blob: cbef02ff87a8041f179cfe2d2fbae2a69ea270ae [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test Lock Management feature of Management Console on BMC.
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Test Setup Test Setup Execution
Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution
*** Variables ***
# Data-sets for testing different test cases.
&{LOCKALL_LEN1} LockFlag=LockAll SegmentLength=${1}
&{LOCKALL_LEN2} LockFlag=LockAll SegmentLength=${2}
&{LOCKALL_LEN3} LockFlag=LockAll SegmentLength=${3}
&{LOCKALL_LEN4} LockFlag=LockAll SegmentLength=${4}
&{LOCKALL_LEN5} LockFlag=LockAll SegmentLength=${5}
&{LOCKALL_INVALID_LOCKFLAG1} LockFlag=LocAll SegmentLength=${2}
&{LOCKSAME_INVALID_LOCKFLAG3} Lock=LockSame SegmentLength=${1}
&{LOCKSAME_INVALID_LOCKFLAG4} Lock=LockSame SegmentLength=${True}
&{LOCKSAME_LEN1} LockFlag=LockSame SegmentLength=${1}
&{LOCKSAME_LEN2} LockFlag=LockSame SegmentLength=${2}
&{LOCKSAME_LEN3} LockFlag=LockSame SegmentLength=${3}
&{LOCKSAME_LEN4} LockFlag=LockSame SegmentLength=${4}
&{LOCKSAME_INVALID_LEN1} LockFlag=LockSame SegmentLength=${0}
&{LOCKSAME_INVALID_LEN2} LockFlag=LockSame SegmentLength=${5}
&{LOCKSAME_INVALID_LEN_STR} LockFlag=LockSame SegmentLength=2
&{LOCKSAME_INVALID_LEN_NEG} LockFlag=LockSame SegmentLength=${-3}
&{LOCKSAME_INVALID_LEN_BOOL} Lock=LockSame SegmentLength=${True}
&{DONTLOCK_LEN1} LockFlag=DontLock SegmentLength=${1}
&{DONTLOCK_LEN2} LockFlag=DontLock SegmentLength=${2}
&{DONTLOCK_LEN3} LockFlag=DontLock SegmentLength=${3}
&{DONTLOCK_LEN4} LockFlag=DontLock SegmentLength=${4}
&{DONTLOCK_INVALID_LEN} LockFlag=DontLock SegmentLength=${5}
# Different messages to be verified.
${PROP_REQ_ERR} is a required property and must be included in the request.
${PROP_ERR} is not in the list of valid properties for the resource.
${PROP_TYPE_ERR} is of a different type than the property can accept.
# Build error patterns list.
# Dictionary of Locks with Transaction ID as key and Session ID as a value.
*** Test Cases ***
Acquire And Release Different Read Locks
[Documentation] Acquire and release different read locks.
[Tags] Acquire_And_Release_Different_Read_Locks
[Template] Acquire And Release Lock
# lock seg_flags resource_id hmc_id exp_status_code err_msgs new_sess
# type req
Read ${ONE_SEG_FLAG_ALL} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${ONE_SEG_FLAG_SAME} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${ONE_SEG_FLAG_DONT} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_1} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_OK} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_3} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_OK} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_4} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_5} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${THREE_SEG_FLAG_1} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${THREE_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${THREE_SEG_FLAG_3} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${FOUR_SEG_FLAG_1} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${FOUR_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${FOUR_SEG_FLAG_3} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${FIVE_SEG_FLAG_1} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${FIVE_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${FIVE_SEG_FLAG_3} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${SIX_SEG_FLAG_1} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${SIX_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${SIX_SEG_FLAG_3} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${SEVEN_SEG_FLAG_1} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${SEVEN_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${SEVEN_SEG_FLAG_3} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_INVALID1} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_INVALID2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_INVALID3} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_INVALID4} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_INVALID5} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${ERR_PATTERN1} ${True}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_INVALID6} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${ERR_PATTERN1} ${True}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_INVALID7} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${ERR_PATTERN3} ${True}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_INVALID8} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${ERR_PATTERN1} ${True}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_INVALID9} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${ERR_PATTERN2} ${True}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_3} 234 hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${ERR_PATTERN2} ${True}
Acquire And Release Different Write Locks
[Documentation] Acquire and release different write locks.
