blob: 12d4e2f3723366f3c1c32ba35d95bca644d02802 [file] [log] [blame]
Contains PLDM-related constants.
PLDM_SUPPORTED_TYPES = ['base', 'platform', 'bios', 'fru', 'oem-ibm']
# PLDM types.
PLDM_TYPE_BASE = {'VALUE': '00', 'STRING': 'base'}
PLDM_TYPE_PLATFORM = {'VALUE': '02', 'STRING': 'platform'}
PLDM_TYPE_BIOS = {'VALUE': '03', 'STRING': 'bios'}
PLDM_TYPE_FRU = {'VALUE': '04', 'STRING': 'fru'}
PLDM_TYPE_OEM = {'VALUE': '63', 'STRING': 'oem-ibm'}
VERSION_BASE = {'VALUE': ['f1', 'f0', 'f0', '00'], 'STRING': '1.0.0'}
VERSION_PLATFORM = {'VALUE': ['f1', 'f2', 'f0', '00'], 'STRING': '1.2.0'}
VERSION_BIOS = {'VALUE': ['f1', 'f1', 'f1', '00'], 'STRING': '1.0.0'}
VERSION_FRU = {'VALUE': ['f1', 'f0', 'f0', '00'], 'STRING': '1.0.0'}
VERSION_OEM = {'VALUE': ['f1', 'f0', 'f0', '00'], 'STRING': '1.0.0'}
PLDM_BASE_CMDS = ['2(GetTID)', '3(GetPLDMVersion)', '4(GetPLDMTypes)', '5(GetPLDMCommands)']
PLDM_PLATFORM_CMDS = ['57(SetStateEffecterStates)', '81(GetPDR)']
PLDM_BIOS_CMDS = ['1(GetBIOSTable)', '7(SetBIOSAttributeCurrentValue)',
'8(GetBIOSAttributeCurrentValueByHandle)', '12(GetDateTime)',
PLDM_FRU_CMDS = ['1(GetFRURecordTableMetadata)', '2(GetFRURecordTable)', '4(GetFRURecordByOption)']
PLDM_OEM_CMDS = ['1(GetFileTable)', '4(ReadFile)', '5(WriteFile)', '6(ReadFileInToMemory)',
'7(WriteFileFromMemory)', '8(ReadFileByTypeIntoMemory)',
'9(WriteFileByTypeFromMemory)', '10(NewFileAvailable)',
'11(ReadFileByType)', '12(WriteFileByType)', '13(FileAck)',
# PLDM command format.
e.g. : GetPLDMVersion usage
pldmtool base GetPLDMVersion -t <pldm_type>
pldm supported types
CMD_GETPLDMVERSION = 'base GetPLDMVersion -t %s'
e.g. : PLDM raw command usage
pldmtool raw -d 0x80 0x00 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00
pldm raw -d 0x<header> 0x<pldm_type> 0x<pldm_cmd_type> 0x<payload_data>
CMD_PLDMTOOL_RAW = 'raw -d 0x80' + '0x%s' + ' ' + '0x%s'
# PLDM command payload data.
PAYLOAD_GetPLDMVersion = \
' 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x%s 0x%s' # %(TransferOperationFlag, PLDMType)
e.g. : SetDateTime usage
pldmtool bios SetDateTime -d <YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>
CMD_SETDATETIME = 'bios SetDateTime -d %s'
CMD_GETPDR = 'platform GetPDR -d %s'
e.g. : SetStateEffecterStates usage
pldmtool platform GetPDR -i <effter_handle> -c <count> -d <effecterID, effecterState>
pldmtool platform SetStateEffecterStates -i 1 -c 1 -d 1 1
CMD_SETSTATEEFFECTERSTATES = 'platform SetStateEffecterStates -i %s -c %s -d %s'
# GetPDR parsed response message for record handle.
# Dictionary value array holds the expected output for record handle 1, 2.
# Note :
# Record handle - 0 is default & has same behaviour as record handle 1
# Only record handle 0, 1, 2 are supported as of now.
'responsecount': ['29', '30'],
'pdrheaderversion': ['1'],
'pdrtype': ['11'],
'recordchangenumber': ['0'],
'datalength': ['19', '20'],
'pldmterminushandle': ['0'],
'effecterid': ['1', '2', '3'],
'entitytype': ['33', '45', '31'],
'entityinstancenumber': ['0'],
'containerid': ['0'],
'effectersemanticid': ['0'],
'effecterinit': ['0'],
'effecterdescriptionpdr': ['false'],
'compositeeffectercount': ['1'],
'statesetid': ['196', '260', '129'],
'possiblestatessize': ['1', '2'],
'possiblestates': ['6', '0', '64']}
'responsecount': ['20'],
'pdrheaderversion': ['1'],
'pdrtype': ['20'],
'recordchangenumber': ['0'],
'datalength': ['10'],
'pldmterminushandle': ['0', '2'],
'entitytype': ['System Board', 'Chassis front panel board (control panel)',
'Management Controller', 'OEM', 'Power converter',
'System (logical)', 'System chassis (main enclosure)',
'Chassis front panel board (control panel)',
'Processor Module', 'Memory Module'],
'containerid': ['0', '1', '2', '3']}
'pdrheaderversion': ['1'],
'pdrtype': ['15'],
'recordchangenumber': ['0'],
'containerid': ['1', '2', '3'],
'associationtype': ['Physical'],
'containerentitytype': ['System Board', 'System (logical)',
'System chassis (main enclosure)']
'Allowed', 'Disabled', 'Enabled', 'IPv4DHCP', 'IPv4Static', 'Not Allowed',
'Perm', 'Temp', 'pvm-fw-boot-side', 'pvm-inband-code-update', 'pvm-os-boot-side',
'pvm-pcie-error-inject', 'pvm-surveillance', 'pvm-system-name', 'vmi-hostname',
'vmi-if-count', 'vmi-if0-ipv4-ipaddr', 'vmi-if0-ipv4-method',
'vmi-if0-ipv4-prefix-length', 'vmi-if1-ipv4-ipaddr', 'vmi-if1-ipv4-method',
'vmi-if1-ipv4-prefix-length', 'vmi-ipv4-gateway']