blob: b523f12662ed17c5205a9590373967f6fd3de2ba [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This suite is for Verifying BMC & BIOS version exposed part
... of system inventory
Resource ../../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../../lib/connection_client.robot
Resource ../../lib/code_update_utils.robot
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Variables ***
${BMC_SW_PATH} ${HOST_INVENTORY_URI}system/chassis/motherboard/boxelder/bmc
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Software Purposes
[Documentation] Verify that all software objects have a valid 'Purpose'
... field.
[Tags] Verify_Software_Purpose
${object_uris}= Read Properties ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}list
FOR ${uri} IN @{object_uris}
${object}= Read Properties ${uri}
Continue For Loop If not 'Purpose' in ${object}
Should Contain Any &{object}[Purpose] ${VERSION_PURPOSE_HOST} ${VERSION_PURPOSE_BMC}
BMC Software Hex ID
[Documentation] Verify BMC images have valid 8-digit hex IDs.
[Tags] BMC_Software_Hex_ID
[Template] Verify Software Hex IDs
# Software Purpose
BMC Software Version
[Documentation] Verify BMC version and activation status.
[Tags] BMC_Software_Version
[Template] Verify Software Version
# Software Purpose
BMC Software Path
[Documentation] Verify BMC images have valid 'Path' properties.
[Tags] BMC_Software_Path
[Template] Verify Software Path
# Software Version
BMC Software RequestedActivation
[Documentation] Veriify BMC images have valid 'RequestedActivation'
... properties.
[Tags] BMC_Software_RequestedActivation
[Template] Verify Software RequestedActivation
# Software Purpose
BMC Software Activation Association
[Documentation] Verify BMC association.
[Tags] BMC_Software_Activation_Association
[Template] Verify Software Activation Association
# Software Purpose Association path
Host Software Hex ID
[Documentation] Verify host images have valid 8-digit hex IDs.
[Tags] Host_Software_Hex_ID
[Template] Verify Software Hex IDs
# Software Purpose
Host Software Version
[Documentation] Verify host version and activation status.
[Tags] Host_Software_Version
[Template] Verify Software Version
# Software Purpose
Host Software Path
[Documentation] Verify host images have valid 'Path' properties.
[Tags] Host_Software_Path
[Template] Verify Software Path
# Software Version
Host Software RequestedActivation
[Documentation] Veriify host images have valid 'RequestedActivation'
... properties.
[Tags] BMC_Software_RequestedActivation
[Template] Verify Software RequestedActivation
# Software Purpose
Host Software Activation Association
[Documentation] Verify Host association.
[Tags] Host_Software_Activation_Association
[Template] Verify Software Activation Association
# Software Purpose Association path
*** Keywords ***
Verify Software Hex IDs
[Documentation] Verify software has valid hex IDs.
[Arguments] ${software_purpose}
${software_ids}= Get Software Objects Id ${software_purpose}
: FOR ${id} IN @{software_ids}
\ Length Should Be ${id} ${8}
\ Should Match Regexp ${id} [0-9a-f]*
Verify Software Path
[Documentation] Verify software has valid 'Path' properties.
[Arguments] ${software_purpose}
${software_uris}= Get Software Objects ${software_purpose}
: FOR ${uri} IN @{software_uris}
\ ${software_object}= Get Host Software Property ${uri}
\ Return From Keyword If len('&{software_object}[Path]') == ${0}
\ BMC Execute Command [ -d "${path}" ]
Verify Software RequestedActivation
[Documentation] Verify that software has valid 'Purpose' properties.
[Arguments] ${software_purpose}
${software_uris}= Get Software Objects ${software_purpose}
: FOR ${uri} IN @{software_uris}
\ ${software_object}= Get Host Software Property ${uri}
\ Should Contain Any &{software_object}[RequestedActivation]
Verify Software Activation Association
[Documentation] Verify software activation association.
[Arguments] ${software_purpose} ${assoiation_path}
# Description of argument(s):
# software_purpose BMC or host software purpose.
# assoiation_path BMC or host inventory path.
# Example:
# "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/a0d9ba0d": {
# "Activation": "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation.Activations.Active",
# "Path": "",
# "Priority": 0,
# "Purpose": "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.BMC",
# "RequestedActivation": "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation.RequestedActivations.None",
# "Version": "v1.99.9-143-g69cab69",
# "associations": [
# [
# "inventory",
# "activation",
# "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/boxelder/bmc"
# ]
# ]
# },
# "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/a0d9ba0d/inventory": {
# "endpoints": [
# "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/boxelder/bmc"
# ]
# },
${obj_path_list}= Get Software Objects ${software_purpose}
: FOR ${index} IN @{obj_path_list}
\ Verify Inventory Association ${index} ${assoiation_path}
Verify Inventory Association
[Documentation] Verify software inventory association.
[Arguments] ${software_path} ${assoiation_path}
# Description of argument(s):
# software_path BMC or host software id.
# assoiation_path BMC or host inventory path.
# Example:
# "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/boxelder/bmc/activation": {
# "endpoints": [
# "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/e42627b5",
# "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/a0d9ba0d"
# ]
# },
${sw_attr_data}= Read Attribute ${software_path} Associations
List Should Contain Value @{sw_attr_data} ${assoiation_path}
# Verify the inventory path in software manager entry.
${sw_endpoint_data}= Read Attribute
... ${software_path}${/}inventory endpoints
List Should Contain Value ${sw_endpoint_data} ${assoiation_path}
# Verify the inventory path.
${inv_endpoint_data}= Read Attribute
... ${assoiation_path}${/}activation endpoints
List Should Contain Value ${inv_endpoint_data} ${software_path}
Verify Software Version
[Documentation] Verify version and activation status.
[Arguments] ${software_purpose}
# Description of argument(s):
# software_purpose BMC or host software purpose.
# Example:
# /xyz/openbmc_project/software/list
# [
# "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/2f974579",
# "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/136cf504"
# ]
${obj_list}= Get Software Objects ${software_purpose}
: FOR ${index} IN @{obj_list}
\ ${resp}= Get Host Software Property ${index}
\ Verify Software Properties ${resp} ${software_purpose}
\ Run Keyword If '${software_purpose}' == '${VERSION_PURPOSE_BMC}'
... Check BMC Version ${index} ${resp["Version"]}
Verify Software Properties
[Documentation] Verify the software object properties.
[Arguments] ${software_property} ${software_purpose}
# Description of argument(s):
# software_property JSON response data.
# software_purpose BMC or host software purpose
# (e.g. "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.BMC"
# "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.Host").
Check Activation Status ${software_property["Activation"]}
Check BMC Version
[Documentation] Get BMC version from /etc/os-release and compare.
[Arguments] ${software_object} ${version}
# Description of argument(s):
# software_object Software object path.
# version Software version (e.g. "2.9.0-dev-257-gc97c74782")
${min_value}= Get Least Value Priority Image ${VERSION_PURPOSE_BMC}
${priority_value}= Read Software Attribute ${software_object} Priority
Return From Keyword If ${priority_value} != ${min_value}
Open Connection And Log In
${cmd}= Set Variable grep ^VERSION_ID= /etc/os-release | cut -f 2 -d '='
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command ${cmd}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${version} ${output}
Check Activation Status
[Documentation] Check if software state is "Active".
[Arguments] ${status}
# Description of argument(s):
# status Activation status
# (e.g. "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation.Activations.Active")
Should Be Equal As Strings ${ACTIVE} ${status}