| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation Methods to execute commands on BMC and collect |
| ... data to a list of FFDC files |
| |
| Resource openbmc_ffdc_utils.robot |
| Resource rest_client.robot |
| Resource utils.robot |
| Resource list_utils.robot |
| Resource logging_utils.robot |
| Resource bmc_redfish_resource.robot |
| Library SSHLibrary |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Library Collections |
| Library String |
| Library gen_print.py |
| Library gen_cmd.py |
| Library gen_robot_keyword.py |
| Library dump_utils.py |
| Library logging_utils.py |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| |
| ${FFDC_BMC_FILES_CLEANUP} rm -rf /tmp/BMC_* /tmp/PEL_* /tmp/PLDM_* |
| ... /tmp/OCC_* /tmp/fan_* /tmp/GUARD_* /tmp/DEVTREE |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| |
| # Method : Call FFDC Methods # |
| # Execute the user define keywords from the FFDC List # |
| # Unlike any other keywords this will call into the # |
| # list of keywords defined in the FFDC list at one go # |
| |
| Call FFDC Methods |
| [Documentation] Call into FFDC Keyword index list. |
| [Arguments] ${ffdc_function_list}=${EMPTY} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # ffdc_function_list A colon-delimited list naming the kinds of FFDC that |
| # are to be collected |
| # (e.g. "FFDC Generic Report:BMC Specific Files"). |
| # Acceptable values can be found in the description |
| # field of FFDC_METHOD_CALL in |
| # lib/openbmc_ffdc_list.py. Those values can be |
| # obtained via a call to 'Get FFDC Method Desc' (also |
| # from lib/openbmc_ffdc_list.py). |
| |
| @{entries}= Get FFDC Method Index |
| # Example entries: |
| # entries: |
| # entries[0]: BMC LOGS |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| FOR ${index} IN @{entries} |
| ${ffdc_file_sub_list}= Method Call Keyword List ${index} ${ffdc_function_list} |
| ${ffdc_file_list}= Smart Combine Lists ${ffdc_file_list} ${ffdc_file_sub_list} |
| END |
| |
| Run Key U SSHLibrary.Close All Connections |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| Method Call Keyword List |
| [Documentation] Process FFDC request and return a list of generated files. |
| [Arguments] ${index} ${ffdc_function_list}=${EMPTY} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # index The index into the FFDC_METHOD_CALL dictionary (e.g. |
| # 'BMC LOGS'). |
| # ffdc_function_list See ffdc_function_list description in |
| # "Call FFDC Methods" (above). |
| |
| @{method_list}= Get FFDC Method Call ${index} |
| # Example method_list: |
| # method_list: |
| # method_list[0]: |
| # method_list[0][0]: FFDC Generic Report |
| # method_list[0][1]: BMC FFDC Manifest |
| # method_list[1]: |
| # method_list[1][0]: Get Request FFDC |
| # method_list[1][1]: BMC FFDC Get Requests |
| # (etc.) |
| |
| # If function list is empty assign default (i.e. a list of all allowable |
| # values). In either case, convert ffdc_function_list from a string to |
| # a list. |
| @{ffdc_function_list}= |
| ... Run Keyword If '${ffdc_function_list}' == '${EMPTY}' |
| ... Get FFDC Method Desc ${index} |
| ... ELSE |
| ... Split String ${ffdc_function_list} separator=: |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| FOR ${method} IN @{method_list} |
| ${ffdc_file_sub_list}= Execute Keyword Method ${method[0]} ${method[1]} @{ffdc_function_list} |
| ${ffdc_file_list}= Smart Combine Lists ${ffdc_file_list} ${ffdc_file_sub_list} |
| END |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| Execute Keyword Method |
| [Documentation] Call into BMC method keywords. Don't let one |
| ... failure skip the remaining. Get whatever data |
| ... it could gather at worse case scenario. |
| [Arguments] ${description} ${keyword_name} @{ffdc_function_list} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # description The description of the FFDC to be collected. This |
