENBMC_REBOOT_TIMEOUT} min
... ${interval}=10 sec
# Description of argument(s):
# max_timeout Maximum time to wait.
# This should be expressed in Robot Framework's time format
# (e.g. "10 minutes").
# interfal Interval to wait between status checks.
# This should be expressed in Robot Framework's time format
# (e.g. "5 seconds").
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
... ${max_timeout} ${interval} Verify Ping and REST Authentication
Check If warmReset is Initiated
[Documentation] Ping would be still alive, so try SSH to connect
... if fails the ports are down indicating reboot
... is in progress
# Warm reset adds 3 seconds delay before forcing reboot
# To minimize race conditions, we wait for 7 seconds
Sleep 7s
${alive}= Run Keyword and Return Status
... Open Connection And Log In
Return From Keyword If '${alive}' == '${False}' ${False}
[Return] ${True}
Flush REST Sessions
[Documentation] Removes all the active session objects
Delete All Sessions
Initialize DBUS cmd
[Documentation] Initialize dbus string with property string to extract
[Arguments] ${boot_property}
# Description of argument(s):
# boot_property Property string.
${cmd}= Catenate ${dbuscmdBase} ${dbuscmdGet} ${dbuscmdString}
${cmd}= Catenate ${cmd}${boot_property}
Set Global Variable ${dbuscmd} ${cmd}
Create OS Console File Path
[Documentation] Create OS console file path name and return it.
[Arguments] ${log_file_path}=${EMPTY}
# Description of arguments:
# file_path The caller's candidate value. If this value is ${EMPTY}, this
# keyword will compose a file path name. Otherwise, this
# keyword will use the caller's file_path value. In either
# case, the value will be returned.
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Variable Should Exist ${TEST_NAME}
${default_file_path}= Set Variable If ${status} == ${TRUE}
... /tmp/${OPENBMC_HOST}_${TEST_NAME.replace(' ', '')}_os_console.txt
... /tmp/${OPENBMC_HOST}_os_console.txt
${log_file_path}= Set Variable If '${log_file_path}' == '${EMPTY}'
... ${default_file_path} ${log_file_path}
[Return] ${log_file_path}
Create OS Console Command String
[Documentation] Return a command string to start OS console logging.
# First make sure that the ssh_pw program is available.
${cmd}= Catenate which ssh_pw 2>/dev/null || find
... ${EXECDIR} -name 'ssh_pw'
Rdpissuing ${cmd}
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output ${cmd}
Rdpvars rc output
Should Be Equal As Integers 0 ${rc} msg=Could not find ssh_pw.
${ssh_pw_file_path}= Set Variable ${output}
${cmd}= Catenate ${ssh_pw_file_path} ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} -p 2200
... -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}@${OPENBMC_HOST}
[Return] ${cmd}
Get SOL Console Pid
[Documentation] Get the pid of the active SOL console job.
[Arguments] ${expect_running}=${0}
# Description of argument(s):
# expect_running If set and if no SOL console job is found, print debug
# info and fail.
# Find the pid of the active system console logging session (if any).
${search_string}= Create OS Console Command String
# At least in some cases, ps output does not show double quotes so we must
# replace them in our search string with the regexes to indicate that they
# are optional.
${search_string}= Replace String ${search_string} " ["]?
${ps_cmd}= Catenate ps axwwo user,pid,cmd
${cmd_buf}= Catenate echo $(${ps_cmd} | egrep '${search_string}' |
... egrep -v grep | cut -c10-14)
Rdpissuing ${cmd_buf}
${rc} ${os_con_pid}= Run And Return Rc And Output ${cmd_buf}
Rdpvars os_con_pid
# If rc is not zero it just means that there is no OS Console process
# running.
Return From Keyword If '${os_con_pid}' != '${EMPTY}' ${os_con_pid}
Return From Keyword If '${expect_running}' == '${0}' ${os_con_pid}
Cmd Fnc cat ${log_file_path} ; echo ; ${ps_cmd} quiet=${0}
... print_output=${1} show_err=${1}
Should Not Be Empty ${os_con_pid}
Stop SOL Console Logging
[Documentation] Stop system console logging and return log output.
