blob: 85d2d29c70564108e337f837695d2639d0c3769c [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test Redfish SessionService.
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot
Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Suite Teardown Suite Teardown Execution
Test Setup Printn
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Variables ***
@{ADMIN} admin_user TestPwd123
@{OPERATOR} operator_user TestPwd123
&{USERS} Administrator=${ADMIN} Operator=${OPERATOR}
*** Test Cases ***
Create Session And Verify Response Code Using Different Credentials
[Documentation] Create session and verify response code using different credentials.
[Tags] Create_Session_And_Verify_Response_Code_Using_Different_Credentails
[Template] Create Session And Verify Response Code
# username password valid_status_code
r00t password ${HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED}
admin_user TestPwd123 ${HTTP_CREATED}
operator_user TestPwd123 ${HTTP_CREATED}
Set Session Timeout And Verify Response Code
[Documentation] Set Session Timeout And Verify Response Code.
[Tags] Set_Session_Timeout_And_Verify_Response_Code
[Template] Set Session Timeout And Verify
[Teardown] Set Session Timeout And Verify ${3600} ${HTTP_OK}
# The minimum & maximum allowed values for session timeout are 30
# seconds and 86400 seconds respectively as per the session service
# schema mentioned at
# value valid_status_code
${30} ${HTTP_OK}
${3600} ${HTTP_OK}
${86400} ${HTTP_OK}
${86500} ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}
Verify SessionService Defaults
[Documentation] Verify SessionService default property values.
[Tags] Verify_SessionService_Defaults
${session_service}= Redfish.Get Properties /redfish/v1/SessionService
Rprint Vars session_service
Valid Value session_service[''] ['/redfish/v1/SessionService/']
Valid Value session_service['Description'] ['Session Service']
Valid Value session_service['Id'] ['SessionService']
Valid Value session_service['Name'] ['Session Service']
Valid Value session_service['ServiceEnabled'] [True]
Valid Value session_service['SessionTimeout'] [3600]
Valid Value session_service['Sessions'][''] ['/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions']
Verify Sessions Defaults
[Documentation] Verify Sessions default property values.
[Tags] Verify_Sessions_Defaults
${sessions}= Redfish.Get Properties /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions
Rprint Vars sessions
${sessions_count}= Get length ${sessions['Members']}
Valid Value sessions[''] ['/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/']
Valid Value sessions['Description'] ['Session Collection']
Valid Value sessions['Name'] ['Session Collection']
Valid Value sessions['Members@odata.count'] [${sessions_count}]
Verify Current Session Defaults
[Documentation] Verify Current session default property values.
[Tags] Verify_Current_Session_Defaults
${session_location}= Redfish.Get Session Location
${session_id}= Evaluate os.path.basename($session_location) modules=os
${session_properties}= Redfish.Get Properties /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/${session_id}
Rprint Vars session_location session_id session_properties
Valid Value session_properties[''] ['/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/${session_id}']
Valid Value session_properties['Description'] ['Manager User Session']
Valid Value session_properties['Name'] ['User Session']
Valid Value session_properties['Id'] ['${session_id}']
Valid Value session_properties['UserName'] ['${OPENBMC_USERNAME}']
Verify Managers Defaults
[Documentation] Verify managers defaults.
[Tags] Verify_Managers_Defaults
${managers}= Redfish.Get Properties /redfish/v1/Managers
Rprint Vars managers
${managers_count}= Get Length ${managers['Members']}
Valid Value managers['Name'] ['Manager Collection']
Valid Value managers[''] ['/redfish/v1/Managers']
Valid Value managers['Members@odata.count'] [${managers_count}]
# Members can be one or more, hence checking in the list.
Valid List managers['Members'] required_values=[{'': '/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc'}]
Verify Chassis Defaults
[Documentation] Verify chassis defaults.
[Tags] Verify_Chassis_Defaults
${chassis}= Redfish.Get Properties /redfish/v1/Chassis
Rprint Vars chassis
${chassis_count}= Get Length ${chassis['Members']}
Valid Value chassis['Name'] ['Chassis Collection']
Valid Value chassis[''] ['/redfish/v1/Chassis']
Valid Value chassis['Members@odata.count'] [${chassis_count}]
Valid Value chassis['Members@odata.count'] [${chassis_count}]
# Members can be one or more, hence checking in the list.
Valid List chassis['Members']
... required_values=[{'': '/redfish/v1/Chassis/${CHASSIS_ID}'}]
Verify Systems Defaults
[Documentation] Verify systems defaults.
[Tags] Verify_Systems_Defaults
${systems}= Redfish.Get Properties /redfish/v1/Systems
Rprint Vars systems
${systems_count}= Get Length ${systems['Members']}
Valid Value systems['Name'] ['Computer System Collection']
Valid Value systems[''] ['/redfish/v1/Systems']
Valid Value systems['Members@odata.count'] [${systems_count}]
Valid Value systems['Members@odata.count'] [${systems_count}]
# Members can be one or more, hence checking in the list.
Valid List systems['Members'] required_values=[{'': '/redfish/v1/Systems/system'}]
Verify Session Persistency After BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Verify session persistency after BMC reboot.
[Tags] Verify_Session_Persistency_After_BMC_Reboot
# Note the current session location.
${session_location}= Redfish.Get Session Location
Redfish OBMC Reboot (off) stack_mode=normal
# Check for session persistency after BMC reboot.
# sessions here will have list of all sessions location.
${sessions}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions Members
${payload}= Create Dictionary${session_location}
List Should Contain Value ${sessions} ${payload}
REST Logging Interface Read Should Be A SUCCESS For Authorized Users
[Documentation] REST logging interface read should be a success for authorized users.
[Tags] REST_Logging_Interface_Read_Should_Be_A_SUCCESS_For_Authorized_Users
${resp}= Redfish.Get /xyz/openbmc_project/logging
${resp_output}= evaluate json.loads('''${resp.text}''') json
${log_count}= Get Length ${resp_output["data"]}
# Max 200 error logs are allowed in OpenBmc.
Run Keyword Unless ${-1} < ${log_count} < ${201} Fail
*** Keywords ***
Create Session And Verify Response Code
[Documentation] Create session and verify response code.
[Arguments] ${username}=${OPENBMC_USERNAME} ${password}=${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}
... ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_CREATED}
# Description of argument(s):
# username The username to create a session.
# password The password to create a session.
# valid_status_code Expected response code, default is ${HTTP_CREATED}.
${resp}= Redfish.Post /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions
... body={'UserName':'${username}', 'Password': '${password}'}
... valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_code}]
Set Session Timeout And Verify
[Documentation] Set Session Timeout And Verify.
[Arguments] ${value}=3600 ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_OK}
# Description of argument(s):
# value The value to patch session timeout.
# valid_status_code Expected response code, default is ${HTTP_OK}.
${data}= Create Dictionary SessionTimeout=${value}
Redfish.Patch ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}SessionService
... body=&{data}
... valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_code}]
${session_timeout}= Redfish.Get Attribute
... ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}SessionService SessionTimeout
Run Keyword If ${valid_status_code}==${HTTP_OK}
... Valid Value session_timeout [${value}]
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Suite Setup Execution.
Create Users With Different Roles users=${USERS} force=${True}
Suite Teardown Execution
[Documentation] Suite teardown execution.
Delete BMC Users Via Redfish users=${USERS}