blob: a362e5cc62b48c185af3c30d29c06430cc11adfc [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test upload image with both valid and invalid images.
... This test expects there to be bad image tarballs named
... pnor_bad_manifest.tar, pnor_no_image.tar,
... bmc_bad_manifest.tar, and bmc_no_image.tar on the TFTP
... server and in the BAD_IMAGES_DIR_PATH directory.
... Execution Method :
... python -m robot -v OPENBMC_HOST:<hostname>
... -v TFTP_SERVER:<TFTP server IP>
... -v TFTP_FILE_NAME:<filename.tar>
... -v IMAGE_FILE_PATH:<path/*.tar>
... -v BAD_IMAGES_DIR_PATH:<path> test_uploadimage.robot
Resource ../lib/connection_client.robot
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Library Collections
Library String
Library OperatingSystem
Test Teardown Upload Image Teardown
Force Tags Upload_Test
*** Variables ***
${timeout} 10
${upload_dir_path} /tmp/images/
${QUIET} ${1}
${image_version} ${EMPTY}
*** Test Cases ***
Upload PNOR Image Via REST
[Documentation] Upload an image via REST.
[Tags] Upload_PNOR_Image_Via_REST
OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
${image_data}= OperatingSystem.Get Binary File ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
Upload Image To BMC /upload/image data=${image_data}
${ret}= Verify Image Upload
Should Be True True == ${ret}
Upload PNOR Image Via TFTP
[Documentation] Upload an image via TFTP.
[Tags] Upload_PNOR_Image_Via_TFTP
@{image}= Create List ${TFTP_FILE_NAME} ${TFTP_SERVER}
${data}= Create Dictionary data=@{image}
${resp}= OpenBMC Post Request
... ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}/action/DownloadViaTFTP data=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Sleep 1 minute
${image_version}= Get Image Version From TFTP Server ${TFTP_FILE_NAME}
${ret}= Verify Image Upload
Should Be True True == ${ret}
Upload PNOR Image With Bad Manifest Via REST
# Image File Name
[Documentation] Upload a PNOR image with a bad MANIFEST via REST and
... verify that the BMC does not unpack it.
[Template] Upload Bad Image Via REST And Verify Failure
[Tags] Upload_PNOR_Image_With_Bad_Manifest_Via_REST
Upload PNOR Image With No Squashfs Via REST
# Image File Name
[Documentation] Upload a PNOR image with just a MANIFEST file via REST
... and verify that the BMC does not unpack it.
[Template] Upload Bad Image Via REST And Verify Failure
[Tags] Upload_PNOR_Image_With_No_Squashfs_Via_REST
Upload BMC Image With Bad Manifest Via REST
# Image File Name
[Documentation] Upload a BMC image with a bad MANFIEST file via REST and
... verify that the BMC does not unpack it.
[Template] Upload Bad Image Via REST And Verify Failure
[Tags] Upload_BMC_Image_With_Bad_Manifest_Via_REST
Upload BMC Image With No Image Via REST
# Image File Name
[Documentation] Upload a BMC image with no just a MANIFEST file via REST
... and verify that the BMC does not unpack it.
[Template] Upload Bad Image Via REST And Verify Failure
[Tags] Upload_BMC_Image_With_No_Image_Via_REST
Upload PNOR Image With Bad Manifest Via TFTP
# Image File Name
[Documentation] Upload a PNOR image with a bad MANIFEST file via TFTP and
... verify that the BMC does not unpack it.
[Template] Upload Bad Image Via TFTP And Verify Failure
[Tags] Upload_PNOR_Image_With_Bad_Manifest_Via_TFTP
Upload PNOR Image With No Squashfs Via TFTP
# Image File Name
[Documentation] Upload a PNOR image with just a MANIFEST file via TFTP and
... verify that the BMC does not unpack it.
