blob: d3ceaa75651e7aa3d96bd81aa8760be06512992a [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test OpenBMC GUI "Server power operation" sub-menu of
... "Server control".
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Suite Setup Launch Browser And Login OpenBMC GUI
Suite Teardown Close Browser
Test Setup Navigate To Power Operation Page
*** Variables ***
${xpath_power_indicator_bar} //*[@id='power-indicator-bar']
${xpath_shutdown_button} //button[contains(text(), "Shut down")]
${xpath_reboot_button} //button[contains(text(), "Reboot")]
*** Test Cases ***
Verify System State At Power Off
[Documentation] Verify system state at power off.
[Tags] Verify_System_State_At_Power_Off
Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerOff_state}
Element Should Contain ${xpath_power_indicator_bar} Off
Verify BMC IP In Server Power Operation Page
[Documentation] Verify BMC IP in server power operation page.
[Tags] Verify_BMC_IP_In_Server_Power_Operation_Page
Element Should Contain ${xpath_power_indicator_bar} ${OPENBMC_HOST}
Verify Shutdown Button At Power Off
[Documentation] Verify that shutdown button is not present at power Off.
[Tags] Verify_Shutdown_Button_At_Power_Off
Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerOff_state}
Element Should Not Be Visible ${xpath_shutdown_button}
Verify Reboot Button At Power Off
[Documentation] Verify that reboot button is not present at power Off.
[Tags] Verify_Reboot_Button_At_Power_Off
Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerOff_state}
Element Should Not Be Visible ${xpath_reboot_button}
*** Keywords ***
Navigate To Power Operation Page
[Documentation] Navigate to server power operation page.
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element ${xpath_refresh_circle}
Click Element ${xpath_select_server_control}
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element ${xpath_refresh_circle}
Click Element ${xpath_select_server_power_operations}
Wait Until Page Contains Server power operations