blob: 127e3a4fac36e0c233563f44273df1e4588876da [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This suite is for testing general IPMI functions.
Resource ../../lib/ipmi_client.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../../lib/boot_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/logging_utils.robot
Library ../../lib/
Variables ../../data/
Library ../../lib/
Library ../../lib/
Test Setup Log to Console ${EMPTY}
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Variables ***
${allowed_temp_diff}= ${1}
${allowed_power_diff}= ${10}
*** Test Cases ***
Test Watchdog Reset Via IPMI And Verify Using REST
[Documentation] Test watchdog reset via IPMI and verify using REST.
[Tags] Test_Watchdog_Reset_Via_IPMI_And_Verify_Using_REST
Initiate Host Boot
Set Watchdog Enabled Using REST ${1}
Watchdog Object Should Exist
# Resetting the watchdog via IPMI.
Run IPMI Standard Command mc watchdog reset
# Verify the watchdog is reset using REST after an interval of 1000ms.
Sleep 1000ms
... Read Attribute ${HOST_WATCHDOG_URI} TimeRemaining
Should Be True
... ${watchdog_time_left}<${1200000} and ${watchdog_time_left}>${2000}
... msg=Watchdog timer didn't reset.
Test Watchdog Off Via IPMI And Verify Using REST
[Documentation] Test watchdog off via IPMI and verify using REST.
[Tags] Test_Watchdog_Off_Via_IPMI_And_Verify_Using_REST
Initiate Host Boot
Set Watchdog Enabled Using REST ${1}
Watchdog Object Should Exist
# Turn off the watchdog via IPMI.
Run IPMI Standard Command mc watchdog off
# Verify the watchdog is off using REST
${watchdog_state}= Read Attribute ${HOST_WATCHDOG_URI} Enabled
Should Be Equal ${watchdog_state} ${0}
... msg=msg=Verification failed for watchdog off check.
Verify Get Device ID
[Documentation] Verify get device ID command output.
[Tags] Verify_Get_Device_ID
# Example of get device ID command output:
# Device ID : 0
# Device Revision : 0
# Firmware Revision : 2.01
# IPMI Version : 2.0
# Manufacturer ID : 42817
# Manufacturer Name : Unknown (0xA741)
# Product ID : 16975 (0x424f)
# Product Name : Unknown (0x424F)
# Device Available : yes
# Provides Device SDRs : yes
# Additional Device Support :
# Sensor Device
# SEL Device
# FRU Inventory Device
# Chassis Device
# Aux Firmware Rev Info :
# 0x04
# 0x38
# 0x00
# 0x03
# Verify Manufacturer and Product IDs, etc. directly from json file.
${device_id_config}= Get Device Id Config
${mc_info}= Get MC Info
Rprint Vars device_id_config mc_info
Valid Value ${mc_info['device_id']} [${device_id_config['id']}]
Valid Value ${mc_info['device_revision']} [${device_id_config['device_revision']}]
# Get firmware revision from mc info command output i.e. 2.01
${ipmi_fw_major_version} ${ipmi_fw_minor_version}=
... Split String ${mc_info['firmware_revision']} .
# Convert minor firmware version from BCD format to integer. i.e. 01 to 1
${ipmi_fw_minor_version}= Convert To Integer ${ipmi_fw_minor_version}
# Get BMC version from BMC CLI i.e. 2.2 from "v2.2-253-g00050f1"
${bmc_version_full}= Get BMC Version
... Remove String Using Regexp ${bmc_version_full} ^[^0-9]+ [^0-9\.].*
# Get major and minor version from BMC version i.e. 2 and 1 from 2.1
@{major_minor_version}= Split String ${bmc_version} .
Should Be Equal As Strings ${ipmi_fw_major_version} ${major_minor_version[0]}
... msg=Major version mismatch.
Should Be Equal As Strings ${ipmi_fw_minor_version} ${major_minor_version[1]}
... msg=Minor version mismatch.
