blob: 1d474192d681a8348865b4edcc71e5cf59eaa39e [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This suite will verifiy the Generic Configuration Rest Interfaces
... Details of valid interfaces can be found here...
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Variables ***
${MAX_POWER_VALUE} ${1000}
*** Test Cases ***
Get the boot_flags
[Documentation] ***GOOD PATH***
... This test case tries to get the boot flags
${resp}= Read Attribute ${SETTING_HOST} boot_flags
should not be empty ${resp}
Get the power
[Documentation] ***GOOD PATH***
... This test case tries to get the power value and it should be
... between ${MIN_POWER_VALUE} and ${MAX_POWER_VALUE}
${powerValue}= Read Attribute ${SETTING_HOST} power_cap
should be true ${powerValue} >= ${MIN_POWER_VALUE} and ${powerValue} <= ${MAX_POWER_VALUE}
Set the power with string of characters
[Documentation] ***BAD PATH***
... This test case set the power values with string of characters
... Expectation is to return error.
... Existing Issue:
[Tags] known_issue
${valueToBeSet}= Set Variable abcdefg
${valueDict}= create dictionary data=${valueToBeSet}
Write Attribute ${SETTING_HOST} power_cap data=${valueDict}
${value}= Read Attribute ${SETTING_HOST} power_cap
should not be true '${value}'=='${valueToBeSet}'
Set the power with greater then MAX_POWER_VALUE
[Documentation] ***BAD PATH***
... This test case sets the power value which is greater
... then MAX_ALLOWED_VALUE,Expectation is to return error
... Existing Issue:
[Tags] known_issue
${valueToBeSet}= Set Variable ${1010}
${valueDict}= create dictionary data=${valueToBeSet}
Write Attribute ${SETTING_HOST} power_cap data=${valueDict}
${value}= Read Attribute ${SETTING_HOST} power_cap
should not be equal ${value} ${valueToBeSet}
Set the power with MIN_POWER_VALUE
[Documentation] ***BAD PATH***
... This test case sets the power value less then
... MIN_ALLOWED_VALUE,Expectation is it should get error.
${valueToBeSet}= Set Variable ${MIN_POWER_VALUE}
${valueDict}= create dictionary data=${valueToBeSet}
Write Attribute ${SETTING_HOST} power_cap data=${valueDict}
${value}= Read Attribute ${SETTING_HOST} power_cap
Should Be Equal ${value} ${valueToBeSet}
Set the power with MAX_POWER_VALUE
[Documentation] ***GOOD PATH***
... This test case sets the power value with MAX_POWER_VALUE
... and it should be set.
${valueToBeSet}= Set Variable ${MAX_POWER_VALUE}
${valueDict}= create dictionary data=${valueToBeSet}
Write Attribute ${SETTING_HOST} power_cap data=${valueDict}
${value}= Read Attribute ${SETTING_HOST} power_cap
Should Be Equal ${value} ${valueToBeSet}
Set the boot flags with string
[Documentation] ***BAD PATH***
... This test case sets the boot flag with some invalid string
... Expectation is it should not be set.
... Existing Issue:
[Tags] known_issue
${valueToBeSet}= Set Variable 3ab56f
${valueDict}= create dictionary data=${valueToBeSet}
Write Attribute ${SETTING_HOST} boot_flags data=${valueDict}
${value}= Read Attribute ${SETTING_HOST} boot_flags
Should not Be Equal ${value} ${valueToBeSet}