blob: c63696d85f420e23f078e72c47633cd58e0891b3 [file] [log] [blame]
Documentation This module generates an inventory file using lshw
... commands. It will create a JSON file and a YAML file. It
... will get the processor, memory and specified I/O devices.
... Requires access to lshw, and json2yaml OS commands. This
... robot file should be run as root or sudo for lshw.
Library String
Library Collections
Library OperatingSystem
Resource ../syslib/utils_os.robot
# Path of the JSON Inventory file
${json_inventory_file_path} ${EXECDIR}${/}data${/}os_inventory.json
***Test Case***
Create An Inventory
[Documentation] Snapshot system inventory to a JSON file.
[Tags] Inventory Test
Create JSON Inventory File ${json_inventory_file_path}