blob: e9d7d60136900f4d27302c3d780f2e2e5cf14287 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Module to test IPMI network functionality.
Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot
Library ../lib/
Library ../lib/
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
Force Tags IPMI_Network
*** Variables ***
${initial_lan_config} &{EMPTY}
*** Test Cases ***
Retrieve IP Address Via IPMI And Verify Using Redfish
[Documentation] Retrieve IP address using IPMI and verify using Redfish.
[Tags] Retrieve_IP_Address_Via_IPMI_And_Verify_Using_Redish
${lan_print_ipmi}= Get LAN Print Dict
# Fetch IP address list using redfish.
${ip_list_redfish}= Create List
${resp}= Redfish.Get ${REDFISH_NW_ETH0_URI}
@{network_config_redfish}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.dict} IPv4StaticAddresses
: FOR ${network_config_redfish} IN @{network_config_redfish}
\ Append To List ${ip_list_redfish} ${network_config_redfish['Address']}
Valid Value lan_print_ipmi['IP Address'] ${ip_list_redfish}
Retrieve Default Gateway Via IPMI And Verify
[Documentation] Retrieve default gateway via IPMI and verify it's existence on the BMC.
[Tags] Retrieve_Default_Gateway_Via_IPMI_And_Verify
${lan_print_ipmi}= Get LAN Print Dict
Verify Gateway On BMC ${lan_print_ipmi['Default Gateway IP']}
Retrieve MAC Address Via IPMI And Verify Using Redfish
[Documentation] Retrieve MAC address via IPMI and verify using Redfish.
[Tags] Retrieve_MAC_Address_Via_IPMI_And_Verify_Using_Redfish
${lan_print_ipmi}= Get LAN Print Dict
${resp}= Redfish.Get ${REDFISH_NW_ETH0_URI}
${mac_address_redfish}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.dict} MACAddress
Valid Value lan_print_ipmi['MAC Address'] ${mac_address_redfish}
Test Valid IPMI Channels Supported
[Documentation] Verify IPMI channels supported on a given system.
[Tags] Test_Valid_IPMI_Channels_Supported
${channel_count}= Get Physical Network Interface Count
# Note: IPMI network channel logically starts from 1.
:FOR ${channel_number} IN RANGE 1 ${channel_count}
\ Run IPMI Standard Command lan print ${channel_number}
Test Invalid IPMI Channel Response
[Documentation] Verify invalid IPMI channels supported response.
[Tags] Test_Invalid_IPMI_Channel_Response
${channel_count}= Get Physical Network Interface Count
# To target invalid channel, increment count.
${channel_number}= Evaluate ${channel_count} + 1
# Example of invalid channel:
# $ ipmitool -I lanplus -H xx.xx.xx.xx -P password lan print 3
# Get Channel Info command failed: Parameter out of range
# Invalid channel: 3
${stdout}= Run External IPMI Standard Command
... lan print ${channel_number} fail_on_err=${0}
Should Contain ${stdout} Invalid channel
... msg=IPMI channel ${channel_number} is invalid but seen working.
Verify IPMI Inband Network Configuration
[Documentation] Verify BMC network configuration via inband IPMI.
[Tags] Verify_IPMI_Inband_Network_Configuration
[Teardown] Run Keywords Restore Configuration AND FFDC On Test Case Fail
Redfish Power On
${initial_lan_config}= Get LAN Print Dict inband
Set Suite Variable ${initial_lan_config}
Set IPMI Inband Network Configuration
Sleep 10
${lan_print_output}= Get LAN Print Dict inband
Valid Value lan_print_output['IP Address'] [""]
Valid Value lan_print_output['Subnet Mask'] [""]
Valid Value lan_print_output['Default Gateway IP'] [""]
*** Keywords ***
Get Physical Network Interface Count
[Documentation] Return valid physical network interfaces count.
# Example:
# link/ether 22:3a:7f:70:92:cb brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
# link/ether 0e:8e:0d:6b:e9:e4 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
${mac_entry_list}= Get BMC MAC Address List
${mac_unique_list}= Remove Duplicates ${mac_entry_list}
${physical_interface_count}= Get Length ${mac_unique_list}
[Return] ${physical_interface_count}
Set IPMI Inband Network Configuration
[Documentation] Run sequence of standard IPMI command in-band and set
... the IP configuration.
[Arguments] ${ip} ${netmask} ${gateway} ${login}=${1}
# Description of argument(s):
# ip The IP address to be set using ipmitool-inband.
# netmask The Netmask to be set using ipmitool-inband.
# gateway The Gateway address to be set using ipmitool-inband.
Run Inband IPMI Standard Command
... lan set 1 ipsrc static login_host=${login}
Run Inband IPMI Standard Command
... lan set 1 ipaddr ${ip} login_host=${0}
Run Inband IPMI Standard Command
... lan set 1 netmask ${netmask} login_host=${0}
Run Inband IPMI Standard Command
... lan set 1 defgw ipaddr ${gateway} login_host=${0}
Restore Configuration
[Documentation] Restore the configuration to its pre-test state
${length}= Get Length ${initial_lan_config}
Return From Keyword If ${length} == ${0}
Set IPMI Inband Network Configuration ${initial_lan_config['IP Address']}
... ${initial_lan_config['Subnet Mask']}
... ${initial_lan_config['Default Gateway IP']} login=${0}