blob: f9a6940aa6d441f9e3a9af2c8d6e6fe6d95f96ab [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Contains all of the keywords that do various power offs.
Resource ../resource.txt
Resource ../utils.robot
Resource ../connection_client.robot
*** Keywords ***
BMC Power Off
[Documentation] Powers off the system and makes sure that all states are
... powered off.
Open Connection and Log In
Initiate Power Off
Check Power Off States
Close Connection
Check Power Off States
[Documentation] Checks that the BMC state, power state, and boot progress
... are correctly powered off.
${power_state}= Get Power State
Should Be Equal ${power_state} ${0}
Log to Console Power State: ${power_state}
${boot_progress}= Get Boot Progress
Should Be Equal ${boot_progress} Off
Log to Console Boot Progress: ${boot_progress}
${bmc_state}= Get BMC State
Should Contain ${bmc_state} HOST_POWERED_OFF
Log to Console BMC State: ${bmc_state}