blob: 0293627cef7d06f722325fc9efca685018ef4418 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test OpenBMC GUI "Progress logs" sub-menu.
Resource ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
Resource ../../../lib/logging_utils.robot
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Suite Teardown Close Browser
*** Variables ***
${xpath_progress_logs_heading} //h1[text()="Progress logs"]
${xpath_search_logs_input} //*[contains(@id,"searchInput")]
${xpath_from_date_input} //*[@id="input-from-date"]
${xpath_to_date_input} //*[@id="input-to-date"]
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Navigation To Progress Logs Page
[Documentation] Verify navigation to progress logs page.
[Tags] Verify_Navigation_To_Progress_Logs_Page
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_progress_logs_heading}
Verify Existence Of All Input Boxes In Progress Logs Page
[Documentation] Verify existence of all input boxes in progress logs page.
[Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Input_Boxes_In_Progress_Logs_Page
# Search logs.
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_search_logs_input}
# Date filter.
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_from_date_input} limit=1
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_to_date_input} limit=1
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do suite setup tasks.
Launch Browser And Login GUI
Click Element ${xpath_logs_menu}
Click Element ${xpath_progress_logs_sub_menu}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 5 sec Location Should Contain post-code-logs