blob: 8db43254500207feee8673d6ab55ac3f50f4c0c5 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file provides valuable host and IP manipulation procedures such as
# get_host_name_ip, etc.
my_source [list cmd.tcl]
proc get_host_name_ip {host {quiet 1}} {
# Get the host name, short host name and the IP address and return them as
# a list.
# If this procedure is unable to get the requested information, it will
# print an error message to stderr and return blank values.
# Example call:
# lassign [get_host_name_ip $host] host_name short_host_name ip_address
# Description of argument(s):
# host The host name or IP address to be obtained.
# quiet Indicates whether status information
# should be printed.
if { ${quiet} } { set print_output 0 } else { set print_output 1 }
lassign [cmd_fnc "host $host" "${quiet}" "" "${print_output}"] rc out_buf
if { $rc != 0 } { return [list "" "" ""]}
if { [regexp "has address" $out_buf] } {
# Host is host name.
# Format of output:
# has address n.n.n.n.
lassign [split $out_buf " "] host_name fill1 fill2 ip_address
} elseif { [regexp "domain name pointer" $out_buf] } {
# Host is IP address.
# Format of output:
# domain name pointer
set ip_address ${host}
lassign [split $out_buf " "] fill0 fill1 fill2 fill3 host_name
set host_name [string trimright $host_name {.}]
# Create the short name from the host name.
lassign [split $host_name "."] short_host_name
return [list ${host_name} ${short_host_name} ${ip_address}]