[Arguments] ${log_file_path}=${EMPTY}
... ${targ_file_path}=${EXECDIR}${/}logs${/}
... ${return_data}=${1}
# If there are muliple system console processes, they will all be stopped.
# If there is no existing log file this keyword will return an error
# message to that effect (and write that message to targ_file_path, if
# specified).
# NOTE: This keyword will not fail if there is no running system console
# process.
# Description of arguments:
# log_file_path The file path that was used to call "Start SOL
# Console Logging". See that keyword (above) for details.
# targ_file_path If specified, the file path to which the source
# file path (i.e. "log_file_path") should be copied.
# return_data If this is set to ${1}, this keyword will return the SOL
# data to the caller as a unicode string.
${log_file_path}= Create OS Console File Path ${log_file_path}
${os_con_pid}= Get SOL Console Pid
${cmd_buf}= Catenate kill -9 ${os_con_pid}
Run Keyword If '${os_con_pid}' != '${EMPTY}' Rdpissuing ${cmd_buf}
${rc} ${output}= Run Keyword If '${os_con_pid}' != '${EMPTY}'
... Run And Return Rc And Output ${cmd_buf}
Run Keyword If '${os_con_pid}' != '${EMPTY}' Rdpvars rc output
Run Keyword If '${targ_file_path}' != '${EMPTY}'
... Run Keyword And Ignore Error
... Copy File ${log_file_path} ${targ_file_path}
${output}= Set Variable ${EMPTY}
${loc_quiet}= Evaluate ${debug}^1
${rc} ${output}= Run Keyword If '${return_data}' == '${1}'
... Cmd Fnc cat ${log_file_path} 2>/dev/null quiet=${loc_quiet}
... print_output=${0} show_err=${0}
[Return] ${output}
Start SOL Console Logging
[Documentation] Start system console log to file.
[Arguments] ${log_file_path}=${EMPTY} ${return_data}=${1}
# This keyword will first call "Stop SOL Console Logging". Only then will
# it start SOL console logging. The data returned by "Stop SOL Console
# Logging" will in turn be returned by this keyword.
# Description of arguments:
# log_file_path The file path to which system console log data should be
# written. Note that this path is taken to be a location
# on the machine where this program is running rather than
# on the Open BMC system.
# return_data If this is set to ${1}, this keyword will return any SOL
# data to the caller as a unicode string.
${log_file_path}= Create OS Console File Path ${log_file_path}
${log_output}= Stop SOL Console Logging ${log_file_path}
... return_data=${return_data}
# Validate by making sure we can create the file. Problems creating the
# file would not be noticed by the subsequent ssh command because we fork
# the command.
Create File ${log_file_path}
${sub_cmd_buf}= Create OS Console Command String
# Routing stderr to stdout so that any startup error text will go to the
# output file.
# TODO: Doesn't work with tox so reverting temporarily.
# nohup detaches the process completely from our pty.
#${cmd_buf}= Catenate nohup ${sub_cmd_buf} &> ${log_file_path} &
${cmd_buf}= Catenate ${sub_cmd_buf} > ${log_file_path} 2>&1 &
Rdpissuing ${cmd_buf}
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output ${cmd_buf}
# Because we are forking this command, we essentially will never get a
# non-zero return code or any output.
Should Be Equal ${rc} ${0}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 seconds 0 seconds
... Get SOL Console Pid ${1}
[Return] ${log_output}
Get Time Stamp
[Documentation] Get the current time stamp data
${cur_time}= Get Current Date result_format=%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f
[Return] ${cur_time}
Start Journal Log
[Documentation] Start capturing journal log to a file in /tmp using
... journalctl command. By default journal log is collected
... at /tmp/journal_log else user input location.
... The File is appended with datetime.
[Arguments] ${file_path}=/tmp/journal_log ${filter}=${EMPTY}
# Description of arguments:
# file_path The file path of the journal file.
${cur_time}= Get Time Stamp
Set Global Variable ${LOG_TIME} ${cur_time}
Open Connection And Log In
Start Command
... journalctl -f ${filter} > ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}
Log Journal Log Started: ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}
Stop Journal Log
[Documentation] Stop journalctl process if its running.
... By default return log from /tmp/journal_log else
... user input location.
