blob: 262486cb6257cc65e221f817f76adeed51325b5c [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Open power domain keywords.
Library ../data/
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
*** Keywords ***
Get OCC Objects
[Documentation] Get the OCC objects and return as a list.
# Example:
# {
# "/org/open_power/control/occ0": {
# "OccActive": 0
# },
# "/org/open_power/control/occ1": {
# "OccActive": 1
# }
${occ_list}= Get Endpoint Paths ${OPENBMC_POWER} occ*
[Return] ${occ_list}
Get OCC Active State
[Documentation] Get the OCC "OccActive" and return the attribute value.
[Arguments] ${occ_object}
# Description of argument(s):
# occ_object OCC object path.
# (e.g. "/org/open_power/control/occ0").
${occ_attribute}= Read Attribute ${occ_object} OccActive
[Return] ${occ_attribute}