| *** Settings *** |
| |
| Documentation This testsuite is for testing the functions of Heartbeat, |
| ... Identify and Power LED's |
| |
| Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot |
| Resource ../lib/resource.txt |
| Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot |
| Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| |
| Validate Heartbeat LEDs Test Cases |
| [Documentation] If heartbeat LED exist then execute the test set. |
| [Tags] Validate_Heartbeat_LEDs_Test_Cases |
| ${resp} = OpenBMC Get Request /org/openbmc/control/led/heartbeat |
| Run keyword If ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_OK} Execute Heartbeat LEDs Test Cases |
| |
| Validate Identify LEDs Test Cases |
| [Documentation] If identify LED exist then execute the test set. |
| [Tags] Validate_Identify_LEDs_Test_Cases |
| ${resp} = OpenBMC Get Request /org/openbmc/control/led/identify |
| Run keyword If ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_OK} Execute Identify LEDs Test Cases |
| |
| Validate Beep LEDs Test Cases |
| [Documentation] If beep LED exist then execute the test set. |
| [Tags] Validate_Beep_LEDs_Test_Cases |
| ${resp} = OpenBMC Get Request /org/openbmc/control/led/beep |
| Run keyword If ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_OK} Execute Beep LEDs Test Cases |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| |
| Execute Heartbeat LEDs Test Cases |
| [Documentation] Executing ON/OFF/Fast/Slow Heartbeat LED test cases. |
| Turn ON the Heartbeat LED |
| Turn OFF the Heartbeat LED |
| Blink Fast the Heartbeat LED |
| Blink Slow the Heartbeat LED |
| |
| Execute Identify LEDs Test Cases |
| [Documentation] Executing ON/OFF/Fast/Slow Identify LED test cases. |
| Turn ON the Identify LED |
| Turn OFF the Identify LED |
| Blink Fast the Identify LED |
| Blink Slow the Identify LED |
| |
| Execute Beep LEDs Test Cases |
| [Documentation] Executing ON/OFF/Fast/Slow Beep LED test cases. |
| Turn ON the Beep LED |
| Turn OFF the Beep LED |
| Blink Fast the Beep LED |
| Blink Slow the Beep LED |
| |
| Turn ON the Heartbeat LED |
| [Documentation] This testcase is to test the setOn functionality of the |
| ... Heartbeat LED. The LED state is read again to check if |
| ... the LED is in ON state. |
| Set On heartbeat |
| ${ledstate} = Get LED State heartbeat |
| should be equal as strings ${ledstate} On |
| |
| Turn OFF the Heartbeat LED |
| [Documentation] This testcase is to test the setOff functionality of the |
| ... Heartbeat LED. The LED state is read again to check if |
| ... the LED is in OFF state. |
| Set Off heartbeat |
| ${ledstate} = Get LED State heartbeat |
| should be equal as strings ${ledstate} Off |
| |
| Blink Fast the Heartbeat LED |
| [Documentation] This testcase is to test the setBlinkFast functionality of the |
| ... Heartbeat LED. The LED state is sampled to figure out |
| ... whether the LED is blinking. There is no distinguishing |
| ... between whether the LED is blinking fast or slow for |
| ... this testcase to pass. |
| ${OFF_VALUE}= Set Variable ${0} |
| ${ON_VALUE}= Set Variable ${0} |
| Set Blink Fast heartbeat |
| \ ${ledstate} = Get LED State heartbeat |
| \ ${ON_VALUE} = Set Variable If '${ledstate}'=='On' ${ON_VALUE + 1} ${ON_VALUE} |
| \ ${OFF_VALUE} = Set Variable If '${ledstate}'=='Off' ${OFF_VALUE + 1} ${OFF_VALUE} |
| should be true ${ON_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} and ${OFF_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} |
| |
| Blink Slow the Heartbeat LED |
| [Documentation] This testcase is to test the setBlinkSlow functionality of the |
| ... Heartbeat LED. The LED state is sampled to figure out |
| ... whether the LED is blinking. There is no distinguishing |
| ... between whether the LED is blinking fast or slow for |
| ... this testcase to pass. |
| ${OFF_VALUE}= Set Variable ${0} |
| ${ON_VALUE}= Set Variable ${0} |
| Set Blink Slow heartbeat |
| \ ${ledstate} = Get LED State heartbeat |
| \ ${ON_VALUE} = Set Variable If '${ledstate}'=='On' ${ON_VALUE + 1} ${ON_VALUE} |
| \ ${OFF_VALUE} = Set Variable If '${ledstate}'=='Off' ${OFF_VALUE + 1} ${OFF_VALUE} |
| should be true ${ON_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} and ${OFF_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} |
| |
| Turn ON the Identify LED |
| [Documentation] This testcase is to test the setOn functionality of the |
| ... Identify LED. The LED state is read again to check if |
| ... the LED is in ON state. |
| Set On identify |
| ${ledstate} = Get LED State identify |
| should be equal as strings ${ledstate} On |
| |
| Turn OFF the Identify LED |
| [Documentation] This testcase is to test the setOff functionality of the |
| ... Identify LED. The LED state is read again to check if |
| ... the LED is in OFF state. |
| Set Off identify |
| ${ledstate} = Get LED State identify |
| should be equal as strings ${ledstate} Off |
| |
| Blink Fast the Identify LED |
| [Documentation] This testcase is to test the setBlinkFast functionality of the |
| ... Identify LED. The LED state is sampled to figure out |
| ... whether the LED is blinking. There is no distinguishing |