[Tags] Acquire_And_Release_Different_Write_Locks
[Template] Acquire And Release Lock
# lock seg_flags resource_id hmc_id exp_status_code err_msgs new_sess
# type req
Write ${ONE_SEG_FLAG_ALL} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${ONE_SEG_FLAG_SAME} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${ONE_SEG_FLAG_DONT} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_1} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_OK} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_3} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_OK} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_INVALID4} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${THREE_SEG_FLAG_1} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${THREE_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${THREE_SEG_FLAG_3} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${FOUR_SEG_FLAG_1} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${FOUR_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${FOUR_SEG_FLAG_3} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${FIVE_SEG_FLAG_1} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${FIVE_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${FIVE_SEG_FLAG_3} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${SIX_SEG_FLAG_1} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${SIX_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${SIX_SEG_FLAG_3} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${SEVEN_SEG_FLAG_1} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${SEVEN_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${SEVEN_SEG_FLAG_3} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${LOCKSAME_INVALID_LEN1} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_INVALID1} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_INVALID2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${True}
Write ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_INVALID8} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${ERR_PATTERN1} ${True}
Write ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_INVALID5} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${ERR_PATTERN1} ${True}
Write ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_INVALID9} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${ERR_PATTERN2} ${True}
Write ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_3} 234 hmc-id ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${ERR_PATTERN2} ${True}
Verify GetLockList Returns An Empty Record For An Invalid Session Id
[Documentation] Verify GetLockList returns an empty record for an invalid session id.
[Tags] Verify_GetLockList_Returns_An_Empty_Record_For_An_Invalid_Session_Id
${session_location}= Redfish.Get Session Location
${session_id}= Evaluate os.path.basename($session_location) modules=os
${records}= Run Keyword Get Locks List ${session_id}
${records}= Run Keyword Get Locks List ZZzZZz9zzZ
${length}= Get Length ${records}
Should Be Equal ${length} ${0}
Verify Lock Conflicts
[Documentation] Verify lock conflicts.
[Tags] Verify_Lock_Conflicts
[Template] Acquire And Release Lock
Write ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_OK} ['NA'] ${True}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_CONFLICT} ['NA'] ${False}
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_OK} ['NA'] ${True}
Write ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_CONFLICT} ['NA'] ${False}
Write ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_OK} ['NA'] ${True}
Write ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234} hmc-id ${HTTP_CONFLICT} ['NA'] ${False}
Verify Persistency Of Locks After BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Verify persistency of locks after BMC reboot.
[Tags] Verify_Persistency_Of_Locks_After_BMC_Reboot
[Template] Locks Persistency Check After BMC Reboot
# lock_type seg_flags resource_id
Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234}
Write ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234}
Verify Valid Lock Transactions Release
[Documentation] Verify valid lock transactions release.
[Tags] Verify_Valid_Lock_Transactions_Release
${transaction_id1}= Acquire Lock On A Given Resource
... Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234}
${locks_before}= Get Locks List ${SESSION_ID}
${transaction_id2}= Acquire Lock On A Given Resource
... Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_3} ${234}
${transaction_id3}= Acquire Lock On A Given Resource
... Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234}
${transaction_id4}= Acquire Lock On A Given Resource
... Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_3} ${234}
${transaction_ids}= Create List ${transaction_id2} ${transaction_id3} ${transaction_id4}
Release Locks ${transaction_ids}
${locks_after}= Get Locks List ${SESSION_ID}
Should Be Equal ${locks_before} ${locks_after}
Verify Invalid Lock Transactions Release
[Documentation] Verify invalid lock transactions release.
