blob: 246ef223cd33b40064bc05b94aa7d293bae03346 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Network interface and functionalities test module.
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot
Force Tags Network_Test
Library String
Library SSHLibrary
Test Setup Test Init Setup
*** Test Cases ***
Get BMC IPv4 Address And Verify
[Documentation] Get BMC IPv4 address and verify.
[Tags] Get_BMC_IPv4_Address_And_Verify
:FOR ${ipv4_uri} IN @{IPv4_URI_List}
\ ${ipv4_addr}= Read Attribute ${ipv4_uri} Address
\ Validate IP on BMC ${ipv4_addr}
Verify IPv4 Prefix Length
[Documentation] Get prefix length and verify.
[Tags] Verify_IPv4_Prefix_Length
:FOR ${ipv4_uri} IN @{IPv4_URI_List}
\ ${prefix_length}= Read Attribute ${ipv4_uri} PrefixLength
\ Validate Prefix Length On BMC ${prefix_length}
Verify Gateway Address
[Documentation] Get gateway address and verify.
[Tags] Verify_Gateway_Address
:FOR ${ipv4_uri} IN @{IPv4_URI_List}
\ ${gw_ip}= Read Attribute ${ipv4_uri} Gateway
\ Validate Route On BMC ${gw_ip}
Verify MAC Address
[Documentation] Get MAC address and verify.
[Tags] Verify_MAC_Address
${macaddr}= Read Attribute ${XYZ_NETWORK_MANAGER}/eth0 MACAddress
Validate MAC On BMC ${macaddr}
*** Keywords ***
Test Init Setup
[Documentation] Network setup.
Open Connection And Login
@{IPv4_URI_List}= Get IPv4 URI List
Set Test Variable @{IPv4_URI_List}
# Get BMC IP address and prefix length.
${ip_data}= Get BMC IP Info
Set Test Variable ${ip_data}
Get IPv4 URI List
[Documentation] Get all IPv4 URIs.
# Sample output:
# "data": [
# "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0/ipv4/e9767624",
# "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0/ipv4/31f4ce8b"
# ],
@{ipv4_uri_list}= Read Properties ${XYZ_NETWORK_MANAGER}/eth0/ipv4/
Should Not Be Empty ${ipv4_uri_list} msg=IPv4 URI list is empty.
[Return] @{ipv4_uri_list}
Validate IP on BMC
[Documentation] Validate IP on BMC.
[Arguments] ${ip_address}
# Description of the argument(s):
# ip_address IP address of the system.
# ip_data Suite variable which has list of IP address
# and prefix length values.
Should Contain Match ${ip_data} ${ip_address}*
... msg=IP address does not exist.
Validate Prefix Length On BMC
[Documentation] Validate prefix length on BMC.
[Arguments] ${prefix_length}
# Description of the argument(s):
# prefix_length It indicates netmask, netmask value
# is equal to prefix length 24.
# ip_data Suite variable which has list of IP address and
# prefix length values.
Should Contain Match ${ip_data} */${prefix_length}
... msg=Prefix length does not exist.
Validate Route On BMC
[Documentation] Validate route.
[Arguments] ${gw_ip}
# Description of the argument(s):
# gw_ip Gateway IP address.
${route_info}= Get BMC Route Info
Should Contain ${route_info} ${gw_ip}
... msg=Gateway IP address not matching.
Validate MAC on BMC
[Documentation] Validate MAC on BMC.
[Arguments] ${macaddr}
# Description of the argument(s):
# macaddr MAC address of the BMC.
${system_mac}= Get BMC MAC Address
Should Contain ${system_mac} ${macaddr}
... ignore_case=True msg=MAC address does not exist.