| ... between whether the LED is blinking fast or slow for |
| ... this testcase to pass. |
| ${OFF_VALUE}= Set Variable ${0} |
| ${ON_VALUE}= Set Variable ${0} |
| Set Blink Fast identify |
| \ ${ledstate} = Get LED State identify |
| \ ${ON_VALUE} = Set Variable If '${ledstate}'=='On' ${ON_VALUE + 1} ${ON_VALUE} |
| \ ${OFF_VALUE} = Set Variable If '${ledstate}'=='Off' ${OFF_VALUE + 1} ${OFF_VALUE} |
| should be true ${ON_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} and ${OFF_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} |
| |
| Blink Slow the Identify LED |
| [Documentation] This testcase is to test the setBlinkSlow functionality of the |
| ... Identify LED. The LED state is sampled to figure out |
| ... whether the LED is blinking. There is no distinguishing |
| ... between whether the LED is blinking fast or slow for |
| ... this testcase to pass. |
| ${OFF_VALUE}= Set Variable ${0} |
| ${ON_VALUE}= Set Variable ${0} |
| Set Blink Slow identify |
| \ ${ledstate} = Get LED State identify |
| \ ${ON_VALUE} = Set Variable If '${ledstate}'=='On' ${ON_VALUE + 1} ${ON_VALUE} |
| \ ${OFF_VALUE} = Set Variable If '${ledstate}'=='Off' ${OFF_VALUE + 1} ${OFF_VALUE} |
| should be true ${ON_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} and ${OFF_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} |
| |
| Turn ON the Beep LED |
| [Documentation] This testcase is to test the setOn functionality of the |
| ... Beep LED. The LED state is read again to check if |
| ... the LED is in ON state. |
| Set On beep |
| ${ledstate} = Get LED State beep |
| should be equal as strings ${ledstate} On |
| |
| Turn OFF the Beep LED |
| [Documentation] This testcase is to test the setOff functionality of the |
| ... Beep LED. The LED state is read again to check if |
| ... the LED is in OFF state. |
| Set Off beep |
| ${ledstate} = Get LED State beep |
| should be equal as strings ${ledstate} Off |
| |
| Blink Fast the Beep LED |
| [Documentation] This testcase is to test the setBlinkFast functionality of the |
| ... Beep LED. The LED state is sampled to figure out |
| ... whether the LED is blinking. There is no distinguishing |
| ... between whether the LED is blinking fast or slow for |
| ... this testcase to pass. |
| ${OFF_VALUE}= Set Variable ${0} |
| ${ON_VALUE}= Set Variable ${0} |
| ${data} = create dictionary data=@{EMPTY} |
| Set Blink Fast beep |
| \ ${ledstate} = Get LED State beep |
| \ ${ON_VALUE} = Set Variable If '${ledstate}'=='On' ${ON_VALUE + 1} ${ON_VALUE} |
| \ ${OFF_VALUE} = Set Variable If '${ledstate}'=='Off' ${OFF_VALUE + 1} ${OFF_VALUE} |
| should be true ${ON_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} and ${OFF_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} |
| |
| Blink Slow the Beep LED |
| [Documentation] This testcase is to test the setBlinkSlow functionality of the |
| ... Beep LED. The LED state is sampled to figure out |
| ... whether the LED is blinking. There is no distinguishing |
| ... between whether the LED is blinking fast or slow for |
| ... this testcase to pass. |
| ${OFF_VALUE}= Set Variable ${0} |
| ${ON_VALUE}= Set Variable ${0} |
| Set Blink Slow beep |
| \ ${ledstate} = Get LED State beep |
| \ ${ON_VALUE} = Set Variable If '${ledstate}'=='On' ${ON_VALUE + 1} ${ON_VALUE} |
| \ ${OFF_VALUE} = Set Variable If '${ledstate}'=='Off' ${OFF_VALUE + 1} ${OFF_VALUE} |
| should be true ${ON_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} and ${OFF_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} |
| |
| Get LED State |
| [arguments] ${args} |
| ${data} = create dictionary data=@{EMPTY} |
| ${resp} = OpenBMC Post Request /org/openbmc/control/led/${args}/action/GetLedState data=${data} |
| should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} |
| ${json} = to json ${resp.content} |
| [return] ${json['data'][1]} |
| |
| Set On |
| [arguments] ${args} |
| ${data} = create dictionary data=@{EMPTY} |
| ${resp} = OpenBMC Post Request /org/openbmc/control/led/${args}/action/setOn data=${data} |
| should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} |
| ${json} = to json ${resp.content} |
| should be equal as integers ${json['data']} 0 |
| |
| Set Off |
| [arguments] ${args} |
| ${data} = create dictionary data=@{EMPTY} |
| ${resp} = OpenBMC Post Request /org/openbmc/control/led/${args}/action/setOff data=${data} |
| should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} |
| ${json} = to json ${resp.content} |
| should be equal as integers ${json['data']} 0 |
| |
| Set Blink Fast |
| [arguments] ${args} |
| ${data} = create dictionary data=@{EMPTY} |
| ${resp} = OpenBMC Post Request /org/openbmc/control/led/${args}/action/setBlinkFast data=${data} |
| should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} |
| ${json} = to json ${resp.content} |
| should be equal as integers ${json['data']} 0 |
| |
| Set Blink Slow |
| [arguments] ${args} |
| ${data} = create dictionary data=@{EMPTY} |
| ${resp} = OpenBMC Post Request /org/openbmc/control/led/${args}/action/setBlinkSlow data=${data} |
| should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} |
| ${json} = to json ${resp.content} |
| should be equal as integers ${json['data']} 0 |