[Arguments] ${file_path}=/tmp/journal_log
# Description of arguments:
# file_path The file path of the journal file.
Open Connection And Log In
... Execute Command
... ps | grep journalctl | grep -v grep
... return_stdout=False return_rc=True
Return From Keyword If '${rc}' == '${1}'
... No journal log process running
${output} ${stderr}=
... Execute Command killall journalctl
... return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
${journal_log} ${stderr}=
... Execute Command
... cat ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}
... return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Log ${journal_log}
Execute Command rm ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}
[Return] ${journal_log}
Mac Address To Hex String
[Documentation] Converts MAC address into hex format.
... Example
... Given the following MAC: 00:01:6C:80:02:78
... This keyword will return: 0x00 0x01 0x6C 0x80 0x02 0x78
... Description of arguments:
... i_macaddress MAC address in the following format
... 00:01:6C:80:02:78
[Arguments] ${i_macaddress}
# Description of arguments:
# i_macaddress The MAC address.
${mac_hex}= Catenate 0x${i_macaddress.replace(':', ' 0x')}
[Return] ${mac_hex}
IP Address To Hex String
[Documentation] Converts IP address into hex format.
... Example:
... Given the following IP:
... This keyword will return: 0xa 0x3 0xa4 0xa0
[Arguments] ${i_ipaddress}
# Description of arguments:
# i_macaddress The IP address in the format
@{ip}= Split String ${i_ipaddress} .
${index}= Set Variable ${0}
:FOR ${item} IN @{ip}
\ ${hex}= Convert To Hex ${item} prefix=0x lowercase=yes
\ Set List Value ${ip} ${index} ${hex}
\ ${index}= Set Variable ${index + 1}
${ip_hex}= Catenate @{ip}
[Return] ${ip_hex}
BMC CPU Performance Check
[Documentation] Minimal 10% of proc should be free in this instance
${bmc_cpu_usage_output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... ${bmc_cpu_usage_cmd}
${bmc_cpu_usage_output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... ${bmc_cpu_usage_cmd}
${bmc_cpu_percentage}= Fetch From Left ${bmc_cpu_usage_output} %
Should be true ${bmc_cpu_percentage} < 90
BMC Mem Performance Check
[Documentation] Minimal 10% of memory should be free in this instance
${bmc_mem_free_output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... ${bmc_mem_free_cmd}
${bmc_mem_total_output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... ${bmc_mem_total_cmd}
${bmc_mem_free_output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... ${bmc_mem_free_cmd}
${bmc_mem_total_output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... ${bmc_mem_total_cmd}
${bmc_mem_percentage}= Evaluate ${bmc_mem_free_output}*100
${bmc_mem_percentage}= Evaluate
... ${bmc_mem_percentage}/${bmc_mem_total_output}
Should be true ${bmc_mem_percentage} > 10
BMC File System Usage Check
[Documentation] Check the file system space. 4 file system should be
... 100% full which is expected
# Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
# /dev/root 14.4M 14.4M 0 100% /
# /dev/ubiblock0_0 14.4M 14.4M 0 100% /media/rofs-c9249b0e
# /dev/ubiblock8_0 19.6M 19.6M 0 100% /media/pnor-ro-8764baa3
# /dev/ubiblock4_0 14.4M 14.4M 0 100% /media/rofs-407816c
# /dev/ubiblock8_4 21.1M 21.1M 0 100% /media/pnor-ro-cecc64c4
${bmc_fs_usage_output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... ${bmc_file_system_usage_cmd}
${bmc_pnor_fs_usage_output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... ${total_pnor_ro_file_system_cmd}
${bmc_bmc_fs_usage_output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... ${total_bmc_ro_file_system_cmd}
${total_bmc_pnor_image}= Evaluate
... ${bmc_pnor_fs_usage_output}+${bmc_bmc_fs_usage_output}
# Considering /dev/root also in total 100% used file system
${total_full_fs}= Evaluate ${total_bmc_pnor_image}+1
Should Be True ${bmc_fs_usage_output}==${total_full_fs}
Check BMC CPU Performance
[Documentation] Minimal 10% of proc should be free in 3 sample
:FOR ${var} IN Range 1 4
\ BMC CPU Performance check
Check BMC Mem Performance
[Documentation] Minimal 10% of memory should be free
:FOR ${var} IN Range 1 4
\ BMC Mem Performance check
Check BMC File System Performance
[Documentation] Check for file system usage for 4 times
:FOR ${var} IN Range 1 4
\ BMC File System Usage check
Get URL List
[Documentation] Return list of URLs under given URL.