| # would be any value returned by |
| # 'Get FFDC Method Desc' (e.g. "FFDC Generic Report"). |
| # keyword_name The name of the keyword to call to collect the FFDC |
| # data (again, see FFDC_METHOD_CALL). |
| # ffdc_function_list See ffdc_function_list description in |
| # "Call FFDC Methods" (above). The only difference is |
| # in this case, it should be a list rather than a |
| # colon-delimited value. |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| |
| ${index}= Get Index From List ${ffdc_function_list} ${description} |
| Run Keyword If '${index}' == '${-1}' Return from Keyword |
| ... ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| ${status} ${ffdc_file_list}= Run Key ${keyword_name} ignore=1 |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| BMC FFDC Cleanup |
| [Documentation] Run the ssh commands from FFDC_BMC_FILES_CLEANUP. |
| |
| Log To Console BMC FFDC Files clean up: ${FFDC_BMC_FILES_CLEANUP} |
| BMC Execute Command ${FFDC_BMC_FILES_CLEANUP} ignore_err=1 |
| |
| |
| # Method : BMC FFDC Manifest # |
| # Execute command on BMC and write to ffdc_report.txt # |
| |
| BMC FFDC Manifest |
| [Documentation] Run the ssh commands from FFDC_BMC_CMD and return a list |
| ... of generated files. |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List ${FFDC_FILE_PATH} |
| @{entries}= Get FFDC Cmd Index |
| |
| FOR ${index} IN @{entries} |
| Iterate BMC Command List Pairs ${index} |
| END |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| Iterate BMC Command List Pairs |
| [Documentation] Feed in key pair list from dictionary to execute |
| [Arguments] ${key_index} |
| |
| @{cmd_list}= Get ffdc bmc cmd ${key_index} |
| Set Suite Variable ${ENTRY_INDEX} ${key_index} |
| |
| FOR ${cmd} IN @{cmd_list} |
| Execute Command and Write FFDC ${cmd[0]} ${cmd[1]} |
| END |
| |
| Execute Command and Write FFDC |
| [Documentation] Run a command on the BMC or OS, write the output to the |
| ... specified file and return a list of generated files. |
| [Arguments] ${key_index} ${cmd} ${logpath}=${FFDC_FILE_PATH} |
| ... ${target}=BMC |
| |
| Run Keyword If '${logpath}' == '${FFDC_FILE_PATH}' |
| ... Write Cmd Output to FFDC File ${key_index} ${cmd} |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List ${log_path} |
| |
| ${cmd_buf}= Catenate ${target} Execute Command \ ${cmd} \ ignore_err=${1} |
| ... \ time_out=${FFDC_CMD_TIMEOUT} |
| ${status} ${ret_values}= Run Key ${cmd_buf} ignore=${1} |
| # If the command times out, status will be 'FAIL'. |
| Return From Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| ${stdout}= Set Variable ${ret_values}[0] |
| ${stderr}= Set Variable ${ret_values}[1] |
| |
| # Write stdout on success and stderr/stdout to the file on failure. |
| Run Keyword If $stderr == '${EMPTY}' |
| ... Write Data To File ${stdout}${\n} ${logpath} |
| ... ELSE Write Data To File |
| ... ERROR output:${\n}${stderr}${\n}Output:${\n}${stdout}${\n} |
| ... ${logpath} |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| # Method : BMC FFDC Files # |
| # Execute command on BMC and write to individual file # |
| # based on the file name pre-defined in the list # |
| |
| BMC FFDC Files |
| [Documentation] Run the commands from FFDC_BMC_FILE and return a list of |
| ... generated files. |
| |
| @{entries}= Get FFDC File Index |
| # Example of entries: |
| # entries: |
| # entries[0]: BMC FILES |
| |
| scp.Open Connection |
| ... ${OPENBMC_HOST} username=${OPENBMC_USERNAME} password=${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} port=${SSH_PORT} |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| |
| FOR ${index} IN @{entries} |
| ${ffdc_file_sub_list}= Create File and Write Data ${index} |
| ${ffdc_file_list}= Smart Combine Lists ${ffdc_file_list} ${ffdc_file_sub_list} |
| END |
| |
| BMC Execute Command rm -rf /tmp/BMC_* |
