blob: 8c4714bf7f6b2b130ba6a4876669737202f44339 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Do random repeated boots based on the state of the BMC machine.
... The number of repetitions is designated by ${max_num_tests}. Keyword
... names that are listed in @{AVAIL_BOOTS} become the selection of possible
... boots for the test.
Resource ../lib/dvt/obmc_driver_vars.txt
Resource ../lib/list_utils.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Library ../lib/
Library ../lib/
Library ../lib/
Library ../lib/
Library ../lib/
Library ../lib/boot/
Library ../lib/boot/
Library ../lib/
# WITH NAME boot_results
*** Variables ***
# Initialize program parameters variables.
# Create parm_list containing all of our program parameters. This is used by
# 'Rqprint Pgm Header'
@{parm_list} openbmc_nickname openbmc_host openbmc_username
... openbmc_password os_host os_username os_password pdu_host
... pdu_username pdu_password pdu_slot_no openbmc_serial_host
... openbmc_serial_port boot_stack boot_list max_num_tests
... plug_in_dir_paths status_file_path openbmc_model boot_pass boot_fail
... ffdc_dir_path_style ffdc_check state_change_timeout power_on_timeout
... power_on_timeout test_mode quiet debug
# Initialize each program parameter.
${openbmc_nickname} ${EMPTY}
${openbmc_host} ${EMPTY}
${openbmc_username} root
${openbmc_password} 0penBmc
${os_host} ${EMPTY}
${os_username} root
${os_password} P@ssw0rd
${pdu_host} ${EMPTY}
${pdu_username} admin
${pdu_password} admin
${pdu_slot_no} ${EMPTY}
${openbmc_serial_host} ${EMPTY}
${openbmc_serial_port} ${EMPTY}
${boot_stack} ${EMPTY}
${boot_list} ${EMPTY}
${max_num_tests} 0
${plug_in_dir_paths} ${EMPTY}
${status_file_path} ${EMPTY}
${openbmc_model} ${EMPTY}
# The reason boot_pass and boot_fail are parameters is that it is possible to
# be called by a program that has already done some tests. This allows us to
# keep the grand total.
${boot_pass} ${0}
${boot_fail} ${0}
${ffdc_dir_path_style} ${EMPTY}
${ffdc_check} ${EMPTY}
${state_change_timeout} 1 min
${power_on_timeout} 14 mins
${power_off_timeout} 2 mins
${test_mode} 0
${quiet} 0
${debug} 0
# Plug-in variables.
${shell_rc} 0x00000000
${fail_on_plug_in_failure} 1
${return_on_non_zero_rc} 0
${next_boot} ${EMPTY}
# State dictionary. Initializing to a realistic state for testing in
# test_mode.
# Flag variables.
${cp_setup_called} ${0}
# test_really_running is needed by DB_Logging plug-in.
${test_really_running} ${1}
*** Test Cases ***
Randomized Boot Testing
[Documentation] Performs random, repeated boots.
[Tags] Randomized_boot_testing
# Call the Main keyword to prevent any dots from appearing in the console
# due to top level keywords.
*** Keywords ***
[Teardown] Program Teardown
:For ${BOOT_COUNT} IN RANGE ${max_num_tests}
\ Test Loop Body ${BOOT_COUNT}
Rqprint Timen Completed all requested boot tests.
[Documentation] Do general program setup tasks.
Validate Parms
Rqprint Pgm Header
Create Boot Results Table
# Preserve the values of boot_pass/boot_fail that were passed in.
Set Global Variable ${initial_boot_pass} ${boot_pass}
Set Global Variable ${initial_boot_fail} ${boot_fail}
# Call "setup" plug-ins, if any.
Plug In Setup
${rc} ${shell_rc} ${failed_plug_in_name}= Rprocess Plug In Packages
... call_point=setup
Should Be Equal '${rc}' '${0}'
# Keyword "FFDC" will fail if TEST_MESSAGE is not set.
Set Global Variable ${TEST_MESSAGE} ${EMPTY}
# Setting cp_setup_called lets our Teardown know that it needs to call
# the cleanup plug-in call point.
Set Global Variable ${cp_setup_called} ${1}
Rqprint Timen Getting system state.
# The state dictionary must be primed before calling Test Loop Body.
${temp_state}= Run Keyword If '${test_mode}' == '0' Get State
... ELSE Create Dictionary &{default_state}
Set Global Variable &{state} &{temp_state}
Rqpvars state
Validate Parms
[Documentation] Validate all program parameters.