[Tags] Verify_Invalid_Lock_Transactions_Release
${transaction_id1}= Acquire Lock On A Given Resource
... Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234}
${locks_before}= Get Locks List ${SESSION_ID}
${transaction_id2}= Evaluate ${transaction_id1} + 1
${transaction_id3}= Evaluate ${transaction_id1} - 1
${transaction_ids}= Create List ${transaction_id2} ${transaction_id1} ${transaction_id3}
# If any transaction/s in the list does not belong to current session then it will be a bad request.
Release Locks ${transaction_ids} exp_status_code=${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}
${locks_after}= Get Locks List ${SESSION_ID}
Should Be Equal ${locks_before} ${locks_after}
Verify Locks Release By Session
[Documentation] Verify locks release by session.
[Tags] Verify_Locks_Release_By_Session
${locks_before}= Get Locks List ${SESSION_ID}
${transaction_id1}= Acquire Lock On A Given Resource
... Write ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234}
# Release Lock by Session without mentioning transaction_ids.
Release Locks release_type=Session
${locks_after}= Get Locks List ${SESSION_ID}
Should Be Equal ${locks_before} ${locks_after}
${transaction_id1}= Acquire Lock On A Given Resource
... Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234}
${transaction_id2}= Acquire Lock On A Given Resource
... Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_3} ${234}
${transaction_ids}= Create List ${transaction_id1} ${transaction_id2}
# Release Lock by Session by mentioning transaction_ids also in the request.
Release Locks ${transaction_ids} release_type=Session
Verify Locks Created By One Session Cannot Be Deleted By Another Session
[Documentation] Verify locks created by one session cannot be deleted by another session.
[Tags] Verify_Locks_Created_By_One_Session_Cannot_Be_Deleted_By_Another_Session
${transaction_id1}= Acquire Lock On A Given Resource
... Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_2} ${234}
${locks_tran1}= Get Locks List ${SESSION_ID}
${session_id} ${session_key}= Return Session Id And Session Key
${transaction_id2}= Acquire Lock On A Given Resource
... Read ${TWO_SEG_FLAG_3} ${234}
${locks_before}= Get Locks List ${SESSION_ID}
${transaction_ids}= Create List ${transaction_id1} ${transaction_id2}
Release Locks ${transaction_ids} exp_status_code=${HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED} conflict_record=${locks_tran1}
${locks_after}= Get Locks List ${SESSION_ID}
Should Be Equal ${locks_before} ${locks_after}
# When release_type=Session, transaction_ids should be ignored.
Release Locks ${transaction_ids} release_type=Session
${locks_after}= Get Locks List ${SESSION_ID}
Should Be Equal ${EMPTY_LIST} ${locks_after}
*** Keywords ***
Locks Persistency Check After BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Locks persistency check after BMC reboot.
[Arguments] ${lock_type} ${seg_flags} ${resource_id}
# Description of argument(s):
# lock_type Type of lock (Read/Write).
# seg_flags Segmentation Flags to identify lock elements under system level in the hierarchy.
# resource_id Decimal +ve integer value of maximum 8 hex bytes. Ex: 134, 2048 etc.
${transaction_id}= Run Keyword Acquire Lock On A Given Resource
... ${lock_type} ${seg_flags} ${resource_id}
${locks_prev}= Run Keyword Get Locks List ${SESSION_ID}
Initialize OpenBMC
OBMC Reboot (off)
${locks_curr}= Run Keyword Get Locks List ${SESSION_ID}
Should Be Equal ${locks_prev} ${locks_curr}
${transaction_ids}= Create List ${transaction_id}
Release Locks ${transaction_ids}
Return Data Dictionary For Single Request
[Documentation] Return data dictionary for single request.
[Arguments] ${lock_type} ${seg_flags} ${resource_id}
# Description of argument(s):
# lock_type Type of lock (Read/Write).
# seg_flags Segmentation Flags to identify lock elements under system level in the hierarchy.
# resource_id Decimal +ve integer value of maximum 8 hex bytes. Ex: 134, 2048 etc.
${SEG_FLAGS_LOCK}= Create Dictionary LockType=${lock_type} SegmentFlags=@{seg_flags}
... ResourceID=${resource_id}
${LOCK_REQUEST}= Create Dictionary Request=${SEG_FLAGS_ENTRIES}
Log To Console ${LOCK_REQUEST}
[Return] ${LOCK_REQUEST}
Acquire Lock On A Given Resource
[Documentation] Acquire lock on a given resource.
