blob: f3f7008ebf9f11ca1cbb5d5ec7f31ae8b66899e1 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Energy scale base tests.
# Test Parameters:
# OPENBMC_HOST The BMC host name or IP address.
Resource ../../lib/energy_scale_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/logging_utils.robot
Library ../../lib/
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution
*** Variables ****
${over_max_power} 4001
${max_power} 3050
${mid_power} 1950
${min_power} 600
${below_min_power} 499
${zero_power} 0
# The power limits are documented in
# open-power/witherspoon-xml/master/witherspoon.xml.
*** Test Cases ***
Escale Base Test Inactive Monitoring
[Documentation] Run base power tests with DCMI power monitoring off.
[Tags] Escale_Base_Test_Deactive_Monitoring
Deactivate DCMI Power And Verify
Verify Power Limits
Escale Base Test Active Monitoring
[Documentation] Run base power tests with DCMI power monitoring on.
[Tags] Escale_Base_Test_Active_Monitoring
Activate DCMI Power And Verify
Verify Power Limits
Escale Power Setting Via REST And Verify
[Documentation] Set power via REST and check using IPMI.
[Tags] Escale_Power_Setting_Via_REST_And_Verify
# A convenient power level bewtwwn maximum and minimum.
${test_power}= Set Variable 1700
# Set the power limit via REST.
Set DCMI Power Limit Via REST ${test_power}
# Read the power limit using IPMI.
${power_limit}= Get DCMI Power Limit
Should Be True ${power_limit} == ${test_power}
... msg=Reading Power limit with IPMI failed after setting it with REST.
Escale Power Setting Via IPMI And Verify
[Documentation] Set power via IPMI then check via REST.
[Tags] Escale_Power_Setting_Via_IPMI_And_Verify
# A convenient power level bewtwwn maximum and minimum.
${test_power}= Set Variable 2200
# Set DCMI Power via IPMI.
Set DCMI Power Limit And Verify ${test_power}
# Read the limit via REST.
${power_limit}= Get DCMI Power Limit Via REST
Should Be True ${power_limit} == ${test_power}
... msg=Reading power limit with REST failed after setting it with IPMI.
Escale Activation Test Via REST
[Documentation] Activate power monitoring via REST then check via IPMI.
[Tags] Escale_Activation_Test_Via_REST
Activate DCMI Power Via REST
# Confirm activation state using IPMI.
Fail If DCMI Power Is Not Activated
Escale Deactivation Test Via REST
[Documentation] Deactivate power monitoring via REST and check via IPMI.
[Tags] Escale_Deactivation_Test_Via_REST
Deactivate DCMI Power Via REST
# Confirm activation state using IPMI.
Fail If DCMI Power Is Not Deactivated
*** Keywords ***
Verify Power Limits
[Documentation] Set power levels and verify limits.
Set DCMI Power Limit And Verify ${mid_power}
Test Power Limit ${min_power} ${below_min_power}
Test Power Limit ${min_power} ${zero_power}
Test Power Limit ${max_power} ${over_max_power}
${power_limit}= Get DCMI Power Limit
Should Be True ${power_limit} == ${max_power}
... msg=Power at ${power_limit}. Power should be at ${max_power}.
Test Power Limit
[Documentation] Set power and check limit.
[Arguments] ${good_power} ${outside_bounds_power}
# Description of argument(s):
# good_power A valid power setting, usually at a limit.
# outside_bounds_power A power level that is beyond the limit.
Set DCMI Power Limit And Verify ${good_power}
# Attempt set power limit out of range.
${int_power_limit}= Convert To Integer ${outside_bounds_power}
${data}= Create Dictionary data=${int_power_limit}
Write Attribute ${CONTROL_HOST_URI}power_cap PowerCap data=${data}
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do test setup initialization.
# Save the deactivation/activation setting.
${cmd}= Catenate dcmi power get_limit | grep State
${resp}= Run External IPMI Standard Command ${cmd}
# Response is either "Power Limit Active" or "No Active Power Limit".
${initial_deactivation}= Get Count ${resp} No
# If deactivated: initial_deactivation = 1, 0 otherwise.
Set Suite Variable ${initial_deactivation} children=true
# Save the power limit setting.
${initial_power_setting}= Get DCMI Power Limit
Set Suite Variable ${initial_power_setting} children=true
Delete All Error Logs
Test Teardown Execution
[Documentation] Do the post test teardown.
FFDC On Test Case Fail
# Restore the system's initial power limit setting.
Run Keyword If '${initial_power_setting}' != '${0}'
... Set DCMI Power Limit And Verify ${initial_power_setting}
# Restore the system's initial deactivation/activation setting.
Run Keyword If '${initial_deactivation}' == '${1}'
... Deactivate DCMI Power And Verify ELSE Activate DCMI Power And Verify
# Clean up any error logs before exiting.
Delete All Error Logs