blob: a77f96ec3f4a541f93ca26762c0ee4f5069fb888 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This suite tests Platform Event Log (PEL) functionality of OpenBMC.
Library ../../lib/
Variables ../../data/
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Test Setup Redfish.Login
Test Teardown Run Keywords Redfish.Logout AND FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Variables ***
${CMD_INTERNAL_FAILURE} busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging
... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure
... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error 0
*** Test Cases ***
Create Test PEL Log And Verify
[Documentation] Create PEL log using busctl command and verify via peltool.
[Tags] Create_Test_PEL_Log_And_Verify
Redfish Purge Event Log
Create Test PEL Log
${pel_id}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
Should Not Be Empty ${pel_id} msg=System PEL log entry is empty.
Verify PEL Log Details
[Documentation] Verify PEL log details via peltool.
[Tags] Verify_PEL_Log_Details
Redfish Purge Event Log
${bmc_time1}= CLI Get BMC DateTime
Create Test PEL Log
${bmc_time2}= CLI Get BMC DateTime
${pel_records}= Peltool -l
# Example output from 'Peltool -l':
# pel_records:
# [0x50000012]:
# [CreatorID]: BMC
# [CompID]: 0x1000
# [PLID]: 0x50000012
# [Subsystem]: BMC Firmware
# [Message]: An application had an internal failure
# [SRC]: BD8D1002
# [Commit Time]: 03/02/2020 09:35:15
# [Sev]: Unrecoverable Error
${ids}= Get Dictionary Keys ${pel_records}
${id}= Get From List ${ids} 0
@{pel_fields}= Create List CreatorID Subsystem Message Sev
FOR ${field} IN @{pel_fields}
Valid Value pel_records['${id}']['${field}'] ['${PEL_DETAILS['${field}']}']
Valid Value pel_records['${id}']['PLID'] ['${id}']
# Verify if "CompID" and "SRC" fields of PEL has alphanumeric value.
Should Match Regexp ${pel_records['${id}']['CompID']} [a-zA-Z0-9]
Should Match Regexp ${pel_records['${id}']['SRC']} [a-zA-Z0-9]
${pel_date_time}= Convert Date ${pel_records['${id}']['Commit Time']}
... date_format=%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S exclude_millis=yes
# Convert BMC and PEL time to epoch time before comparing.
${bmc_time1_epoch}= Convert Date ${bmc_time1} epoch
${pel_time_epoch}= Convert Date ${pel_date_time} epoch
${bmc_time2_epoch}= Convert Date ${bmc_time2} epoch
Should Be True ${bmc_time1_epoch} <= ${pel_time_epoch} <= ${bmc_time2_epoch}
Verify PEL Log Persistence After BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Verify PEL log persistence after BMC reboot.
[Tags] Verify_PEL_Log_Persistence_After_BMC_Reboot
Create Test PEL Log
${pel_before_reboot}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
Redfish OBMC Reboot (off)
${pel_after_reboot}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
List Should Contain Sub List ${pel_after_reboot} ${pel_before_reboot}
Verify PEL ID Numbering
[Documentation] Verify PEL ID numbering.
[Tags] Verify_PEL_ID_Numbering
Redfish Purge Event Log
Create Test PEL Log
Create Test PEL Log
${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
# Example of PEL IDs from PEL logs.
# [0x50000012]: <--- First PEL ID
# [CreatorID]: BMC
# [CompID]: 0x1000
# [PLID]: 0x50000012
# [Subsystem]: BMC Firmware
# [Message]: An application had an internal failure
# [SRC]: BD8D1002
# [Commit Time]: 03/02/2020 09:35:15
# [Sev]: Unrecoverable Error
# [0x50000013]: <--- Second PEL ID
# [CreatorID]: BMC
# [CompID]: 0x1000
# [PLID]: 0x50000013
# [Subsystem]: BMC Firmware
# [Message]: An application had an internal failure
# [SRC]: BD8D1002
# [Commit Time]: 03/02/2020 09:35:15
# [Sev]: Unrecoverable Error
Should Be True ${pel_ids[1]} == ${pel_ids[0]}+1
Verify Host Off State From PEL
[Documentation] Verify Host off state from PEL.
[Tags] Verify_Host_Off_State_From_PEL
Redfish Power Off stack_mode=skip
Create Test PEL Log
${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
${id}= Get From List ${pel_ids} -1
${pel_host_state}= Get PEL Field Value ${id} User Data HostState
Valid Value pel_host_state ['Off']
Verify BMC Version From PEL
[Documentation] Verify BMC Version from PEL.
[Tags] Verify_BMC_Version_From_PEL
Create Test PEL Log
${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
${id}= Get From List ${pel_ids} -1
${pel_bmc_version}= Get PEL Field Value ${id} User Data BMC Version ID
${bmc_version}= Get BMC Version
Valid Value bmc_version ['${bmc_version}']
*** Keywords ***
Create Test PEL Log
[Documentation] Generate test PEL log.
# Test PEL log entry example:
# {
# "0x5000002D": {
# "SRC": "BD8D1002",
# "Message": "An application had an internal failure",
# "PLID": "0x5000002D",
# "CreatorID": "BMC",
# "Subsystem": "BMC Firmware",
# "Commit Time": "02/25/2020 04:47:09",
# "Sev": "Unrecoverable Error",
# "CompID": "0x1000"
# }
# }
[Documentation] Returns the list of PEL IDs using BMC CLI.
${pel_records}= Peltool -l
${ids}= Get Dictionary Keys ${pel_records}
Sort List ${ids}
[Return] ${ids}
Get PEL Field Value
[Documentation] Returns the value of given PEL's field.
[Arguments] ${pel_id} ${pel_section} ${pel_field}
# Description of argument(s):
# pel_id The ID of PEL (e.g. 0x5000002D, 0x5000002E).
# pel_section The section of PEL (e.g. Private Header, User Header)
# pel_field The PEL field (e.g. Event Severity, Event Type).
${pel_output}= Peltool -i ${pel_id}
# Example of PEL output from "peltool -i <id>" command.
# [Private Header]:
# [Created at]: 08/24/1928 12:04:06
# [Created by]: 0x584D
# [Sub-section type]: 0
# [Entry Id]: 0x50000BB7
# [Platform Log Id]: 0x8200061D
# [Section Version]: 1
# [Creator Subsystem]: PHYP
# [BMC Event Log Id]: 341
# [Committed at]: 03/25/1920 12:06:22
# [User Header]:
# [Log Committed by]: 0x4552
# [Action Flags]:
# [0]: Report Externally
# [Subsystem]: I/O Subsystem
# [Event Type]: Miscellaneous, Informational Only
# [Sub-section type]: 0
# [Event Scope]: Entire Platform
# [Event Severity]: Informational Event
# [Host Transmission]: Not Sent
# [Section Version]: 1
${pel_section_output}= Get From Dictionary ${pel_output} ${pel_section}
${pel_field_output}= Get From Dictionary ${pel_section_output} ${pel_field}
[Return] ${pel_field_output}