| scp.Close Connection |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| Create File and Write Data |
| [Documentation] Run commands from FFDC_BMC_FILE to create FFDC files and |
| ... return a list of generated files. |
| [Arguments] ${key_index} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # key_index The index into the FFDC_BMC_FILE dictionary. |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| @{cmd_list}= Get FFDC BMC File ${key_index} |
| |
| FOR ${cmd} IN @{cmd_list} |
| ${logpath}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${LOG_PREFIX} ${cmd[0]} |
| ${ffdc_file_sub_list}= Execute Command and Write FFDC ${cmd[0]} ${cmd[1]} ${logpath} |
| Run Key U scp.Get File \ /tmp/${cmd[0]} \ ${LOG_PREFIX}${cmd[0]} ignore=1 |
| ${ffdc_file_list}= Smart Combine Lists ${ffdc_file_list} ${ffdc_file_sub_list} |
| END |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| # Method : Log Test Case Status # |
| # Creates test result history footprint for reference # |
| |
| Log Test Case Status |
| [Documentation] Test case execution result history. |
| ... Create once and append to this file |
| ... logs/test_history.txt |
| ... Format Date:Test suite:Test case:Status |
| ... 20160909214053719992:Test Warmreset:Test WarmReset via REST:FAIL |
| |
| ... ${EMPTY} |
| ${FFDC_DIR_PATH}= Get Variable Value ${FFDC_DIR_PATH} ${EMPTY} |
| |
| Run Keyword If '${FFDC_DIR_PATH}' == '${EMPTY}' Set FFDC Defaults |
| |
| Run Keyword If '${FFDC_DIR_PATH_STYLE}' == '${1}' Run Keywords |
| ... Set Global Variable ${FFDC_LOG_PATH} ${FFDC_DIR_PATH} AND |
| ... Set Global Variable ${TEST_HISTORY} ${FFDC_DIR_PATH}test_history.txt |
| |
| Create Directory ${FFDC_LOG_PATH} |
| |
| ${exist}= Run Keyword and Return Status |
| ... OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${TEST_HISTORY} |
| |
| Run Keyword If '${exist}' == '${False}' |
| ... Create File ${TEST_HISTORY} |
| |
| |
| ${cur_time}= Get Current Time Stamp |
| |
| Append To File ${TEST_HISTORY} |
| ... ${cur_time}:${SUITE_NAME}:${TEST_NAME}:${TEST_STATUS}${\n} |
| |
| |
| Log FFDC Get Requests |
| [Documentation] Run the get requests associated with the key and return a |
| ... list of generated files. |
| [Arguments] ${key_index} |
| |
| # Note: Output will be in JSON pretty_print format. |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # key_index The key to the FFDC_GET_REQUEST dictionary that contains the |
| # get requests that are to be run. |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| @{cmd_list}= Get FFDC Get Request ${key_index} |
| |
| FOR ${cmd} IN @{cmd_list} |
| ${logpath}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${LOG_PREFIX} ${cmd[0]} |
| ${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${cmd[1]} quiet=${1} timeout=${30} |
| ${status}= Run Keyword and Return Status Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} |
| Run Keyword If '${status}' == '${False}' Continue For Loop |
| Write Data To File ${\n}${resp.json()}${\n} ${logpath} |
| Append To List ${ffdc_file_list} ${logpath} |
| END |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| Log FFDC Get Redfish Requests |
| [Documentation] Run the get requests associated with the key and return a |
| ... list of generated files. |
| [Arguments] ${key_index} |
| |
| # Note: Output will be in JSON pretty_print format. |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # key_index The key to the FFDC_GET_REDFISH_REQUEST dictionary that contains the |
| # get requests that are to be run. |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| @{cmd_list}= Get FFDC Get Redfish Request ${key_index} |
| |
| FOR ${cmd} IN @{cmd_list} |
| ${logpath}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${LOG_PREFIX} ${cmd[0]} |
| ${resp}= Redfish.Get ${cmd[1]} |
| Write Data To File ${\n}${resp}${\n} ${logpath} |
| Append To List ${ffdc_file_list} ${logpath} |