[Arguments] ${openbmc_url}
# Description of argument(s):
# openbmc_url URL for list operation (e.g.
# /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory).
${url_list}= Read Properties ${openbmc_url}/list quiet=${1}
Sort List ${url_list}
[Return] ${url_list}
Get Endpoint Paths
[Documentation] Returns all url paths ending with given endpoint
... Example:
... Given the following endpoint: cpu
... This keyword will return: list of all urls ending with
... cpu -
... /org/openbmc/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0,
... /org/openbmc/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1
[Arguments] ${path} ${endpoint}
# Description of arguments:
# path URL path for enumeration.
# endpoint Endpoint string (url path ending).
${resp}= Read Properties ${path}/enumerate timeout=30
Log Dictionary ${resp}
${list}= Get Dictionary Keys ${resp}
# For a given string, look for prefix and suffix for matching expression.
# Start of string followed by zero or more of any character followed by
# any digit or lower case character.
${resp}= Get Matches ${list} regexp=^.*[0-9a-z_].${endpoint}[0-9a-z]*$
[Return] ${resp}
Check Zombie Process
[Documentation] Check if any defunct process exist or not on BMC
${count} ${stderr} ${rc}= Execute Command ps -o stat | grep Z | wc -l
... return_stderr=True return_rc=True
Should Be True ${count}==0
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Prune Journal Log
[Documentation] Prune archived journal logs.
[Arguments] ${vacuum_size}=1M
# This keyword can be used to prevent the journal
# log from filling up the /run filesystem.
# This command will retain only the latest logs
# of the user specified size.
# Description of argument(s):
# vacuum_size Size of journal.
Open Connection And Log In
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}=
... Execute Command
... journalctl --vacuum-size=${vacuum_size}
... return_stderr=True return_rc=True
Should Be Equal ${rc} ${0} msg=${stderr}
Set BMC Power Policy
[Documentation] Set the given BMC power policy.
[Arguments] ${policy}
# Note that this function will translate the old style "RESTORE_LAST_STATE"
# policy to the new style "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Power.RestorePolicy.
# Policy.Restore" for you.
# Description of argument(s):
# policy Power restore policy (e.g "RESTORE_LAST_STATE",
# Set the bmc_power_policy_method to either 'Old' or 'New'.
Set Power Policy Method
# This translation helps bridge between old and new method for calling.
${policy}= Translate Power Policy Value ${policy}
# Run the appropriate keyword.
Run Key ${bmc_power_policy_method} Set Power Policy \ ${policy}
${currentPolicy}= Get System Power Policy
Should Be Equal ${currentPolicy} ${policy}
New Set Power Policy
[Documentation] Set the given BMC power policy (new method).
[Arguments] ${policy}
# Description of argument(s):
# policy Power restore policy (e.g. ${ALWAYS_POWER_OFF}).
${valueDict}= Create Dictionary data=${policy}
Write Attribute
... ${POWER_RESTORE_URI} PowerRestorePolicy data=${valueDict}
Old Set Power Policy
[Documentation] Set the given BMC power policy (old method).
[Arguments] ${policy}
# Description of argument(s):
# policy Power restore policy (e.g. "ALWAYS_POWER_OFF").
${valueDict}= create dictionary data=${policy}
Write Attribute ${HOST_SETTING} power_policy data=${valueDict}
Get System Power Policy
[Documentation] Returns the BMC power policy.
# Set the bmc_power_policy_method to either 'Old' or 'New'.
Set Power Policy Method
${cmd_buf}= Create List ${bmc_power_policy_method} Get Power Policy
# Run the appropriate keyword.
${currentPolicy}= Run Keyword @{cmd_buf}
[Return] ${currentPolicy}
New Get Power Policy
[Documentation] Returns the BMC power policy (new method).
${currentPolicy}= Read Attribute ${POWER_RESTORE_URI} PowerRestorePolicy
[Return] ${currentPolicy}
Old Get Power Policy
[Documentation] Returns the BMC power policy (old method).
${currentPolicy}= Read Attribute ${HOST_SETTING} power_policy
[Return] ${currentPolicy}
Get Auto Reboot
[Documentation] Returns auto reboot setting.
${setting}= Read Attribute ${CONTROL_HOST_URI}/auto_reboot AutoReboot
[Return] ${setting}
Set Auto Reboot
[Documentation] Set the given auto reboot setting.