Valid Value mc_info['ipmi_version'] ['2.0']
Valid Value ${mc_info['manufacturer_id']} [${device_id_config['manuf_id']}]
${product_id_hex} = Convert To Hex ${device_id_config['prod_id']} lowercase=True length=4 prefix=0x
Valid Value mc_info['product_id'] ['${device_id_config['prod_id']} (${product_id_hex})']
Valid Value mc_info['device_available'] ['yes']
Valid Value mc_info['provides_device_sdrs'] ['yes']
Should Contain ${mc_info['additional_device_support']} Sensor Device
Should Contain ${mc_info['additional_device_support']} SEL Device
Should Contain
... ${mc_info['additional_device_support']} FRU Inventory Device
Should Contain ${mc_info['additional_device_support']} Chassis Device
# Auxiliary revision data verification.
${aux_version}= Get Aux Version ${bmc_version_full}
# From aux_firmware_rev_info field ['0x04', '0x38', '0x00', '0x03']
${bmc_aux_version}= Catenate
... ${mc_info['aux_firmware_rev_info'][0][2:]}
... ${mc_info['aux_firmware_rev_info'][1][2:]}
... ${mc_info['aux_firmware_rev_info'][2][2:]}
... ${mc_info['aux_firmware_rev_info'][3][2:]}
Should Be Equal As Integers
... ${bmc_aux_version} ${aux_version}
... msg=BMC aux version ${bmc_aux_version} does not match expected value of ${aux_version}.
Test IPMI Restriction Mode
[Documentation] Set restricition mode via REST and verify IPMI operation.
[Tags] Test_IPMI_Restriction_Mode
# Forego normal test setup:
[Setup] No Operation
[Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND
... Set IPMI Restriction Mode xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Security.RestrictionMode.Modes.None
# By default no IPMI operations are restricted.
# /xyz/openbmc_project/control/host0/restriction_mode/attr/RestrictionMode
# {
# "data": "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Security.RestrictionMode.Modes.None",
# "message": "200 OK",
# "status": "ok"
# }
# Refer to: #openbmc/phosphor-host-ipmid/blob/master/host-ipmid-whitelist.conf
# Set the restriction mode to Allowed list IPMI commands only:
# /xyz/openbmc_project/control/host0/restriction_mode/attr/RestrictionMode
# {
# "data": "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Security.RestrictionMode.Modes.Whitelist",
# "message": "200 OK",
# "status": "ok"
# }
Set IPMI Restriction Mode xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Security.RestrictionMode.Modes.Whitelist
# Attempt allowed listed operation expecting success.
IPMI Power On
# Attempt non allowed listed operation expecting failure.
Run Keyword And Expect Error *Insufficient privilege level*
... Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access on
*** Keywords ***
Set Watchdog Enabled Using REST
[Documentation] Set watchdog Enabled field using REST.
[Arguments] ${value}
# Description of argument(s):
# value Integer value (eg. "0-Disabled", "1-Enabled").
${value_dict}= Create Dictionary data=${value}
${resp}= OpenBMC Put Request ${HOST_WATCHDOG_URI}attr/Enabled
... data=${value_dict}
Fetch Details From LAN Print
[Documentation] Fetch details from LAN print.
[Arguments] ${field_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# ${field_name} Field name to be fetched from LAN print
# (e.g. "MAC Address", "Source").
${stdout}= Run IPMI Standard Command lan print
${fetch_value}= Get Lines Containing String ${stdout} ${field_name}
${value_fetch}= Fetch From Right ${fetch_value} :${SPACE}
[Return] ${value_fetch}
Set IPMI Restriction Mode
[Documentation] Set the IPMI restriction mode.
[Arguments] ${restriction_mode}
# Description of argument(s):
# restriction_mode IPMI valid restriction modes.
${valueDict}= Create Dictionary data=${restriction_mode}
Write Attribute ${CONTROL_HOST_URI}restriction_mode/
... RestrictionMode data=${valueDict}