blob: 38e7c016acd3e8d048375317359b0a07f2cd35a9 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Keywords for system data information.
Resource ../lib/os_utilities.robot
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
Get PNOR Info
[Documentation] Get PNOR information.
${version} ${stderr}= Execute Command pflash -r /dev/stdout -P VERSION
... return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Log ${\n}version: ${version} console=yes
[Return] ${version}
Get Inventory
[Documentation] Get system inventory.
${inventory} ${stderr}= Execute Command lshw -short return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Log ${\n}inventory: ${inventory} console=yes
[Return] ${inventory}
Get Memory Count
[Documentation] Get Memory Count.
${memory_count} ${stderr}=
... Execute Command lshw -short | grep memory | wc -l return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Log ${\n}memory count: ${memory_count} console=yes
[Return] ${memory_count}
Verify Memory Count
[Documentation] Verify memory count.
[Arguments] ${expected_memory_count}
${memory_count}= Get Memory Count
Log ${\n}memory count: ${memory_count} console=yes
Should Be Equal As Integers ${memory_count} ${expected_memory_count}
... Error: memory count doesn't match expected count.
Get Dimm Count
[Documentation] Get DIMM count.
${dimm_count} ${stderr}= Execute Command lshw -short | grep DIMM | wc -l
... return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Log ${\n}dimm_count: ${dimm_count} console=yes
[Return] ${dimm_count}
Verify Dimm Count
[Documentation] Verify DIMM count.
[Arguments] ${expected_dimm_count}
${dimm_count}= Get Dimm Count
Log ${\n}dimm_count: ${dimm_count} console=yes
Should Be Equal As Integers ${dimm_count} ${expected_dimm_count}
... msg=Error: dimm count doesn't match expected count.
Verify Opal-Prd Installed
[Documentation] Check whether opal-prd.service is running on OS.
${output} ${stderr}= Execute Command systemctl status opal-prd.service
... return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Log ${\n}${output} console=yes
Should Not Contain ${output} could not be found
... msg=Error: opal-prd.service is not installed.
Verify No Gard Records
[Documentation] Verify no gard records are present on OS.
${output} ${stderr}= Execute Command opal-gard list
... return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Should Contain ${output} No GARD entries to display
Verify No Error Logs
[Documentation] Verify no error logs.
${output} ${stderr}= Execute Command dmesg -xT -l emerg,alert,crit,err
... return_stderr=True
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
Should Be Empty ${output}