[Arguments] ${setting}
# Description of argument(s):
# setting The reboot setting, 1 for enabling and 0 for disabling.
${valueDict}= Set Variable ${setting}
${data}= Create Dictionary data=${valueDict}
Write Attribute ${CONTROL_HOST_URI}/auto_reboot AutoReboot data=${data}
${current_setting}= Get Auto Reboot
Should Be Equal As Integers ${current_setting} ${setting}
Set BMC Reset Reference Time
[Documentation] Set current boot time as a reference and increment
... boot count.
${cur_btime}= Get BMC Boot Time
Run Keyword If ${BOOT_TIME} == ${0} and ${BOOT_COUNT} == ${0}
... Set Global Variable ${BOOT_TIME} ${cur_btime}
... ELSE IF ${cur_btime} > ${BOOT_TIME}
... Run Keywords Set Global Variable ${BOOT_TIME} ${cur_btime}
... AND
... Set Global Variable ${BOOT_COUNT} ${BOOT_COUNT + 1}
Get BMC Boot Time
[Documentation] Returns boot time from /proc/stat.
Open Connection And Log In
${output} ${stderr}=
... Execute Command egrep '^btime ' /proc/stat | cut -f 2 -d ' '
... return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
${btime}= Convert To Integer ${output}
[Return] ${btime}
Enable Core Dump On BMC
[Documentation] Enable core dump collection.
${core_pattern} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... echo '/tmp/core_%e.%p' | tee /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
Should Be Equal As Strings ${core_pattern} /tmp/core_%e.%p
Get Number Of BMC Core Dump Files
[Documentation] Returns number of core dump files on BMC.
Open Connection And Log In
${num_of_core_dump}= Execute Command
... ls /tmp/core* 2>/dev/null | wc -l
[Return] ${num_of_core_dump}
Set Core Dump File Size Unlimited
[Documentation] Set core dump file size to unlimited.
BMC Execute Command ulimit -c unlimited
Check For Core Dumps
[Documentation] Check for any core dumps exist.
${output}= Get Number Of BMC Core Dump Files
Run Keyword If ${output} > 0
... Log **Warning** BMC core dump files exist level=WARN
Trigger Host Watchdog Error
[Documentation] Inject host watchdog timeout error via REST.
[Arguments] ${milliseconds}=1000 ${sleep_time}=5s
# Description of argument(s):
# milliseconds The time watchdog timer value in milliseconds (e.g. 1000 =
# 1 second).
# sleep_time Time delay for host watchdog error to get injected.
# Default is 5 seconds.
${data}= Create Dictionary
... data=xyz.openbmc_project.State.Watchdog.Action.PowerCycle
${status} ${result}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error
... Read Attribute ${HOST_WATCHDOG_URI} ExpireAction
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS'
... Write Attribute ${HOST_WATCHDOG_URI} ExpireAction data=${data}
${data}= Create Dictionary data=${milliseconds}
Write Attribute ${HOST_WATCHDOG_URI} Interval data=${data}
${data}= Create Dictionary data=${True}
Write Attribute ${HOST_WATCHDOG_URI} Enabled data=${data}
Sleep ${sleep_time}
Login To OS Host
[Documentation] Login to OS Host and return the Login response code.
[Arguments] ${os_host}=${OS_HOST} ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
... ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD}
# Description of arguments:
# ${os_host} IP address of the OS Host.
# ${os_username} OS Host Login user name.
# ${os_password} OS Host Login passwrd.
REST Power On stack_mode=skip quiet=1
SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${os_host}
${resp}= Login ${os_username} ${os_password}
[Return] ${resp}
Configure Initial Settings
[Documentation] Restore old IP and route.
... This keyword requires initial settings viz IP address,
... Network Mask, default gatway and serial console IP and port
... information which should be provided in command line.
[Arguments] ${host}=${OPENBMC_HOST} ${mask}=${NET_MASK}
... ${gw_ip}=${GW_IP}
# Description of arguments:
# host IP address of the OS Host.
# mask Network mask.
# gu_ip Gateway IP address or hostname.
# Open telnet connection and ignore the error, in case telnet session is
# already opened by the program calling this keyword.
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Open Telnet Connection to BMC Serial Console
Telnet.write ifconfig eth0 ${host} netmask ${mask}
Telnet.write route add default gw ${gw_ip}
Install Debug Tarball On BMC
[Documentation] Copy the debug tar file to BMC and install.
