blob: 4ae2a78b93b1b2dfd3f47e9069d43be6091283cc [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test OpenBMC GUI "Overview" menu.
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Resource ../../../lib/logging_utils.robot
Resource ../../../lib/list_utils.robot
Resource ../../../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot
Library String
Suite Setup Launch Browser And Login GUI
Suite Teardown Close Browser
Test Setup Test Setup Execution
*** Variables ***
${xpath_overview_page_header} //h1[contains(text(), "Overview")]
${xpath_edit_network_settings_button} //*[@data-test-id='overviewQuickLinks-button-networkSettings']
${view_all_event_logs} //*[@data-test-id='overviewEvents-button-eventLogs']
${xpath_launch_serial_over_lan} //*[@data-test-id='overviewQuickLinks-button-solConsole']
${xpath_led_button} //*[@data-test-id='overviewQuickLinks-checkbox-serverLed']
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Existence Of All Sections In Overview Page
[Documentation] Verify existence of all sections in Overview page.
[Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Overview_Page
Page Should Contain BMC information
Page Should Contain Server information
Page Should Contain Network information
Page Should Contain Power consumption
Page Should Contain High priority events
Verify Message In High Priority Events Section For No Events
[Documentation] Verify message under high priority events section in case of no events.
[Tags] Verify_Message_In_High_Priority_Events_Section_For_No_Events
Redfish Purge Event Log
Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button}
Wait Until Page Contains no high priority events to display timeout=10
Verify Network Information In Overview Page
[Documentation] Verify values under network information section.
[Tags] Verify_Network_Information_In_Overview Page
${hostname}= Get BMC Hostname
Page Should Contain ${hostname}
# Get all IP addresses and prefix lengths on system.
${ip_addr_list}= Get BMC IP Info
FOR ${ip_address} IN @{ip_addr_list}
${ip}= Fetch From Left ${ip_address} \/
Page Should Contain ${ip}
${macaddr}= Get BMC MAC Address
Page Should Contain ${macaddr}
Verify Message In High Priority Events Section For No Events
[Documentation] Verify message under high priority events section in case of no events.
[Tags] Verify_Message_In_High_Priority_Events_Section_For_No_Events
Redfish Purge Event Log
Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button}
Wait Until Page Contains no high priority events to display timeout=10
Verify Server Information Section
[Documentation] Verify values under server information section in overview page.
[Tags] Verify_Server_Information_Section
${redfish_machine_model}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/Systems/system/ Model
Page Should Contain ${redfish_machine_model}
${redfish_serial_number}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/Systems/system/ SerialNumber
Page Should Contain ${redfish_serial_number}
${redfish_motherboard_manufacturer}= Redfish.Get Attribute
... /redfish/v1/Systems/system/ Manufacturer
Page Should Contain ${redfish_motherboard_manufacturer}
Verify BMC Information Section
[Documentation] Verify BMC information section in overview page.
[Tags] Verify_BMC_Information_Section
${firmware_version}= Redfish Get BMC Version
Page Should Contain ${firmware_version}
Verify Edit Network Setting Button
[Documentation] Verify navigation to network setting page after clicking the button in overview page.
[Tags] Verify_Edit_Network_Setting_Button
Click Element ${xpath_edit_network_settings_button}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_network_page_header}
Verify Event Under High Priority Events Section
[Documentation] Verify event under high priority events section in case of any event.
[Tags] Verify_Event_Under_High_Priority_Events_Section
Redfish Purge Event Log
Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button}
Generate Test Error Log
Wait Until Page Contains xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure timeout=30s
Verify View All Event Logs Button
[Documentation] Verify view all event log button in overview page.
[Tags] Verify_View_All_Event_Logs_Button
Generate Test Error Log
Page Should Contain Element ${view_all_event_logs} timeout=30
Click Element ${view_all_event_logs}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_event_header} timeout=30
Verify Serial Over LAN Console Button In Overview Page
[Documentation] Click serial over LAN button and verify page navigation to serial over LAN page.
[Tags] Verify_Serial_Over_LAN_Console_Button_In_Overview_Page
Click Element ${xpath_launch_serial_over_lan}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_sol_header}
Verify Server LED Turn On
[Documentation] Turn on server LED via GUI and verify its status via Redfish.
[Tags] Verify_Server_LED_Turn_On
# Turn Off the server LED via Redfish.
Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/Systems/system body={"IndicatorLED":"Off"} valid_status_codes=[200, 204]
# Refresh GUI.
Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_led_button}
# Turn on the server LED via GUI and sleep.
Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_led_button} 0 0
# Cross check that server LED on state via Redfish.
${led_status}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/Systems/system IndicatorLED
Should Be True '${led_status}' == 'Lit'
Verify Server LED Turn Off
[Documentation] Turn off server LED via GUI and verify its status via Redfish.
[Tags] Verify_Server_LED_Turn_Off
# Turn On the server LED via Redfish.
Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/Systems/system body={"IndicatorLED":"Lit"} valid_status_codes=[200, 204]
# Refresh GUI.
Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_led_button}
# Now turn off the LED via GUI.
Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_led_button} 0 0
# Cross check that server LED off state via Redfish.
${led_status}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/Systems/system IndicatorLED
Should Be True '${led_status}' == 'Off'
Verify BMC Time In Overview Page
[Documentation] Verify that BMC date from GUI matches with BMC time via Redfish.
[Tags] Verify_BMC_Time_In_Overview_Page
${date_time}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}Managers/bmc DateTime
${converted_date}= Convert Date ${date_time} result_format=%Y-%m-%d
Page Should Contain ${converted_date}
*** Keywords ***
Test Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do test case setup tasks.
Click Element ${xpath_overview_menu}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_overview_page_header}