blob: e5ce8f07d41adf2587b3f06485aebc2e5385418b [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This suite is for testing OCC: Power capping setting
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../lib/resource.txt
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../lib/boot/boot_resource_master.robot
Suite Setup Check OCC Readiness
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
Force Tags powercapping
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
Get OCC status
[Documentation] This testcase is to test the OCCstatus for the system
... is Enabled or not
[Tags] Get_OCC_status
${status}= Get OCC status
Should Be Equal ${status} Enabled
Set and Get PowerCap
[Documentation] This testcase is to test get/set powercap feature.
... In the testcase we are reading min, max value and then
... try set the random in that range.
... Existing Issue:
[Tags] known_issue
${min}= Get Minimum PowerCap
log ${min}
${max}= Get Maximum PowerCap
log ${max}
${rand_power_cap}= Evaluate random.randint(${min}, ${max}) modules=random
log ${rand_power_cap}
${resp}= Set PowerCap ${rand_power_cap}
should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${power_cap}= Get PowerCap
Should Be Equal ${power_cap} ${rand_power_cap}
${user_power_cap}= Get User PowerCap
Should Be Equal ${user_power_cap} ${rand_power_cap}
Set Less Than Minimum PowerCAP
[Documentation] Test set powercap with less than min powercap value
... Existing Issue:
[Tags] known_issue
${org_power_cap}= Get PowerCap
${min}= Get Minimum PowerCap
${sample_invalid_pcap}= Evaluate ${min}-${100}
${resp}= Set PowerCap ${sample_invalid_pcap}
Should Not Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${power_cap}= Get PowerCap
Should Be Equal ${org_power_cap} ${power_cap}
Set More Than Maximum PowerCAP
[Documentation] Test set powercap with more than max powercap value
... Existing Issue:
[Tags] known_issue
${org_power_cap}= Get PowerCap
${min}= Get Maximum PowerCap
${sample_invalid_pcap}= Evaluate ${min}+${100}
${resp}= Set PowerCap ${sample_invalid_pcap}
Should Not Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${power_cap}= Get PowerCap
Should Be Equal ${org_power_cap} ${power_cap}
Disable PowerCap
[Documentation] Test set powercap with 0 and make sure powercap is
... disabled by checking whether the value is set to 0
[Tags] Disable_PowerCap
${resp}= Set PowerCap ${0}
should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${power_cap}= Get PowerCap
Should Be Equal ${power_cap} ${0}
${user_power_cap}= Get User PowerCap
Should Be Equal ${user_power_cap} ${0}
Get System Power Consumption
[Documentation] Get the current system power consumption and check if the
... value is greater than zero
[Tags] Get_System_Power_Consumption
${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/system_power
should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content}
Should Be True ${jsondata["data"]["value"]} > 0
*** Keywords ***
Get Minimum PowerCap
${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request
... ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/min_cap
${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content}
[return] ${jsondata["data"]["value"]}
Get Maximum PowerCap
${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/max_cap
${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content}
[return] ${jsondata["data"]["value"]}
Get User PowerCap
${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/user_cap
${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content}
[return] ${jsondata["data"]["value"]}
Set PowerCap
[Arguments] ${powercap_value}
@{pcap_list}= Create List ${powercap_value}
${data}= create dictionary data=@{pcap_list}
${resp}= openbmc post request
... ${SENSORS_URI}host/powercap/action/setValue data=${data}
[return] ${resp}
Get PowerCap
${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request
... ${SENSORS_URI}host/powercap
${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content}
[return] ${jsondata["data"]["value"]}
Get OCC status link
${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request
... ${SENSORS_URI}host/list
${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content}
log ${jsondata}
: FOR ${ELEMENT} IN @{jsondata["data"]}
\ log ${ELEMENT}
\ ${found}= Get Lines Matching Pattern ${ELEMENT} *host/cpu*/OccStatus
\ Return From Keyword If '${found}' != '' ${found}
Get OCC status
${occstatus_link}= Get OCC status link
${data}= create dictionary data=@{EMPTY}
${resp}= openbmc post request ${occstatus_link}/action/getValue data=${data}
${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content}
[return] ${jsondata["data"]}
Get Chassis URI
${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/
${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content}
log ${jsondata}
: FOR ${ELEMENT} IN @{jsondata["data"]}
\ log ${ELEMENT}
\ ${found}= Get Lines Matching Pattern ${ELEMENT} *control/chassis*
\ Return From Keyword If '${found}' != '' ${found}
Check OCC Readiness
[Documentation] Poweron If BMC power state is off. Check the OCC powercap
... if the interface attributes are activated.
... Run Keyword and Return Status Check Power Off States
Run Keyword If '${status}' == '${True}'
... BMC Power On
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5min 10sec
... Powercap Attributes Activated
Powercap Attributes Activated
[Documentation] Verify if the response contains the pre-define list
@{precheck}= Create List ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/user_cap
... ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/system_power
... ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/curr_cap
... ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/max_cap
... ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/min_cap
${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/
${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content}
List Should Contain Sub List ${jsondata["data"]} ${precheck}
... msg=Failed to activate powercap interface attributes