[Arguments] ${tarball_file_path}=${default_tarball}
... ${targ_tarball_dir_path}=/tmp/tarball/
# Description of arguments:
# tarball_file_path Path of the debug tarball file.
# The tar file is downloaded from the build page
# obmc-phosphor-debug-tarball-witherspoon.tar.xz
# targ_tarball_dir_path The directory path where the tarball is to be
# installed.
OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${tarball_file_path}
... msg=${tarball_file_path} doesn't exist.
# Upload the file to BMC.
Import Library SCPLibrary WITH NAME scp
Open Connection for SCP
scp.Put File ${tarball_file_path} /tmp/debug-tarball.tar.xz
# Create tarball directory and install.
BMC Execute Command mkdir -p ${targ_tarball_dir_path}
BMC Execute Command
... tar -xf /tmp/debug-tarball.tar.xz -C ${targ_tarball_dir_path}
# Remove the tarball file from BMC.
BMC Execute Command rm -f /tmp/debug-tarball.tar.xz
Get BMC Boot Count
[Documentation] Returns BMC boot count based on boot time.
${cur_btime}= Get BMC Boot Time
# Set global variable BOOT_TIME to current boot time if current boot time
# is changed. Also increase value of global variable BOOT_COUNT by 1.
Run Keyword If ${cur_btime} > ${BOOT_TIME}
... Run Keywords Set Global Variable ${BOOT_TIME} ${cur_btime}
... AND
... Set Global Variable ${BOOT_COUNT} ${BOOT_COUNT + 1}
[Return] ${BOOT_COUNT}
Set BMC Boot Count
[Documentation] Set BMC boot count to given value.
[Arguments] ${count}
# Description of arguments:
# count boot count value.
${cur_btime}= Get BMC Boot Time
# Set global variable BOOT_COUNT to given value.
Set Global Variable ${BOOT_COUNT} ${count}
# Set BOOT_TIME variable to current boot time.
Set Global Variable ${BOOT_COUNT} ${count}
Get System LED State
[Documentation] Return the state of given system LED.
[Arguments] ${led_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# led_name System LED name (e.g. heartbeat, identify, beep).
${state}= Read Attribute ${LED_PHYSICAL_URI}${led_name} State
[Return] ${state.rsplit('.', 1)[1]}
Set System LED State
[Documentation] Set given system LED via REST.
[Arguments] ${led_name} ${led_state}
# Description of argument(s):
# led_name System LED name (e.g. heartbeat, identify, beep).
# led_state LED state to be set (e.g. On, Off).
${args}= Create Dictionary
... data=xyz.openbmc_project.Led.Physical.Action.${led_state}
Write Attribute ${LED_PHYSICAL_URI}${led_name} State data=${args}
Verify LED State ${led_name} ${led_state}
Verify LED State
[Documentation] Checks if LED is in given state.
[Arguments] ${led_name} ${led_state}
# Description of argument(s):
# led_name System LED name (e.g. heartbeat, identify, beep).
# led_state LED state to be verified (e.g. On, Off).
${state}= Get System LED State ${led_name}
Should Be Equal ${state} ${led_state}
Get LED State XYZ
[Documentation] Returns state of given LED.
[Arguments] ${led_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# led_name Name of LED.
${state}= Read Attribute ${LED_GROUPS_URI}${led_name} Asserted
# Returns the state of the LED, either On or Off.
[Return] ${state}
Delete Error Logs
[Documentation] Delete error logs.
# Check if error logs entries exist, if not return.
${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${BMC_LOGGING_ENTRY}${/}list quiet=${1}
Return From Keyword If ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}
# Get the list of error logs entries and delete them all.
${elog_entries}= Get URL List ${BMC_LOGGING_ENTRY}
:FOR ${entry} IN @{elog_entries}
\ Delete Error Log Entry ${entry}
Delete Error Log Entry
[Documentation] Delete error log entry.
