blob: d07f7f08fbdb2d119b9dfa3b1e739ed5142c1983 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This testsuite is for testing boot policy function.
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Suite Setup Open Connection And Log In
Suite Teardown Close All Connections
Test Setup Initialize DBUS cmd "boot_policy"
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
Set Onetime Boot Policy Using REST
[Documentation] This testcase is to set onetime boot policy using REST
... URI and then verify using REST API and ipmitool.\n
[Tags] Set_Onetime_Boot_Policy_Using_REST
Set Boot Policy ONETIME
${boot}= Read Attribute ${HOST_SETTINGS} boot_policy
Should Be Equal ${boot} ONETIME
${output} ${stderr}= Execute Command ${dbuscmd} return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Should Contain ${output} ONETIME
Set Permanent Boot Policy Using REST
[Documentation] This testcase is to set permanent boot policy using REST
... URI and then verify using REST API and ipmitool.\n
[Tags] Set_Permanent_boot_policy_using_REST
Set Boot Policy PERMANENT
${boot}= Read Attribute ${HOST_SETTINGS} boot_policy
Should Be Equal ${boot} PERMANENT
${output} ${stderr}= Execute Command ${dbuscmd} return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Should Contain ${output} PERMANENT
Set Permanent Boot Policy Using IPMITOOL
[Documentation] This testcase is to set boot policy to onetime boot using ipmitool
... and then verify using REST URI and ipmitool.\n
[Tags] Set_Permanent_Boot_Policy_Using_IPMITOOL
Run IPMI command 0x0 0x8 0x05 0x80 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
${boot}= Read Attribute ${HOST_SETTINGS} boot_policy
Should Be Equal ${boot} ONETIME
${output} ${stderr}= Execute Command ${dbuscmd} return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Should Contain ${output} ONETIME
Set Permanent Boot Policy Using IPMITOOL
[Documentation] This testcase is to set boot policy to permanent using ipmitool
... and then verify using REST URI and ipmitool.
[Tags] Set_Permanent_Boot_Policy_Using_IPMITOOL
Run IPMI command 0x0 0x8 0x05 0xC0 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
${boot}= Read Attribute ${HOST_SETTINGS} boot_policy
Should Be Equal ${boot} PERMANENT
${output} ${stderr}= Execute Command ${dbuscmd} return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Should Contain ${output} PERMANENT
Boot Order With Permanent Boot Policy
[Documentation] This testcase is to verify that boot order does not change
... after first boot when boot policy set to permanent
[Tags] chassisboot Boot_Order_With_Permanent_Boot_Policy
Initiate Power Off
Set Boot Policy PERMANENT
Set Boot Device CDROM
Initiate Power On
${boot}= Read Attribute ${HOST_SETTINGS} boot_policy
Should Be Equal ${boot} PERMANENT
${flag}= Read Attribute ${HOST_SETTINGS} boot_flags
Should Be Equal ${flag} CDROM
Persist ONETIME Boot Policy After Reset
[Documentation] Verify ONETIME boot policy order does not change
... on warm reset.
[Tags] chassisboot Persist_ONETIME_Boot_Policy_After_Reset
Initiate Power On
Set Boot Policy ONETIME
Set Boot Device Network
Trigger Warm Reset
${boot}= Read Attribute ${HOST_SETTINGS} boot_policy
Should Be Equal ${boot} ONETIME
${flag}= Read Attribute ${HOST_SETTINGS} boot_flags
Should Be Equal ${flag} Network
Persist PERMANENT Boot Policy After Reset
[Documentation] Verify PERMANENT boot policy order does not change
... on warm reset.
[Tags] chassisboot Persist_PERMANENT_Boot_Policy_After_Reset
Initiate Power On
Set Boot Policy PERMANENT
Set Boot Device CDROM
Trigger Warm Reset
${boot}= Read Attribute ${HOST_SETTINGS} boot_policy
Should Be Equal ${boot} PERMANENT
${flag}= Read Attribute ${HOST_SETTINGS} boot_flags
Should Be Equal ${flag} CDROM
Set Boot Policy To Invalid Value
[Documentation] This testcase verify that the boot policy doesn't get
... updated with invalid policy supplied by user.
[Tags] Set_Boot_Policy_To_Invalid_Value
Run Keyword and Ignore Error Set Boot Policy abc
${boot}= Read Attribute ${HOST_SETTINGS} boot_policy
Should Not Be Equal ${boot} abc
*** Keywords ***
Set Boot Policy
[Arguments] ${args}
${bootpolicy}= Set Variable ${args}
${valueDict}= create dictionary data=${bootpolicy}
Write Attribute ${HOST_SETTINGS} boot_policy data=${valueDict}
Set Boot Device
[Arguments] ${args}
${bootDevice} = Set Variable ${args}
${valueDict} = create dictionary data=${bootDevice}
Write Attribute ${HOST_SETTINGS} boot_flags data=${valueDict}