[Arguments] ${lock_type} ${seg_flags} ${resource_id} ${exp_status_code}=${HTTP_OK}
... ${err_msgs}=${EMPTY_LIST}
# Description of argument(s):
# lock_type Type of lock (Read/Write).
# seg_flags Segmentation Flags to identify lock elements under system level in the hierarchy.
# Ex: [{'LockFlag': 'LockAll', 'SegmentLength': 1},
# {'LockFlag': 'LockSame', 'SegmentLength': 2}]
# resource_id Decimal +ve integer value of maximum 8 hex bytes. Ex: 134, 2048 etc.
# exp_status_code Expected status code from the AcquireLock request for given inputs.
# err_msgs List of expected error messages.
${data}= Return Data Dictionary For Single Request ${lock_type} ${seg_flags} ${resource_id}
${resp}= Redfish.Post /ibm/v1/HMC/LockService/Actions/LockService.AcquireLock
... body=${data} valid_status_codes=[${exp_status_code}]
${transaction_id}= Run Keyword If ${exp_status_code} != ${HTTP_OK}
... Set Variable ${0}
... ELSE Load Lock Record And Build Transaction To Session Map ${resp.text}
Run Keyword If ${exp_status_code} == ${HTTP_CONFLICT} and ${err_msgs} == ['NA']
... Load Response And Verify Conflict ${resp.text} ${SESSION_ID}
... ELSE Run Keyword If ${exp_status_code} != ${HTTP_OK} and ${err_msgs} != ${EMPTY_LIST}
... Load Response And Verify Error ${resp.text} err_msgs=${err_msgs}
Append Transaction Id And Session Id To Locks Dictionary ${transaction_id}
[Return] ${transaction_id}
Load Lock Record And Build Transaction To Session Map
[Documentation] Load lock record and build transaction to session map.
[Arguments] ${resp_text}
# Description of argument(s):
# resp_text Response test from a REST request.
${acquire_lock}= Evaluate json.loads('''${resp_text}''') json
Append Transaction Id And Session Id To Locks Dictionary ${acquire_lock["TransactionID"]}
[Return] ${acquire_lock["TransactionID"]}
Load Response And Verify Error
[Documentation] Load response and verify error.
[Arguments] ${error_resp} ${err_msgs}=${EMPTY_LIST}
# Description of argument(s):
# error_resp Error response from a REST request.
# err_msgs List of error msg patterns.
${error_resp}= Replace String ${error_resp} \" \\"
${error_response}= Evaluate json.loads('''${error_resp}''') json
${errors}= Get Dictionary Values ${error_response}
${extended_errors}= Create List
FOR ${error} IN @{errors}
Append To List ${extended_errors} ${error[0]["Message"]}
Log To Console EXTENDED = ${extended_errors}
FOR ${exp_error} IN @{err_msgs}
Run Keyword Expect List Of Errors In An Extended Errors ${exp_error} ${extended_errors}
Expect List Of Errors In An Extended Errors
[Documentation] Expect list of errors in an extended errors.
[Arguments] ${exp_error} ${extended_errors}=${EMPTY_LIST}
${found}= Set Variable ${False}
FOR ${error_record} IN @{extended_errors}
${found}= Evaluate '${exp_error}' in '${error_record}'
Exit For Loop If ${found} == ${True}
Should Be True ${found}
Append Transaction Id And Session Id To Locks Dictionary
[Documentation] Append transaction id and session id to locks dictionary.
[Arguments] ${transaction_id}
# Description of argument(s):
# transaction_id Transaction ID created from acquire lock request. Ex: 8, 9 etc.
Set To Dictionary ${LOCKS} ${${transaction_id}} ${session_id}
Get Locks List
[Documentation] Get locks list.
[Arguments] @{sessions} ${exp_status_code}=${HTTP_OK}
# Description of argument(s):
# sessions List of comma separated strings. Ex: ["euHoAQpvNe", "ecTjANqwFr"]
# exp_status_code expected status code from the GetLockList request for given inputs.
${sessions}= Evaluate json.dumps(${sessions}) json
${data}= Set Variable {"SessionIDs": ${sessions}}
${resp}= Redfish.Post /ibm/v1/HMC/LockService/Actions/LockService.GetLockList
... body=${data} valid_status_codes=[${exp_status_code}]
${locks}= Evaluate json.loads('''${resp.text}''') json
[Return] ${locks["Records"]}
Release Locks
[Documentation] Release locks.