| END |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| BMC FFDC Get Requests |
| [Documentation] Iterate over get request list and return a list of |
| ... generated files. |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| |
| @{entries}= Get ffdc get request index |
| # Example of entries: |
| # entries: |
| # entries[0]: GET REQUESTS |
| |
| FOR ${index} IN @{entries} |
| ${ffdc_file_sub_list}= Log FFDC Get Requests ${index} |
| ${ffdc_file_list}= Smart Combine Lists ${ffdc_file_list} ${ffdc_file_sub_list} |
| END |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| BMC FFDC Get Redfish Requests |
| [Documentation] Iterate over get request list and return a list of |
| ... generated files. |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| |
| @{entries}= Get ffdc get redfish request index |
| # Example of entries: |
| # entries: |
| # entries[0]: GET REQUESTS |
| |
| FOR ${index} IN @{entries} |
| ${ffdc_file_sub_list}= Log FFDC Get Redfish Requests ${index} |
| ${ffdc_file_list}= Smart Combine Lists ${ffdc_file_list} ${ffdc_file_sub_list} |
| END |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| Log OS All distros FFDC |
| [Documentation] Run commands from FFDC_OS_ALL_DISTROS_FILE to create FFDC |
| ... files and return a list of generated files. |
| [Arguments] ${key_index} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # key_index The index into the FFDC_OS_ALL_DISTROS_FILE dictionary. |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| |
| @{cmd_list}= Get FFDC OS All Distros Call ${key_index} |
| |
| FOR ${cmd} IN @{cmd_list} |
| ${logpath}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${LOG_PREFIX} ${cmd[0]} |
| ${ffdc_file_sub_list}= Execute Command and Write FFDC ${cmd[0]} ${cmd[1]} ${logpath} target=OS |
| # scp it to the LOG_PREFIX ffdc directory. |
| Run Key U scp.Get File \ /tmp/${cmd[0]} \ ${LOG_PREFIX}${cmd[0]} ignore=1 |
| ${ffdc_file_list}= Smart Combine Lists ${ffdc_file_list} ${ffdc_file_sub_list} |
| END |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| [Documentation] Run commands from the FFDC_OS_<distro>_FILE to create FFDC |
| ... files and return a list of generated files. |
| [Arguments] ${key_index} ${linux_distro} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # key_index The index into the FFDC_OS_<distro>_FILE dictionary. |
| # linux_distro Your OS's linux distro (e.g. "UBUNTU", "RHEL", etc). |
| |
| Log To Console Collecting log for ${linux_distro} |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| |
| @{cmd_list}= Get FFDC OS Distro Call ${key_index} ${linux_distro} |
| |
| FOR ${cmd} IN @{cmd_list} |
| ${logpath}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${LOG_PREFIX} ${cmd[0]} |
| ${ffdc_file_sub_list}= Execute Command and Write FFDC ${cmd[0]} ${cmd[1]} ${logpath} target=OS |
| Run Key U scp.Get File \ /tmp/${cmd[0]} \ ${LOG_PREFIX}${cmd[0]} ignore=1 |
| ${ffdc_file_list}= Smart Combine Lists ${ffdc_file_list} ${ffdc_file_sub_list} |
| END |
| |
| # Get the name of the sosreport file. |
| ${sosreport_file_path} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command |
| ... ls /tmp/sosreport*FFDC*tar.xz ignore_err=${True} |
| # Example: sosreport_file_path="/tmp/sosreport-myhost-FFDC-2019-08-20-pbuaqtk.tar.xz". |
| |
| # Return if there is no sosreport file. |
| Return From Keyword If ${rc} != ${0} ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| ${sosreport_dir_path} ${sosreport_file_name}= Split Path ${sosreport_file_path} |
| # Example: sosreport_dir_path="/tmp", |
| # sosreport_file_name="sosreport-myhost-FFDC-2019-08-20-pbuaqtk.tar.xz". |
| |
| # Location where the sosreport file will be copied to. |
| ${local_sosreport_file_path}= Set Variable ${LOG_PREFIX}OS_${sosreport_file_name} |
| |
| # Change file permissions otherwise scp will not see the file. |
| OS Execute Command chmod 644 ${sosreport_file_path} |
| |
