blob: c76553cc85f88f23aca5654c5f58f80133e220a4 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Synaccess Protocol Distribution Unit (PDU) library
Resource ../../lib/pdu/pdu.robot
Library RequestsLibrary.RequestsKeywords
*** Keywords ***
Connect and Login
[Documentation] Open PDU connection and login.
Validate Prereq
SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${PDU_IP}
${auth}= Create List ${PDU_USERNAME} ${PDU_PASSWORD}
Create Session pdu http://${PDU_IP} auth=${auth}
Power Cycle
[Documentation] Perform PDU power cycle.
Connect and Login
${resp}= Get Request pdu /cmd.cgi?$A4 ${PDU_SLOT_NO}
${error_message}= Catenate Power cycle of slot ${PDU_SLOT_NO} failed.
... PDU returned RC=${resp}.
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} msg=${error_message}