blob: 505ef80920e7ab3f9469cd8b990d58b5aaa9462e [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Resource ../xcat/resource.txt
Library SSHLibrary
Library OperatingSystem
*** Keywords ***
Open Connection And Login To XCAT
[Documentation] Open connection and login to xCAT server.
[Arguments] ${xcat_host}=${XCAT_HOST} ${xcat_port}=${XCAT_PORT}
# Description of argument(s):
# xcat_host IP address of the XCAT server.
# xcat_port Network port on which XCAT server accepts ssh session.
Open Connection ${xcat_host} port=${xcat_port}
Get List Of BMC Nodes
[Documentation] Get list of BMC nodes.
[Arguments] ${node_cfg_file_path}=${NODE_CFG_FILE_PATH}
# Get the list of BMC nodes to be added.
# This keyword expects file having list of BMC nodes
# as an input.
# File should have IP addresses of BMC nodes.
OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${node_cfg_file_path} msg=cfg file missing.
File Should Not Be Empty ${node_cfg_file_path} msg=Empty config file.
${bmc_list} = OperatingSystem.Get File ${node_cfg_file_path}
[Return] ${bmc_list}