| Documentation BMC server health, check error logs. |
| # OPENBMC_HOST The BMC host name or IP address. |
| Resource ../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot |
| Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot |
| Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution |
| [Documentation] Check error logs with Redfish. |
| [Teardown] Redfish Test Teardown Execution |
| ${redfish_event_logs}= Get Event Logs |
| ${redfish_event_logs}= gen_robot_print.Sprint Vars redfish_event_logs |
| Set Suite Variable ${redfish_event_logs} |
| Log To Console \n\nEvent logs:${redfish_event_logs} |
| ${event_logs_flagged}= Get Event Logs Not Ok |
| ${event_logs_flagged}= gen_robot_print.Sprint Vars event_logs_flagged |
| Log To Console \n\nEvent logs flagged:${event_logs_flagged} |
| [Documentation] Do test suite setup tasks. |
| Log To Console ${OPENBMC_HOST} |
| Redfish Test Teardown Execution |
| [Documentation] Do the post test teardown for redfish. |
| FFDC On Test Case Fail clean_up=${FALSE} |