blob: 46617fbbfe17957167d6a82aceb248f9344d9769 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Protocol settings utilities keywords.
Resource ../lib/resource.robot
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
*** Keywords ***
Enable SSH Protocol
[Documentation] Enable or disable SSH protocol.
[Arguments] ${enable_value}=${True}
# Description of argument(s}:
# enable_value Enable or disable SSH, e.g. (true, false).
${ssh_state}= Create Dictionary ProtocolEnabled=${enable_value}
${data}= Create Dictionary SSH=${ssh_state}
Redfish.Patch ${REDFISH_NW_PROTOCOL_URI} body=&{data}
... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_NO_CONTENT}]
# Wait for timeout for new values to take effect.
Verify SSH Login And Commands Work
[Documentation] Verify if SSH connection works and able to run command on SSH session.
[Teardown] Close All Connections
# Check if we can open SSH connection and login.
Open Connection And Login
# Check if we can run command successfully on SSH session.
BMC Execute Command /sbin/ip addr
Verify SSH Protocol State
[Documentation] verify SSH protocol state.
[Arguments] ${state}=${True}
# Description of argument(s}:
# state Enable or disable SSH, e.g. (true, false)
# Sample output:
# {
# "": "/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol",
# "@odata.type": "#ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_5_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol",
# "Description": "Manager Network Service",
# "FQDN": "bmc",
# "HTTP": {
# "Port": 0,
# "ProtocolEnabled": false
# },
# "HTTPS": {
# "Certificates": {
# "": "/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol/HTTPS/Certificates"
# },
# "Port": xxx,
# "ProtocolEnabled": true
# },
# "HostName": "xxxxbmc",
# "IPMI": {
# "Port": xxx,
# "ProtocolEnabled": true
# },
# "Id": "NetworkProtocol",
# "NTP": {
# "NTPServers": [
# "xx.xx.xx.xx",
# "xx.xx.xx.xx",
# "xx.xx.xx.xx"
# ],
# "ProtocolEnabled": true
# },
# "Name": "Manager Network Protocol",
# "SSH": {
# "Port": xx,
# "ProtocolEnabled": true
# },
# "Status": {
# "Health": "OK",
# "HealthRollup": "OK",
# "State": "Enabled"
# }
${resp}= Redfish.Get ${REDFISH_NW_PROTOCOL_URI}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.dict['SSH']['ProtocolEnabled']} ${state}
... msg=Protocol states are not matching.
Enable IPMI Protocol
[Documentation] Enable or disable IPMI protocol.
[Arguments] ${enable_value}=${True}
# Description of argument(s}:
# enable_value Enable or disable IPMI, e.g. (true, false).
${ipmi_state}= Create Dictionary ProtocolEnabled=${enable_value}
${data}= Create Dictionary IPMI=${ipmi_state}
Redfish.Patch ${REDFISH_NW_PROTOCOL_URI} body=&{data}
... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_NO_CONTENT}]
# Wait for timeout for new values to take effect.
Verify IPMI Works
[Documentation] Run IPMI command and return status.
[Arguments] ${sub_cmd} ${host}=${OPENBMC_HOST}
# Description of argument(s):
# host BMC host name or IP address.
# sub_cmd The IPMI command string to be executed.
${rc}= Run And Return Rc ${cmd_prefix} -H ${host} ${sub_cmd}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${rc} 0
... msg=IPMI is not enabled and commands are failing.
Verify IPMI Protocol State
[Documentation] Verify IPMI protocol state.
[Arguments] ${state}=${True}
# Description of argument(s}:
# state Enable or disable IPMI, e.g. (true, false)
${resp}= Redfish.Get ${REDFISH_NW_PROTOCOL_URI}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.dict['IPMI']['ProtocolEnabled']} ${state}
... msg=Protocol states are not matching.