[Arguments] ${transaction_ids}=${EMPTY_LIST} ${release_type}=Transaction ${exp_status_code}=${HTTP_OK}
... ${conflict_record}=${EMPTY_LIST}
# Description of argument(s):
# transaction_ids List of transaction ids or session ids. Ex: [15, 18] or ["euHoAQpvNe", "ecTjANqwFr"]
# release_type Release all locks acquired using current session or only given transaction numbers.
# Ex: Session, Transaction. Default will be Transaction.
# exp_status_code expected status code from the ReleaseLock request for given inputs.
# conflict_record Expected conflict record.
# When release_type=Session then TransactionIDs list will be ignored.
${data}= Set Variable {"Type": "${release_type}", "TransactionIDs": ${transaction_ids}}
${data}= Evaluate json.dumps(${data}) json
${resp}= Redfish.Post /ibm/v1/HMC/LockService/Actions/LockService.ReleaseLock
... body=${data} valid_status_codes=[${exp_status_code}]
Should Be True ${resp.status} ${exp_status_code}
Return From Keyword If ${conflict_record} == ${EMPTY_LIST}
${conflict}= Evaluate json.loads('''${resp.text}''') json
# Example of conflict
# {
# "Record":{
# "HMCID":"hmc-id",
# "LockType":"Read",
# "ResourceID":234,
# "SegmentFlags":[
# {
# "LockFlag":"DontLock",
# "SegmentLength":3
# },
# {
# "LockFlag":"LockAll",
# "SegmentLength":1
# }
# ],
# "SessionID":"OorUVwrXuT",
# "TransactionID":47
# }
# }
Should Be Equal ${conflict_record[0]} ${conflict["Record"]}
Verify Lock Record
[Documentation] Verify lock record.
[Arguments] ${lock_found} &{lock_records}
# Description of argument(s):
# lock_found True if lock record is expected to be present, else False.
# lock_records A dictionary containing key value pairs of a lock record.
${session}= Get From Dictionary ${LOCKS} ${lock_records["TransactionID"]}
${locks}= Run Keyword Get Locks List ${session}
${lock_record_found}= Set Variable ${False}
FOR ${record} IN @{locks}
${record}= Evaluate json.dumps(${record}) json
${record}= Evaluate json.loads('''${record}''') json
${lock_record_found}= Set Variable If ${record["TransactionID"]} == ${lock_records["TransactionID"]}
... ${True} ${False}
Continue For Loop If ${lock_record_found} == ${False}
Dictionaries Should Be Equal ${record} ${lock_records}
Exit For Loop
Should Be Equal ${lock_record_found} ${lock_found}
Load Response And Verify Conflict
[Documentation] Load response and verify conflict.
[Arguments] ${conflict_resp} ${sessions}
# Description of argument(s):
# conflict_resp Conflict response from a REST request.
# Example : { "Record": { "HMCID": "hmc-id", "LockType": "Write", "ResourceID": 234,
# "SegmentFlags": [ { "LockFlag": "DontLock", "SegmentLength": 3},
# { "LockFlag": "LockAll", "SegmentLength": 1}],
# "SessionID": "B6geYEdo6T", "TransactionID": 104 } }
# sessions Comma separated list of sessions
${curr_locks}= Run Keyword Get Locks List ${sessions}
${conflict_resp}= Replace String ${conflict_resp} \" \\"
${conflict_response}= Evaluate json.loads('''${conflict_resp}''') json
${conflicts}= Get Dictionary Values ${conflict_response}
List Should Contain Value ${conflicts} ${PREV_INPUTS}
Acquire And Release Lock
[Documentation] Acquire and release lock.