[Template] Upload Bad Image Via TFTP And Verify Failure
[Tags] Upload_PNOR_Image_With_No_Squashfs_Via_TFTP
Upload BMC Image With Bad Manifest Via TFTP
# Image File Name
[Documentation] Upload a BMC image with a bad MANIFEST file via TFTP and
... verify that the BMC does not unpack it.
[Template] Upload Bad Image Via TFTP And Verify Failure
[Tags] Upload_BMC_Image_With_Bad_Manifest_Via_TFTP
Upload BMC Image With No Image Via TFTP
# Image File Name
[Documentation] Upload a BMC image with just a MANIFEST file via TFTP and
... verify that the BMC does not unpack it.
[Template] Upload Bad Image Via TFTP And Verify Failure
[Tags] Upload_BMC_Image_With_No_Image_Via_TFTP
*** Keywords ***
Upload Image Teardown
[Documentation] Log FFDC if test fails for debugging purposes.
Open Connection And Log In
Execute Command On BMC rm -rf /tmp/images/*
Close All Connections
FFDC On Test Case Fail
Upload Post Request
[Arguments] ${uri} ${timeout}=10 ${quiet}=${QUIET} &{kwargs}
# Description of argument(s):
# uri URI for uploading image via REST.
# timeout Time allocated for the REST command to return status.
# quiet If enabled turns off logging to console.
# kwargs A dictionary that maps each keyword to a value.
Initialize OpenBMC ${timeout} quiet=${quiet}
${base_uri}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${DBUS_PREFIX} ${uri}
${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/octet-stream
... Accept=application/octet-stream
Set To Dictionary ${kwargs} headers ${headers}
Run Keyword If '${quiet}' == '${0}' Log Request method=Post
... base_uri=${base_uri} args=&{kwargs}
${ret}= Post Request openbmc ${base_uri} &{kwargs} timeout=${timeout}
Run Keyword If '${quiet}' == '${0}' Log Response ${ret}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${ret.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Get Image Version From TFTP Server
[Documentation] Get the version dfound in the MANIFEST file of
... an image on the given TFTP server.
[Arguments] ${tftp_image_file_path}
# Description of argument(s):
# tftp_image_file_path The path to the image on the TFTP server.
${stripped_file_path}= Strip String ${tftp_image_file_path} characters=/
${rc}= OperatingSystem.Run And Return RC
... curl -s tftp://${TFTP_SERVER}/${stripped_file_path} > tftp_image.tar
Should Be Equal As Integers 0 ${rc}
... msg=Could not download image to check version.
${version}= Get Version Tar tftp_image.tar
OperatingSystem.Remove File tftp_image.tar
[Return] ${version}
Upload Bad Image Via REST And Verify Failure
[Documentation] Upload the given bad image to the BMC via REST and check
... that the BMC did not unpack the invalid image.
[Arguments] ${bad_image_file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# image_file_name The name of the bad image to upload via REST.
${bad_image_file_path}= OperatingSystem.Join Path ${BAD_IMAGES_DIR_PATH}
... ${bad_image_file_name}
OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${bad_image_file_path}
... msg=Bad image file ${bad_image_file_name} not found.
${bad_image_version}= Get Version Tar ${bad_image_file_path}
${bad_image_data}= OperatingSystem.Get Binary File ${bad_image_file_path}
Upload Post Request /upload/image data=${bad_image_data}
Verify Image Not In BMC Uploads Dir ${bad_image_version}
Upload Bad Image Via TFTP And Verify Failure
[Documentation] Upload the given bad image to the BMC via TFTP and check
... that the BMC did not unpack the invalid image.
[Arguments] ${bad_image_file_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# image_file_name The name of the bad image to upload via TFTP.
@{image}= Create List ${bad_image_file_name} ${TFTP_SERVER}
${data}= Create Dictionary data=@{image}
${resp}= OpenBMC Post Request
... ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}/action/DownloadViaTFTP data=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${bad_image_version}= Get Image Version From TFTP Server
... ${bad_image_file_name}
Verify Image Not In BMC Uploads Dir ${bad_image_version}