blob: 2e9707012cb9afffcb83152ac966526f39149929 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This module provides general keywords for dump.
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
Create User Initiated Dump
[Documentation] Generate user initiated dump and return
... dump id (e.g 1, 2 etc).
${data}= Create Dictionary data=@{EMPTY}
${resp}= OpenBMC Post Request
... ${DUMP_URI}/action/CreateDump data=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${json}= To JSON ${resp.content}
${dump_id}= Set Variable ${json["data"]}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3 min 15 sec Check Dump Existence
... ${dump_id}
[Return] ${dump_id}
Verify No Dump In Progress
[Documentation] Verify no dump in progress.
${dump_progress} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command ls /tmp
Should Not Contain ${dump_progress} obmcdump
Check Dump Existence
[Documentation] Verify if given dump exist.
[Arguments] ${dump_id}
# Description of Argument(s):
# dump_id An integer value that identifies a particular dump
# object(e.g. 1, 3, 5).
${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${DUMP_ENTRY_URI}/${dump_id}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Delete BMC Dump
[Documentation] Deletes a given bmc dump.
[Arguments] ${dump_id}
# Description of Argument(s):
# dump_id An interger value that identifies a particular dump (e.g. 1, 3).
${data}= Create Dictionary data=@{EMPTY}
${resp}= OpenBMC Post Request
... ${DUMP_ENTRY_URI}/${dump_id}/action/Delete data=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Delete All Dumps
[Documentation] Delete all dumps.
# Check if dump entries exist, if not return.
${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${DUMP_ENTRY_URI}list quiet=${1}
Return From Keyword If ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}
# Get the list of dump entries and delete them all.
${dump_entries}= Get URL List ${DUMP_ENTRY_URI}
:FOR ${entry} IN @{dump_entries}
\ ${dump_id}= Fetch From Right ${entry} /
\ Delete BMC Dump ${dump_id}
Delete All BMC Dump
[Documentation] Delete all BMC dump entries using "DeleteAll" interface.
${data}= Create Dictionary data=@{EMPTY}
${resp}= Openbmc Post Request ${DUMP_URI}action/DeleteAll data=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}