| # SCP the sosreport file from the OS. |
| Run Key U scp.Get File \ ${sosreport_file_path} \ ${local_sosreport_file_path} ignore=1 |
| |
| # Add the file location to the ffdc_file_list. |
| Append To List ${ffdc_file_list} ${local_sosreport_file_path} |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| OS FFDC Files |
| [Documentation] Run the commands from FFDC_OS_ALL_DISTROS_FILE to create |
| ... FFDC files and return a list of generated files. |
| [Arguments] ${OS_HOST}=${OS_HOST} ${OS_USERNAME}=${OS_USERNAME} |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| |
| Run Keyword If '${OS_HOST}' == '${EMPTY}' Run Keywords |
| ... Print Timen No OS Host provided so no OS FFDC will be done. AND |
| ... Return From Keyword ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| ${match_state}= Create Dictionary os_ping=^1$ os_login=^1$ |
| ... os_run_cmd=^1$ |
| ${status} ${ret_values}= Run Keyword and Ignore Error Check State |
| ... ${match_state} quiet=0 |
| |
| Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Run Keywords |
| ... Print Timen The OS is not communicating so no OS FFDC will be done.\n |
| ... AND |
| ... Return From Keyword ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| ${stdout}= OS Distro Type |
| |
| Set Global Variable ${linux_distro} ${stdout} |
| |
| Rpvars linux_distro |
| |
| scp.Open Connection |
| ... ${OS_HOST} username=${OS_USERNAME} password=${OS_PASSWORD} |
| |
| @{entries}= Get FFDC OS All Distros Index |
| |
| FOR ${index} IN @{entries} |
| ${ffdc_file_sub_list}= Log OS All distros FFDC ${index} |
| ${ffdc_file_list}= Smart Combine Lists ${ffdc_file_list} ${ffdc_file_sub_list} |
| END |
| |
| Return From Keyword If |
| ... '${linux_distro}' == '${EMPTY}' or '${linux_distro}' == 'None' |
| ... ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| @{entries}= Get ffdc os distro index ${linux_distro} |
| |
| FOR ${index} IN @{entries} |
| ${ffdc_file_sub_list}= Log OS SPECIFIC DISTRO FFDC ${index} ${linux_distro} |
| ${ffdc_file_list}= Smart Combine Lists ${ffdc_file_list} ${ffdc_file_sub_list} |
| END |
| |
| # Delete ffdc files still on OS and close scp. |
| OS Execute Command rm -rf /tmp/OS_* /tmp/sosreport*FFDC* ignore_err=${True} |
| scp.Close Connection |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| System Inventory Files |
| [Documentation] Copy systest os_inventory files and return a list of |
| ... generated files.. |
| # The os_inventory files are the result of running |
| # systest/htx_hardbootme_test. If these files exist |
| # they are copied to the FFDC directory. |
| # Global variable ffdc_dir_path is the path name of the |
| # directory they are copied to. |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| |
| ${globex}= Set Variable os_inventory_*.json |
| |
| @{file_list}= OperatingSystem.List Files In Directory . ${globex} |
| |
| Copy Files ${globex} ${ffdc_dir_path} |
| |
| FOR ${file_name} IN @{file_list} |
| Append To List ${ffdc_file_list} ${ffdc_dir_path}${file_name} |
| END |
| |
| Run Keyword and Ignore Error Remove Files ${globex} |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| SCP Coredump Files |
| [Documentation] Copy core dump files from BMC to local system and return a |
| ... list of generated file names. |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| |
| # Check if core dump exist in the /tmp |
| ${core_files} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command ls /tmp/core_* |
| ... ignore_err=${1} |
| Run Keyword If '${rc}' != '${0}' Return From Keyword ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| # Core dumps if configured to dump on /tmp via /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern |
| Run Keyword and Ignore Error |
| ... BMC Execute Command chown ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}:${OPENBMC_USERNAME} /tmp/core_* |
| |
| @{core_list}= Split String ${core_files} |
