blob: af9b85d39982a148119741917a87b53834492879 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test BMC DHCP multiple network interface functionalities.
... Run on setup eth0 in static and eth1 in DHCP.
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Resource ../../lib/common_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/connection_client.robot
Resource ../../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
Suite Teardown Redfish.Logout
*** Variables ***
&{DHCP_ENABLED} DHCPEnabled=${True}
&{DHCP_DISABLED} DHCPEnabled=${False}
${ethernet_interface} eth1
&{dns_enable_dict} UseDNSServers=${True}
&{dns_disable_dict} UseDNSServers=${False}
&{ntp_enable_dict} UseNTPServers=${True}
&{ntp_disable_dict} UseNTPServers=${False}
&{domain_name_enable_dict} UseDomainName=${True}
&{domain_name_disable_dict} UseDomainName=${False}
&{enable_multiple_properties} UseDomainName=${True}
... UseNTPServers=${True}
... UseDNSServers=${True}
&{disable_multiple_properties} UseDomainName=${False}
... UseNTPServers=${False}
... UseDNSServers=${False}
Force Tags Multiple_Interfaces_DHCP
*** Test Cases ***
Disable DHCP On Eth1 And Verify System Is Accessible By Eth0
[Documentation] Disable DHCP on eth1 using Redfish and verify
... if system is accessible by eth0.
[Tags] Disable_DHCP_On_Eth1_And_Verify_System_Is_Accessible_By_Eth0
[Teardown] Set DHCPEnabled To Enable Or Disable True eth1
Set DHCPEnabled To Enable Or Disable False eth1
${DHCPEnabled}= Get IPv4 DHCP Enabled Status ${2}
Should Be Equal ${DHCPEnabled} ${False}
Enable DHCP On Eth1 And Verify System Is Accessible By Eth0
[Documentation] Enable DHCP on eth1 using Redfish and verify if system
... is accessible by eth0.
[Tags] Enable_DHCP_On_Eth1_And_Verify_System_Is_Accessible_By_Eth0
[Setup] Set DHCPEnabled To Enable Or Disable False eth1
Set DHCPEnabled To Enable Or Disable True eth1
${DHCPEnabled}= Get IPv4 DHCP Enabled Status ${2}
Should Be Equal ${DHCPEnabled} ${True}
Set Network Property via Redfish And Verify
[Documentation] Set network property via Redfish and verify.
[Tags] Set_Network_Property_via_Redfish_And_Verify
[Teardown] Restore Configuration
[Template] Apply DHCP Config
# property
Enable DHCP On Eth1 And Check No Impact On Eth0
[Documentation] Enable DHCP On Eth1 And Check No Impact On Eth0.
[Tags] Enable_DHCP_On_Eth1_And_Check_No_Impact_On_Eth0
[Setup] Set DHCPEnabled To Enable Or Disable False eth1
# Getting the eth0 details before enabling DHCP.
${ip_data_before}= Get BMC IP Info
# Enable DHCP on eth1.
Set DHCPEnabled To Enable Or Disable True eth1
# Check the value of DHCPEnabled on eth0 is not impacted.
${DHCPEnabled}= Get IPv4 DHCP Enabled Status ${1}
Should Be Equal ${DHCPEnabled} ${False}
# Getting eth0 details after enabling DHCP.
${ip_data_after}= Get BMC IP Info
# Before and after IP details must match.
Should Be Equal ${ip_data_before} ${ip_data_after}
Enable DHCP On Eth1 And Check Persistency On Reboot
[Documentation] Enable DHCP on Eth1 and check persistency
... on reboot and should not switch to static.
[Tags] Enable_DHCP_On_Eth1_And_Check_Persistency_On_Reboot
[Setup] Set DHCPEnabled To Enable Or Disable False eth1
Set DHCPEnabled To Enable Or Disable True eth1
Redfish OBMC Reboot (off) stack_mode=skip
${DHCPEnabled}= Get IPv4 DHCP Enabled Status ${2}
Should Be Equal ${DHCPEnabled} ${True}
Switch Between DHCP And Static
[Documentation] Switch between DHCP and static.
[Tags] Switch_Between_DHCP_And_Static
[Teardown] Set DHCPEnabled To Enable Or Disable True eth1
# Fetch the IP details before.
${ip_addr_before} ${gateway_before} ${subnetmask_before} Get DHCP IP Info
# Switch Between Static and DHCP.
FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${10}
Set DHCPEnabled To Enable Or Disable False eth1
Set DHCPEnabled To Enable Or Disable True eth1
Sleep 5s
# Fetch the IP details after.
${ip_addr_after} ${gateway_after} ${subnetmask_after} Get DHCP IP Info
# DHCP Details must be the same before and after.
Should Be Equal ${ip_addr_before} ${ip_addr_after}
Should Be Equal ${gateway_before} ${gateway_after}
Should Be Equal ${subnetmask_before} ${subnetmask_after}
Disable DHCP On Eth1 And Verify DHCP IP Erased
[Documentation] Disable DHCP on Eth1 and verify DHCP IP erased.
