blob: b3e402fb99dac46efc8a5628f6abd74436c3d274 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Contains all of the keywords that do various power ons.
Resource ../resource.txt
Resource ../utils.robot
Resource ../connection_client.robot
*** Keywords ***
BMC Power On
[Documentation] Powers on the system, checks that the OS is functional, and
... makes sure that all states are powered on.
&{bmc_connection_args}= Create Dictionary alias=bmc_connection
Open Connection and Log In &{bmc_connection_args}
Initiate Power On
Wait For OS
Switch Connection bmc_connection
Check Power On States
Close Connection
Check Power On States
[Documentation] Checks that the BMC state, power state, and boot progress
... are correctly powered on.
${bmc_state}= Get BMC State
Should Contain ${bmc_state} HOST_BOOTED
Log to Console BMC State: ${bmc_state}
${boot_progress}= Get Boot Progress
Should Be Equal ${boot_progress} FW Progress, Starting OS
Log to Console Boot Progress: ${boot_progress}
${power_state}= Get Power State
Should Be Equal ${power_state} ${1}
Log to Console Power State: ${power_state}