| # Copy the core files |
| Run Key U Open Connection for SCP |
| |
| FOR ${index} IN @{core_list} |
| ${ffdc_file_path}= Catenate ${LOG_PREFIX}${index.lstrip("/tmp/")} |
| ${status}= Run Keyword and Return Status scp.Get File ${index} ${ffdc_file_path} |
| Run Keyword If '${status}' == '${False}' Continue For Loop |
| Append To List ${ffdc_file_list} ${ffdc_file_path} |
| |
| # Remove the file from remote to avoid re-copying on next FFDC call |
| |
| BMC Execute Command rm ${index} ignore_err=${1} |
| # I can't find a way to do this: scp.Close Connection |
| |
| END |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| SCP Dump Files |
| [Documentation] Copy all dump files from BMC to local system. |
| |
| # Check if dumps exist |
| ${ffdc_file_list}= Scp Dumps ${FFDC_DIR_PATH} ${FFDC_PREFIX} |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| Collect Dump Log |
| [Documentation] Collect dumps from dump entry. |
| [Arguments] ${log_prefix_path}=${LOG_PREFIX} |
| |
| Return From Keyword If ${REDFISH_SUPPORT_TRANS_STATE} == ${1} |
| |
| ${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${DUMP_URI} |
| Run Keyword If '${resp.status_code}' == '${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}' |
| ... Set Test Variable ${DUMP_ENTRY_URI} /xyz/openbmc_project/dump/entry/ |
| |
| ${data}= Read Properties ${DUMP_ENTRY_URI}enumerate quiet=${1} timeout=${30} |
| |
| # Grab the list of entries from dump/entry/ |
| # The data shown below is the result of the "Get Dictionary Keys". |
| # Example: |
| # /xyz/openbmc_project/dump/entry/1 |
| # /xyz/openbmc_project/dump/entry/2 |
| |
| ${dump_list}= Get Dictionary Keys ${data} |
| |
| |
| Collect PEL Log |
| [Documentation] Collect PEL files from from BMC. |
| |
| Create Directory ${FFDC_DIR_PATH}${/}pel_files/ |
| scp.Get File /var/lib/phosphor-logging/extensions/pels/logs/ |
| ... ${FFDC_DIR_PATH}${/}pel_files recursive=True |
| |
| |
| Enumerate Redfish Resources |
| [Documentation] Enumerate /redfish/v1 resources and properties to |
| ... a file. Return a list which contains the file name. |
| [Arguments] ${log_prefix_path}=${LOG_PREFIX} ${enum_uri}=/redfish/v1 |
| ... ${file_enum_name}=redfish_resource_properties.txt |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # log_prefix_path The location specifying where to create FFDC file(s). |
| |
| # Login is needed to fetch Redfish information. |
| # If login fails, return from keyword. |
| ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Redfish.Login |
| Return From Keyword If ${status} == ${False} |
| |
| # Get the Redfish resources and properties. |
| ${json_data}= redfish_utils.Enumerate Request ${enum_uri} |
| # Typical output: |
| # { |
| # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1", |
| # "@odata.type": "#ServiceRoot.v1_1_1.ServiceRoot", |
| # "AccountService": { |
| # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/AccountService" |
| # }, |
| # "Chassis": { |
| # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Chassis" |
| # }, |
| # "Id": "RootService", |
| # "JsonSchemas": { |
| # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/JsonSchemas" |
| # }, |
| # ..etc... |
| # } |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| ${logpath}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${log_prefix_path} ${file_enum_name} |
| Create File ${logpath} |
| Write Data To File "${\n}${json_data}${\n}" ${logpath} |
| |
| Append To List ${ffdc_file_list} ${logpath} |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| Enumerate Redfish OEM Resources |
| [Documentation] Enumerate /<oem>/v1 resources and properties to |
| ... a file. Return a list which contains the file name. |
| [Arguments] ${log_prefix_path}=${LOG_PREFIX} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # log_prefix_path The location specifying where to create FFDC file(s). |
