blob: d3b9bf906055b4ba4231b682e68e4cd800557f23 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This testsuite is for testing network setting
... of host OS.
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Library ../lib/
Suite Setup Open Connection And Log In
Suite Teardown Close All Connections
Test Teardown Post Test Execution
*** Variables ***
${SET_ADDR_PREFIX} 0x00 0x08 0x61 0x80 0x21 0x70 0x62 0x21 0x00 0x01 0x06 0x04
${STATIC} 0x00 0x01 #equivalent address type 1
${DHCP} 0x00 0x00 #equivalent address type 0
${CLEAR_ADDR} 0x00 0x08 0x61 0x80 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
${INVALID_MAC} f4:52:14
*** Test Cases ***
Set Static Address With REST
[Documentation] This testcase is to set static address for host's network
... setting using REST. Later verify using REST
... that it is set correctly.
[Tags] Set_Static_Address_With_REST
${ip_address}= utilities.random_ip
${gateway}= utilities.random_ip
${mac_address}= utilities.random_mac
${subnet}= Evaluate random.randint(0, 32) modules=random
${settings}= Catenate SEPARATOR=
... ipaddress=${ip_address},prefix=${subnet},
... gateway=${gateway},mac=${mac_address},addr_type=1
Set Network Override Setting ${settings}
${resp}= Read Attribute /org/openbmc/settings/host0 network_config
Should Be Equal ${resp} ${settings}
Set DHCP Address With REST
[Documentation] This testcase is to set dhcp address for host's network
... setting using REST. Later verify using REST that it
... is set correctly.
[Tags] Set_DHCP_Address_With_REST
${mac_address}= utilities.random_mac
${settings}= Catenate SEPARATOR=
... ipaddress=,prefix=,gateway=,mac=${mac_address},addr_type=0
Set Network Override Setting ${settings}
${resp}= Read Attribute /org/openbmc/settings/host0 network_config
Should Be Equal ${resp} ${settings}
Set Static Address With IPMI
[Documentation] This testcase is to set static address for host's network
... setting using IPMI. Later verify using REST that it is
... set correctly.
[Tags] Set_Static_Address_With_IPMI
${ip_address}= utilities.random_ip
${gateway}= utilities.random_ip
${mac_address}= utilities.random_mac
${subnet}= Evaluate random.randint(0, 32) modules=random
${mac_address_hex}= Mac Address To Hex String ${mac_address}
${ip_address_hex}= IP Address To Hex String ${ip_address}
${gateway_hex}= IP Address To Hex String ${gateway}
${subnet_hex}= Convert To Hex ${subnet} prefix=0x
... lowercase=yes
${ipmi_raw_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR=
... ${SET_ADDR_PREFIX}${SPACE}${mac_address_hex}${SPACE}${STATIC}${SPACE}
... ${ip_address_hex}${SPACE}${subnet_hex}${SPACE}${gateway_hex}
Run IPMI command ${ipmi_raw_cmd}
${resp}= Read Attribute /org/openbmc/settings/host0 network_config
${settings}= Catenate SEPARATOR=
... ipaddress=${ip_address},prefix=${subnet},gateway=${gateway},
... mac=${mac_address},addr_type=1
Should Be Equal ${resp} ${settings}
Set DHCP Address With IPMI
[Documentation] This testcase is to set dhcp address for host's network
... setting using IPMI. Later verify using REST that it is
... set correctly.
[Tags] Set_DHCP_Address_With_IPMI
${mac_address}= utilities.random_mac
${mac_address_hex}= Mac Address To Hex String ${mac_address}
${ipmi_raw_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR=
... ${SET_ADDR_PREFIX}${SPACE}${mac_address_hex}${SPACE}${DHCP}
Run IPMI command ${ipmi_raw_cmd}
${resp}= Read Attribute /org/openbmc/settings/host0 network_config
Should Contain ${resp} addr_type=0
Clear Address With IPMI
[Documentation] This testcase is to clear host's network setting
... using IPMI. Later verify using REST that it is
... cleared.
[Tags] Clear_Address_With_IPMI
Run IPMI command ${CLEAR_ADDR}
${resp}= Read Attribute /org/openbmc/settings/host0 network_config
Should Be Equal ${resp} ipaddress=,prefix=,gateway=,mac=,addr_type=
Set Invalid Address With REST
[Documentation] This testcase is to verify that proper error message is
... prompted by REST with invalid mac address for
... host's network setting.
[Tags] Set_Invalid_Address_With_REST
${ip_address}= utilities.random_ip
${gateway}= utilities.random_ip
${subnet}= Evaluate random.randint(0, 32) modules=random
${invalid_settings}= Catenate SEPARATOR=
... ipaddress=${ip_address},prefix=${subnet},gateway=${gateway},
... mac=${INVALID_MAC},addr_type=1
${resp}= Set Network Override Setting ${invalid_settings}
Should Be Equal ${resp} error
Set Invalid Address With IPMI
[Documentation] This testcase is to verify that invalid mac address for
... host's network setting can not be set by IPMI.
[Tags] Set_Invalid_Address_With_IPMI
${ip_address}= utilities.random_ip
${gateway}= utilities.random_ip
${subnet}= Evaluate random.randint(0, 32) modules=random
${ip_address_hex}= IP Address To Hex String ${ip_address}
${gateway_hex}= IP Address To Hex String ${gateway}
${invalid_mac_hex}= Mac Address To Hex String ${INVALID_MAC}
${subnet_hex}= Convert To Hex ${subnet} prefix=0x
... lowercase=yes
${ipmi_raw_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR=
... ${SET_ADDR_PREFIX}${SPACE}${invalid_mac_hex}${SPACE}${STATIC}${SPACE}
... ${ip_address_hex}${SPACE}${subnet_hex}${SPACE}${gateway_hex}
Run IPMI command ${ipmi_raw_cmd}
${invalid_settings}= Catenate SEPARATOR=
... ipaddress=${ip_address},prefix=${subnet},gateway=${gateway},
... mac=${INVALID_MAC},addr_type=1
${resp}= Read Attribute /org/openbmc/settings/host0 network_config
Should Not Be Equal ${resp} ${invalid_settings}
*** Keywords ***
Set Network Override Setting
[Documentation] Set host's network settings with passed arguments and
... return its status.
... Description of arguments:
... settings Network settings which need to be set
[Arguments] ${settings}
${host_network}= Set Variable ${settings}
${valueDict}= create dictionary data=${host_network}
${resp}= OpenBMC Put Request
... /org/openbmc/settings/host0/attr/network_config data=${valueDict}
${jsondata}= to json ${resp.content}
[return] ${jsondata['status']}
Post Test Execution
[Documentation] Perform operations after test execution. Captures FFDC
... in case of test case failure and sets defaults values
... for host's network settings.
FFDC On Test Case Fail
Run IPMI command ${CLEAR_ADDR}