[Arguments] ${lock_type} ${seg_flags} ${resource_id} ${hmc_id} ${exp_status_code}=${HTTP_OK}
... ${err_msgs}=${EMPTY_LIST} ${new_sess_req}=${True}
# Description of argument(s):
# lock_type Type of lock (Read/Write).
# seg_flags Segmentation Flags to identify lock elements under system level in the hierarchy.
# Ex: [{'LockFlag': 'LockAll', 'SegmentLength': 1},
# {'LockFlag': 'LockSame', 'SegmentLength': 2}]
# resource_id Decimal +ve integer value of maximum 8 hex bytes. Ex: 134, 2048 etc.
# hmc_id Hardware management console id.
# exp_status_code Expected status code from the AcquireLock request for given inputs.
# err_msgs List of expected error messages.
# new_sess_req Create a new session before acquiring a lock if True.
# Get REST session to BMC.
Run Keyword If ${new_sess_req} == ${True} Create New Session
${inputs}= Create Dictionary LockType=${lock_type} ResourceID=${resource_id}
... SegmentFlags=${seg_flags} HMCID=${hmc_id}
${transaction_id}= Run Keyword Acquire Lock On A Given Resource ${inputs["LockType"]}
... ${inputs["SegmentFlags"]} ${inputs["ResourceID"]} ${exp_status_code} err_msgs=${err_msgs}
# Each lock request from a new session is saved so that for next lock request using same session
# can refer to previous lock data to verify conflict records if any.
Run Keyword If ${new_sess_req} == ${True} Set Test Variable Dictionary Of Previous Lock Request
... ${lock_type} ${seg_flags} ${resource_id} ${hmc_id} ${SESSION_ID} ${transaction_id}
${session}= Get From Dictionary ${LOCKS} ${transaction_id}
Set To Dictionary ${inputs} TransactionID=${${transaction_id}} SessionID=${session}
${lock_found}= Set Variable If ${exp_status_code} == ${HTTP_OK} ${True} ${False}
Verify Lock Record ${lock_found} &{inputs}
Return From Keyword If '${exp_status_code}' != '${HTTP_OK}' or ${err_msgs} == ['NA']
${transaction_ids}= Create List ${transaction_id}
Release Locks ${transaction_ids}
Verify Lock Record ${False} &{inputs}
# Delete the session.
Create New Session
[Documentation] Create new session.
# Delete current session.
# Get a redfish session to BMC.
${session_id} ${session_key}= Return Session Id And Session Key
Set Test Variable ${SESSION_ID} ${session_id}
Set Test Variable ${SESSION_KEY} ${session_key}
Test Teardown Execution
[Documentation] Test teardown execution.
FFDC On Test Case Fail
Return Session Id And Session Key
[Documentation] Return session id and sesion key.
${session_location}= Redfish.Get Session Location
${session_id}= Evaluate os.path.basename($session_location) modules=os
${session_key}= Redfish.Get Session Key
[Return] ${session_id} ${session_key}
Test Setup Execution
[Documentation] Test setup execution.
Create New Session
Set Test Variable Dictionary Of Previous Lock Request ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY_LIST} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY}
... ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY}
Set Test Variable Dictionary Of Previous Lock Request
[Documentation] Set test variable dictionary of previous lock request.
[Arguments] ${lock_type} ${seg_flags} ${resource_id} ${hmc_id} ${session_id} ${transaction_id}
# Description of argument(s):
# lock_type Type of lock (Read/Write).
# seg_flags Segmentation Flags to identify lock elements under system level in the hierarchy.
# Ex: [{'LockFlag': 'LockAll', 'SegmentLength': 1},
# {'LockFlag': 'LockSame', 'SegmentLength': 2}]
# resource_id Decimal +ve integer value of maximum 8 hex bytes. Ex: 134, 2048 etc.
# hmc_id Hardware management console id.
# session_id Session id of the transaction.
# transaction_id Transaction_id of the lock request.
${prev_inputs}= Create Dictionary LockType=${lock_type} ResourceID=${resource_id}
... SegmentFlags=${seg_flags} HMCID=${hmc_id} SessionID=${session_id} TransactionID=${transaction_id}
Set Test Variable ${PREV_INPUTS} ${prev_inputs}