[Tags] Disable_DHCP_On_Eth1_And_Verify_DHCP_IP_Erased
[Teardown] Set DHCPEnabled To Enable Or Disable True eth1
Set DHCPEnabled To Enable Or Disable False eth1
${DHCPEnabled}= Get IPv4 DHCP Enabled Status ${2}
Should Be Equal ${DHCPEnabled} ${False}
${dhcp_ip_list}= Get Network Configuration Using Channel Number ${2}
Should Be Empty ${dhcp_ip_list}
... msg=From switching from DHCP to Static DHCP IP is not erased.
*** Keywords ***
Set DHCPEnabled To Enable Or Disable
[Documentation] Enable or Disable DHCP on the interface.
[Arguments] ${dhcp_enabled}=${False} ${interface}=${ethernet_interface}
... ${valid_status_code}=[${HTTP_OK},${HTTP_ACCEPTED}]
# Description of argument(s):
# dhcp_enabled False for disabling DHCP and True for Enabling DHCP.
# interface eth0 or eth1. Default is eth1.
# valid_status_code Expected valid status code from Patch request.
# Default is HTTP_OK.
${data}= Set Variable If ${dhcp_enabled} == ${False} ${DISABLE_DHCP} ${ENABLE_DHCP}
${resp}= Redfish.Patch
... /redfish/v1/Managers/${MANAGER_ID}/EthernetInterfaces/${interface}
... body=${data} valid_status_codes=${valid_status_code}
Apply DHCP Config
[Documentation] Apply DHCP Config
[Arguments] ${property}
# Description of Argument(s):
# property DHCP property values.
${active_channel_config}= Get Active Channel Config
... /redfish/v1/Managers/${MANAGER_ID}/EthernetInterfaces/${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']}/
... body={"DHCPv4":${property}} valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}, ${HTTP_NO_CONTENT}]
${resp}= Redfish.Get
... /redfish/v1/Managers/${MANAGER_ID}/EthernetInterfaces/${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']}
Verify Ethernet Config Property ${property} ${resp.dict["DHCPv4"]}
Verify Ethernet Config Property
[Documentation] verify ethernet config properties.
[Arguments] ${property} ${response_data}
# Description of argument(s):
# ${property} DHCP Properties in dictionary.
# Example:
# property value
# DHCPEnabled :False
# UseDomainName :True
# UseNTPServers :True
# UseDNSServers :True
# ${response_data} DHCP Response data in dictionary.
# Example:
# property value
# DHCPEnabled :False
# UseDomainName :True
# UseNTPServers :True
# UseDNSServers :True
${key_map}= Get Dictionary Items ${property}
FOR ${key} ${value} IN @{key_map}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${response_data['${key}']} ${value}
Restore Configuration
[Documentation] Restore the configuration to Both Static Network
Run Keyword If '${CHANNEL_NUMBER}' == '${1}' Add IP Address ${OPENBMC_HOST} ${eth0_subnet_mask} ${eth0_gateway}
... ELSE IF '${CHANNEL_NUMBER}' == '{2}' Add IP Address ${OPENBMC_HOST_1} ${eth1_subnet_mask} ${eth1_gateway}
Get Network Configuration Using Channel Number
[Documentation] Get ethernet interface.
[Arguments] ${channel_number}
# Description of argument(s):
# channel_number Ethernet channel number, 1 is for eth0 and 2 is for eth1 (e.g. "1").
${active_channel_config}= Get Active Channel Config
${ethernet_interface}= Set Variable ${active_channel_config['${channel_number}']['name']}
${resp}= Redfish.Get ${REDFISH_NW_ETH_IFACE}${ethernet_interface}
@{network_configurations}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.dict} IPv4StaticAddresses
RETURN @{network_configurations}
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do suite setup task.
# Get the configuration of eth1
${network_configurations}= Get Network Configuration Using Channel Number ${2}
FOR ${network_configuration} IN @{network_configurations}
Run Keyword If '${network_configuration['Address']}' == '${OPENBMC_HOST_1}'
... Run Keywords Set Suite Variable ${eth1_subnet_mask} ${network_configuration['SubnetMask']}
... AND Set Suite Variable ${eth1_gateway} ${network_configuration['Gateway']}
... AND Exit For Loop
# Get the configuration of eth0
${network_configurations}= Get Network Configuration Using Channel Number ${1}
FOR ${network_configuration} IN @{network_configurations}
Run Keyword If '${network_configuration['Address']}' == '${OPENBMC_HOST}'
... Run Keywords Set Suite Variable ${eth0_subnet_mask} ${network_configuration['SubnetMask']}
... AND Set Suite Variable ${eth0_gateway} ${network_configuration['Gateway']}
... AND Exit For Loop