| |
| # No-op by default if input is not supplied from command line. |
| Return From Keyword If "${OEM_REDFISH_PATH}" == "${EMPTY}" |
| |
| # Login is needed to fetch Redfish information. |
| # If login fails, return from keyword. |
| ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Redfish.Login |
| Return From Keyword If ${status} == ${False} |
| |
| # Get the Redfish resources and properties. |
| ${json_data}= redfish_utils.Enumerate Request ${OEM_REDFISH_PATH} |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| ${logpath}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${log_prefix_path} |
| ... redfish_oem_resource_properties.txt |
| Create File ${logpath} |
| Write Data To File "${\n}${json_data}${\n}" ${logpath} |
| |
| Append To List ${ffdc_file_list} ${logpath} |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| Collect eSEL Log |
| [Documentation] Create raw and formatted eSEL files. |
| [Arguments] ${log_prefix_path}=${LOG_PREFIX} |
| |
| # NOTE: If no eSEL.pl program can be located, then no formatted eSEL file |
| # will be generated. |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # log_prefix_path The path prefix to be used in creating |
| # eSEL file path names. For example, if |
| # log_prefix_path is |
| # "/tmp/user1/dummy.181001.120000.", then |
| # this keyword will create |
| # /tmp/user1/dummy.181001.120000.esel (raw) |
| # and |
| # /tmp/user1/dummy.181001.120000.esel.txt |
| # (formatted). |
| |
| @{ffdc_file_list}= Create List |
| |
| ${esels}= Get Esels |
| ${num_esels}= Evaluate len(${esels}) |
| Rprint Vars num_esels |
| Return From Keyword If ${num_esels} == ${0} ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| ${logpath}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${log_prefix_path} esel |
| Create File ${logpath} |
| |
| FOR ${esel} IN @{esels} |
| Write Data To File "${esel}"${\n} ${logpath} |
| END |
| |
| Append To List ${ffdc_file_list} ${logpath} |
| |
| ${rc} ${output}= Shell Cmd which eSEL.pl show_err=0 |
| Return From Keyword If ${rc} != ${0} ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| Convert eSEL To Elog Format ${logpath} |
| Append To List ${ffdc_file_list} ${logpath}.txt |
| |
| RETURN ${ffdc_file_list} |
| |
| |
| Convert eSEL To Elog Format |
| [Documentation] Execute parser tool on the eSEL data file to generate |
| ... formatted error log. |
| [Arguments] ${esel_file_path} |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # esel_file_path The path to the file containing raw eSEL |
| # data (e.g. |
| # "/tmp/user1/dummy.181001.120000.esel"). |
| |
| # Note: The only way to get eSEL.pl to put the output in a particular |
| # directory is to cd to that directory. |
| ${cmd_buf}= Catenate cd $(dirname ${esel_file_path}) ; eSEL.pl -l |
| ... ${esel_file_path} -p decode_obmc_data |
| Qprint Issuing ${cmd_buf} |
| Run ${cmd_buf} |
| # The .binary file, which is generated by eSEL.pl, is of no use to us. |
| Remove File ${esel_file_path}.binary |
| |
| |
| OS Distro Type |
| [Documentation] Determine the host partition distro type |
| |
| ${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command |
| ... . /etc/os-release; echo $ID ignore_err=${1} |
| |
| Return From Keyword If ${rc} == ${0} ${stdout} |
| |
| # If linux distro doesn't have os-release, check for uname. |
| ${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command uname ignore_err=${0} |
| |
| RETURN ${stdout} |
| |
| |
| Get OS Distro Release Info |
| [Documentation] Get the host partition release info. |
| ${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command |
| ... cat /etc/os-release ignore_err=${1} |
| |
| Return From Keyword If ${rc} == ${0} ${stdout} |
| |
| # If linux distro doesn't have os-release, check for uname. |
| ${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command uname ignore_err=${0} |
| |
| RETURN ${stdout} |