blob: bf0028a55fd118a60908cf9730763611a9901c43 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test BMC code update on a target BMC.
... Execution Command:
... python -m robot -v OPENBMC_HOST:<hostname> -v OS_HOST:<OS IP>
... -v OS_USERNAME:<OS username> -v OS_PASSWORD:<OS password>
... -v IMAGE_FILE_PATH:<path/*.tar> ipmi_bmc_code_update.robot
Resource ../../lib/code_update_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/ipmi_client.robot
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
Verify IPMI Disable Policy Post BMC Code Update
[Documentation] Disable IPMI, update BMC and verify post-update.
[Tags] Verify_IPMI_Disable_Policy_Post_BMC_Code_Update
[Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail
... AND Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access on
Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access off
Run Keyword and Expect Error *Unable to establish IPMI*
... Run External IPMI Standard Command lan print
Upload And Activate Image ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
... skip_if_active=${SKIP_UPDATE_IF_ACTIVE}
OBMC Reboot (off)
Verify Running BMC Image ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
Run Keyword and Expect Error *Unable to establish IPMI*
... Run External IPMI Standard Command lan print
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do code update test case setup.
# Check if image file is provided.
OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
# - Clean up all existing BMC dumps.
Run Key Delete All Dumps ignore=1
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Smart Power Off