blob: 00e71455131950762a8488a06dd5683eda2cf143 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Module for capturing BMC serial output
Library Telnet newline=LF
Library OperatingSystem
Library Collections
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
Open Telnet Connection to BMC Serial Console
[Documentation] Open telnet connection session to BMC serial console
... The login prompt expected, for example, for barreleye
... is "barreleye login:"
[Arguments] ${i_host}=${OPENBMC_SERIAL_HOST}
... ${i_port}=${OPENBMC_SERIAL_PORT}
... ${i_model}=${OPENBMC_MODEL}
Run Keyword If
... '${i_host}' != '${EMPTY}' and '${i_port}' != '${EMPTY}' and '${i_model}' != '${EMPTY}'
... Establish Telnet Session on BMC Serial Console
... ELSE Fail msg=One of the paramaters is EMPTY
Establish Telnet Session on BMC Serial Console
[Documentation] Establish telnet session and set timeout to 30 mins
... 30 secs.
${prompt_string} Set Variable ${OPENBMC_MODEL} login:
Telnet.Open Connection
Set Newline \n
Set Newline CRLF
Telnet.Write \n
... login_prompt=${prompt_string} password_prompt=Password:
Telnet.Set Timeout 30 minute 30 seconds
Read and Log BMC Serial Console Output
[Documentation] Reads everything that is currently available
... in the output.
${bmc_serial_log}= Telnet.Read
Log ${bmc_serial_log}