[Arguments] ${entry_path}
# Description of argument(s):
# entry_path Delete an error log entry.
# Ex. /xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/1
# Skip delete if entry URI is a callout.
# Examples:
# /xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/1/callout
# /xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/1/callouts/0
${callout_entry}= Run Keyword And Return Status
... Should Match Regexp ${entry_path} /callout[s]?(/|$)
Return From Keyword If ${callout_entry}
${data}= Create Dictionary data=@{EMPTY}
${resp}= Openbmc Delete Request ${entry_path} data=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Delete All Error Logs
[Documentation] Delete all error log entries using "DeleteAll" interface.
${data}= Create Dictionary data=@{EMPTY}
${resp}= Openbmc Post Request ${BMC_LOGGING_URI}action/DeleteAll
... data=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Get BMC Version
[Documentation] Returns BMC version from /etc/os-release.
... e.g. "v1.99.6-141-ge662190"
${cmd}= Set Variable grep ^VERSION_ID= /etc/os-release | cut -f 2 -d '='
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command ${cmd}
[Return] ${output}
Get PNOR Version
[Documentation] Returns the PNOR version from the BMC.
${pnor_attrs}= Get PNOR Attributes
[Return] ${pnor_attrs['version']}
Get PNOR Attributes
[Documentation] Return PNOR software attributes as a dictionary.
# This keyword parses /var/lib/phosphor-software-manager/pnor/ro/pnor.toc
# into key/value pairs.
${outbuf} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... cat /var/lib/phosphor-software-manager/pnor/ro/pnor.toc
${pnor_attrs}= Key Value Outbuf To Dict ${outbuf} delim==
[Return] ${pnor_attrs}
Get Elog URL List
[Documentation] Return error log entry list of URLs.
${url_list}= Read Properties /xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/
Sort List ${url_list}
[Return] ${url_list}
Read Turbo Setting Via REST
[Documentation] Return turbo setting via REST.
# Returns 1 if TurboAllowed, 0 if not.
${turbo_setting}= Read Attribute
... ${CONTROL_HOST_URI}turbo_allowed TurboAllowed
[Return] ${turbo_setting}
Set Turbo Setting Via REST
[Documentation] Set turbo setting via REST.
[Arguments] ${setting} ${verify}=${False}
# Description of argument(s):
# setting State to set TurboAllowed, 1=allowed, 0=not allowed.
# verify If True, read the TurboAllowed setting to confirm.
${data}= Create Dictionary data=${${setting}}
Write Attribute ${CONTROL_HOST_URI}turbo_allowed TurboAllowed
... verify=${verify} data=${data}
Set Control Boot Mode
[Documentation] Set given boot mode on the boot object path attribute.
[Arguments] ${boot_path} ${boot_mode}
# Description of argument(s):
# boot_path Boot object path.
# Example:
# /xyz/openbmc_project/control/host0/boot
# /xyz/openbmc_project/control/host0/boot/one_time
# boot_mode Boot mode which need to be set.
# Example:
# "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Boot.Mode.Modes.Regular"
${valueDict}= Create Dictionary data=${boot_mode}
Write Attribute ${boot_path} BootMode data=${valueDict}
Copy Address Translation Utils To HOST OS
[Documentation] Copy address translation utils to host OS.
OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${probe_cpu_tool_path}
... msg=${probe_cpu_tool_path} doesn't exist.
OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${probe_cpu_tool_path}
... msg=${probe_cpu_tool_path} doesn't exist.
scp.Open connection ${OS_HOST} username=${OS_USERNAME}
... password=${OS_PASSWORD}
scp.Put File ${probe_cpu_tool_path} ${target_file_path}
scp.Put File ${scom_addrs_tool_path} ${target_file_path}
Verify BMC RTC And UTC Time Drift
[Documentation] Verify that the RTC and UTC time difference is less than
... the given time_drift_max.
[Arguments] ${time_diff_max}=${10}
# Description of argument(s):
# time_diff_max The max allowable RTC and UTC time difference in seconds.
# Example:
# time_dict:
# [local_time]: Fri 2017-11-03 152756 UTC
# [local_time_seconds]: 1509740876
# [universal_time]: Fri 2017-11-03 152756 UTC
# [universal_time_seconds]: 1509740876
# [rtc_time]: Fri 2016-05-20 163403
# [rtc_time_seconds]: 1463780043
# [time_zone]: n/a (UTC, +0000)
# [network_time_on]: yes
# [ntp_synchronized]: no
# [rtc_in_local_tz]: no
${time}= Get BMC Date Time
${time_diff}= Evaluate
... ${time['universal_time_seconds']} - ${time['rtc_time_seconds']}
Should Be True ${time_diff} < ${time_diff_max}
Watchdog Object Should Exist
[Documentation] Check that watchdog object exists.