Rvalid Value AVAIL_BOOTS
Rvalid Value openbmc_host
Rvalid Value openbmc_username
Rvalid Value openbmc_password
# os_host is optional so no validation is being done.
Run Keyword If '${OS_HOST}' != '${EMPTY}' Run Keywords
... Rvalid Value os_username AND
... Rvalid Value os_password
Rvalid Value pdu_host
Rvalid Value pdu_username
Rvalid Value pdu_password
Rvalid Integer pdu_slot_no
Rvalid Value openbmc_serial_host
Rvalid Integer openbmc_serial_port
Rvalid Integer max_num_tests
Rvalid Value openbmc_model
Rvalid Integer boot_pass
Rvalid Integer boot_fail
${boot_pass_temp}= Convert To Integer ${boot_pass}
Set Global Variable ${boot_pass} ${boot_pass_temp}
${boot_fail_temp}= Convert To Integer ${boot_fail}
Set Global Variable ${boot_fail} ${boot_fail_temp}
${temp_arr}= Rvalidate Plug Ins ${plug_in_dir_paths}
Set Global Variable @{plug_in_packages_list} @{temp_arr}
Run Keyword If '${openbmc_nickname}' == '${EMPTY}'
... Set Global Variable ${openbmc_nickname} ${openbmc_host}
Set FFDC Dir Path Style
${default_state}= Return Default State
Set Global Variable ${state} ${default_state}
Set Global Variable ${default_state} ${default_state}
Set FFDC Dir Path Style
Run Keyword If '${ffdc_dir_path_style}' != '${EMPTY}' Return from Keyword
${temp}= Run Keyword and Continue On Failure Get Environment Variable
Set Global Variable ${ffdc_dir_path_style} ${temp}
Program Teardown
[Documentation] Clean up after this program.
Run Keyword If '${cp_setup_called}' == '1' Run Keywords
... Plug In Setup AND
... Rprocess Plug In Packages call_point=cleanup
... stop_on_plug_in_failure=1
Rqprint Pgm Footer
Test Loop Body
[Documentation] The main loop body for the loop in "main".
[Arguments] ${BOOT_COUNT}
Rqprint Timen Starting boot ${BOOT_COUNT+1} of ${max_num_tests}.
Rqpvars state
${loc_next_boot}= Select Boot ${state}
Set Global Variable ${next_boot} ${loc_next_boot}
# Clear this file. Plug-ins may now write to it.
${status} ${msg}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Run Boot ${next_boot}
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' rprint ${msg}
Run Keyword If '${BOOT_STATUS}' == 'PASS' Run Keywords
... Set Global Variable ${boot_success} ${1} AND
... Rqprint Timen BOOT_SUCCESS: "${next_boot}" succeeded.
... ELSE Run Keywords
... Set Global Variable ${boot_success} ${0} AND
... Rqprint Timen BOOT_FAILED: ${next_boot} failed.
Update Boot Results Table ${next_boot} ${BOOT_STATUS}
# NOTE: A post_test_case call point failure is NOT counted as a boot
# failure.
Plug In Setup
${rc} ${shell_rc} ${failed_plug_in_name}= Rprocess Plug In Packages
... call_point=post_test_case stop_on_plug_in_failure=1
${rc} ${shell_rc} ${failed_plug_in_name}= Rprocess Plug In Packages
... call_point=ffdc_check shell_rc=${0x00000200}
... stop_on_plug_in_failure=1 stop_on_non_zero_rc=1
Run Keyword If
... '${BOOT_STATUS}' != 'PASS' or '${FFDC_CHECK}' == 'All' or '${shell_rc}' == '${0x00000200}'
... Run Keyword and Continue On Failure My FFDC
# Run plug-ins to see if we ought to stop execution.
Plug In Setup
${rc} ${shell_rc} ${failed_plug_in_name}= Rprocess Plug In Packages
... call_point=stop_check
Run Keyword If '${rc}' != '${0}' Run Keywords
... Rprint Error Report Stopping as requested by user.
... Fail
Print Boot Results Table
Rqprint Timen Finished boot ${BOOT_COUNT+1} of ${max_num_tests}.
Rqprint Timen Getting system state.
# The state must be refreshed before calling Test Loop Body again.
${temp_state}= Run Keyword If '${test_mode}' == '0' Get State
... quiet=${1}
... ELSE Create Dictionary &{default_state}
Set Global Variable &{state} &{temp_state}
Rqpvars state
Run Boot
[Documentation] Run the selected boot and mark the status when complete.
[Arguments] ${boot_keyword}
[Teardown] Set Global Variable ${BOOT_STATUS} ${KEYWORD STATUS}
# boot_keyword The name of the boot to run, which corresponds to the
# keyword to run. (i.e "BMC Power On")
Print Test Start Message ${boot_keyword}
Plug In Setup
${rc} ${shell_rc} ${failed_plug_in_name}= Rprocess Plug In Packages
... call_point=pre_boot
Should Be Equal '${rc}' '${0}'
@{cmd_buf}= Create List ${boot_keyword}
rqpissuing_keyword ${cmd_buf} ${test_mode}
Run Keyword If '${test_mode}' == '0' Run Keyword @{cmd_buf}
Plug In Setup
${rc} ${shell_rc} ${failed_plug_in_name}= Rprocess Plug In Packages
... call_point=post_boot
Should Be Equal '${rc}' '${0}'