blob: f3625108c26d48531153abf63a185b28299653ed [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test OpenBMC GUI "Power" sub-menu of "Resource Management".
Resource ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Suite Teardown Suite Teardown Execution
*** Variables ***
${xpath_power_heading} //h1[text()="Power"]
${xpath_power_ops_checkbox} //*[@data-test-id='power-checkbox-togglePowerCapField']
${xpath_cap_input_button} //*[@data-test-id='power-input-powerCap']
${xpath_submit_button} //*[@data-test-id='power-button-savePowerCapValue']
${xpath_select_static} //input[@value='Static']
${xpath_select_powersaving} //input[@value='PowerSaving']
${xpath_select_maximum_performance} //input[@value='MaximumPerformance']
${xpath_update_power_save_mode} //button[contains(text(),'Update power saver mode')]
${xpath_page_loading_progress_bar} //*[@aria-label='Page loading progress bar']
${xpath_idle_power_saver_checkbox} //*[@data-test-id='power-checkbox-toggleIdlePower']
${xpath_to_enter_delay_time} //*[@data-test-id='power-input-enterDwellTimeSeconds']
${xpath_to_enter_utilization_threshold} //*[@data-test-id='power-input-enterUtilizationPercent']
${xpath_to_exit_delay_time} //*[@data-test-id='power-input-exitDwellTimeSeconds']
${xpath_to_exit_utilization_threshold} //*[@data-test-id='power-input-exitUtilizationPercent']
${xpath_update_idle_power_saver_button} //button[contains(text(),'Update idle power saver')]
${xpath_reset_to_default_button} //button[contains(text(),'Reset to default')]
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Navigation To Power Page
[Documentation] Verify navigation to power page.
[Tags] Verify_Navigation_To_Power_Page
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_power_heading}
Click Element ${xpath_overview_menu}
Click Element ${xpath_power_link}
Location Should Contain power
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_power_heading}
Verify Existence Of All Sections In Power Page
[Documentation] Verify existence of all sections in power page.
[Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Power_Page
Page Should Contain Current power consumption
Page Should Contain Power cap setting
Page Should Contain Power cap value
Page Should Contain Power and performance mode
Page Should Contain Idle power saver
Verify Existence Of All Buttons In Power Page
[Documentation] Verify existence of all buttons in power page.
[Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Power_Page
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_power_ops_checkbox}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_cap_input_button}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_submit_button}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_select_static}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_select_powersaving}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_select_maximum_performance}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_update_power_save_mode}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_idle_power_saver_checkbox}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_to_enter_delay_time}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_to_enter_utilization_threshold}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_to_exit_delay_time}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_to_exit_utilization_threshold}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_update_idle_power_saver_button}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_reset_to_default_button}
Verify Server Power Cap Setting Is On
[Documentation] Verify server power cap setting is on.
[Tags] Verify_Server_Power_Cap_Setting_Is_On
[Setup] Save Initial Power Cap State
[Teardown] Restore Initial Power Cap State
Run Keyword If '${checkbox_initial_state}' == 'False'
... Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_power_ops_checkbox} 0 0
# Now input a cap value and submit.
Wait Until Element Is Enabled ${xpath_cap_input_button} timeout=10
# Get maximum and minimum values of power cap.
${resp}= Redfish.Get Properties /redfish/v1/Chassis/${CHASSIS_ID}/EnvironmentMetrics
${power_cap_value}= Evaluate
... random.randint(${resp['PowerLimitWatts']['AllowableMin']},${resp['PowerLimitWatts']['AllowableMax']})
... modules=random
Input Text ${xpath_cap_input_button} ${power_cap_value}
Click Element ${xpath_submit_button}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 15 sec Is Power Cap Value Set ${power_cap_value}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${xpath_success_message} timeout=60
Wait Until Element Is Not Visible ${xpath_success_message} timeout=60
Verify Server Power Cap Setting With Power Cap Disabled
[Documentation] Verify that valid server power cap value can be set
... in GUI with power cap is in disabled state.
[Tags] Verify_Server_Power_Cap_Setting_With_Power_Cap_Disabled
[Setup] Save Initial Power Cap State
[Teardown] Restore Initial Power Cap State
Run Keyword If '${checkbox_initial_state}' == 'True'
... Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_power_ops_checkbox} 0 0
# Now input a cap value and submit.
Wait Until Element Is Enabled ${xpath_cap_input_button} timeout=10
# Get maximum and minimum values of power cap.
${resp}= Redfish.Get Properties /redfish/v1/Chassis/${CHASSIS_ID}/EnvironmentMetrics
${power_cap_value}= Evaluate
... random.randint(${resp['PowerLimitWatts']['AllowableMin']},${resp['PowerLimitWatts']['AllowableMax']})
... modules=random
Input Text ${xpath_cap_input_button} ${power_cap_value}
Click Element ${xpath_submit_button}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 15 sec Is Power Cap Value Set ${power_cap_value}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${xpath_success_message} timeout=60
Wait Until Element Is Not Visible ${xpath_success_message} timeout=60
*** Keywords ***
Is Power Cap Value Set
[Documentation] Check if power cap value is set to the given value.
[Arguments] ${expected_value}
${cap}= Get Power Cap Value
Should Be Equal ${cap} ${expected_value}
Save Initial Power Cap State
[Documentation] Save the initial power cap state.
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_power_ops_checkbox}
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Checkbox Should Be Selected ${xpath_power_ops_checkbox}
Set Suite Variable ${checkbox_initial_state} ${status}
Restore Initial Power Cap State
[Documentation] Restore the initial power cap state.
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Checkbox Should Be Selected ${xpath_power_ops_checkbox}
Run Keyword If ${status} != ${checkbox_initial_state}
... Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_power_ops_checkbox} 0 0
Get Power Cap Value
[Documentation] Return the power cap value.
${redfish_power}= Redfish.Get Properties /redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/EnvironmentMetrics
# In Redfish version, LimitInWatts is for power cap. However, its stored NOT exactly in json
# format so with additional steps in consequent steps string is converted to json formatted
# so that a json object can be formed.
# "Id": "EnvironmentMetrics",
# "Name": "Chassis Environment Metrics",
# "PowerLimitWatts": {
# "AllowableMax": 2488,
# "AllowableMin": 1778,
# "ControlMode": "Disabled",
# "SetPoint": 2400,
[return] ${redfish_power['PowerLimitWatts']['SetPoint']}
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do suite setup tasks.
Launch Browser And Login GUI
Click Element ${xpath_resource_management_menu}
Click Element ${xpath_power_sub_menu}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 10 sec Location Should Contain power
Wait Until Element Is Not Visible ${xpath_page_loading_progress_bar} timeout=30
Suite Teardown Execution
[Documentation] Do suite teardown tasks.
Logout GUI
Close Browser