${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${WATCHDOG_URI}host0
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
... msg=Expected watchdog object does not exist.
Validate IP On BMC
[Documentation] Validate IP address is present in set of IP addresses.
[Arguments] ${ip_address} ${ip_data}
# Description of argument(s):
# ip_address IP address to check (e.g. xx.xx.xx.xx).
# ip_data Set of the IP addresses present.
Should Contain Match ${ip_data} ${ip_address}/*
... msg=${ip_address} not found in the list provided.
Remove Journald Logs
[Documentation] Remove all journald logs and restart service.
${cmd}= Catenate systemctl stop systemd-journald.service &&
... rm -rf /var/log/journal && systemctl start systemd-journald.service
BMC Execute Command ${cmd}
Verify Identify LED State
[Documentation] Verify the identify LED state
... matches caller's expectations.
[Arguments] ${expected_state}
# Description of argument(s):
# expected_state The LED state expected by the caller ("Blink" or "Off").
${resp}= Read Attribute ${LED_PHYSICAL_URI}/front_id State
Should Be Equal ${resp}
... xyz.openbmc_project.Led.Physical.Action.${expected_state}
... msg=Unexpected LED state.
${resp}= Read Attribute ${LED_PHYSICAL_URI}/rear_id State
Should Be Equal ${resp}
... xyz.openbmc_project.Led.Physical.Action.${expected_state}
... msg=Unexpected LED state.
Verify The Attribute
[Documentation] Verify the given attribute.
[Arguments] ${uri} ${attribute_name} ${attribute_value}
# Description of argument(s):
# uri URI path
# (e.g. "/xyz/openbmc_project/control/host0/TPMEnable").
# attribute_name Name of attribute to be verified (e.g. "TPMEnable").
# attribute_value The expected value of attribute (e.g. "1", "0", etc.)
${output}= Read Attribute ${uri} ${attribute_name}
Should Be Equal ${attribute_value} ${output}
... msg=Attribute "${attribute_name} does not have the expected value.
Get BMC Flash Chip Boot Side
[Documentation] Return the BMC flash chip boot side.
# Example:
# 0 - indicates chip select is current side.
# 32 - indicates chip select is alternate side.
${boot_side} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... cat /sys/class/watchdog/watchdog1/bootstatus
[Return] ${boot_side}
Check For Regex In Journald
[Documentation] Parse the journal log and check for regex string.
[Arguments] ${regex}=${ERROR_REGEX} ${error_check}=${0} ${boot}=${EMPTY}
# Description of argument(s):
# regex Strings to be filter.
# error_check Check for errors.
# boot Argument to check current or persistent full boot log
# (e.g. "-b").
${journal_log} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... journalctl --no-pager ${boot} | egrep '${regex}' ignore_err=1
Run Keyword If ${error_check} == ${0}
... Should Be Empty ${journal_log}
... ELSE
... Should Not Be Empty ${journal_log}
Get Service Attribute
[Documentation] Get service attribute policy output.
[Arguments] ${option} ${servicename}
# Description of argument(s):
# option systemctl supported options
# servicename Qualified service name
${cmd}= Set Variable
... systemctl -p ${option} show ${servicename} | cut -d = -f2
${attr} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command ${cmd}
[Return] ${attr}
Set REST Logging Policy
[Documentation] Enable or disable REST logging setting.
[Arguments] ${policy_setting}=${True}
# Description of argument(s):
# policy_setting The policy setting value which can be either True or False.
${log_dict}= Create Dictionary data=${policy_setting}
Write Attribute ${BMC_LOGGING_URI}${/}rest_api_logs Enabled
... data=${log_dict} verify=${1} expected_value=${policy_setting}
Update Root Password
[Documentation] Update system "root" user password.
[Arguments] ${openbmc_password}=${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}
# Description of argument(s):
# openbmc_password The root password for the open BMC system.
@{password} = Create List ${openbmc_password}
${data} = Create Dictionary data=@{password}
${headers} = Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json
${resp} = Post Request openbmc ${BMC_USER_URI}root/action/SetPassword
... data=${data} headers=${headers}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
... msg=Updating the new root password failed, RC=${resp.status_code}.