blob: 75fdaf5be79ca17f881cf1e5018ea4af6f191658 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Update the BMC code on a target BMC via Redifsh.
# Test Parameters:
# IMAGE_FILE_PATH The path to the BMC image file.
# Firmware update states:
# Enabled Image is installed and either functional or active.
# Disabled Image installation failed or ready for activation.
# Updating Image installation currently in progress.
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../../lib/common_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/code_update_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/redfish_code_update_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/utils.robot
Library ../../lib/
Library ../../lib/
Library ../../lib/
Library ../../lib/
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Suite Teardown Redfish.Logout
Test Setup Printn
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
# Force the test to timedout to prevent test hanging.
Test Timeout 30 minutes
Force Tags BMC_Code_Update
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
Redfish BMC Code Update
[Documentation] Update the firmware image.
[Tags] Redfish_BMC_Code_Update
${image_version}= Get Version Tar ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
Rprint Vars image_version
${bmc_release_info}= Get BMC Release Info
${functional_version}= Set Variable ${bmc_release_info['version_id']}
Rprint Vars functional_version
${post_code_update_actions}= Get Post Boot Action
${state}= Get Pre Reboot State
Rprint Vars state
# Check if the existing firmware is functional.
Pass Execution If '${functional_version}' == '${image_version}'
... The existing ${image_version} firmware is already functional.
${sw_inv}= Get Functional Firmware BMC image
${nonfunctional_sw_inv}= Get Non Functional Firmware ${sw_inv} False
# Redfish active software image API.
Run Keyword If not ${FORCE_UPDATE}
... Run Keyword If ${num_records} > 0
... Run Keyword If '${nonfunctional_sw_inv['version']}' == '${image_version}'
... Run Keywords Switch Backup Firmware Image To Functional AND
... Wait For Reboot start_boot_seconds=${state['epoch_seconds']} AND
... Redfish Verify BMC Version ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH} AND
... Pass Execution The firmware ${image_version} is backup image.
# Firmware inventory record of the given image version.
${image_info}= Get Software Inventory State By Version ${image_version}
${image_info_len}= Get Length ${image_info}
# REST delete the image to fresh code update for a given same image object
# which is already ACTIVE but on the alternate side. Irrespective of when
# REST is disabled in near future or the below operation fails, is purely
# done to give a chance.
Run Keyword If '${image_info_len}' != 0
... Run Keywords Print Timen
... The ${image_version} version is installed but not functional, delete and continue update.
... AND
... Run Keyword And Ignore Error
... Delete Software Object /xyz/openbmc_project/software/${image_info['image_id']}
Redfish Update Firmware
Redfish Firmware Update Loop
[Documentation] Update the firmware image in loop.
[Tags] Redfish_Firmware_Update_Loop
[Template] Redfish Firmware Update In Loop
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do the suite setup.
# Delete BMC dump and Error logs.
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Redfish Delete All BMC Dumps
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Redfish Purge Event Log
# Checking for file existence.
Redfish Firmware Update In Loop
[Documentation] Update the firmware in loop.
[Arguments] ${update_loop_count}
# Description of argument(s):
# update_loop_count This value is used to run the firmware update in loop.
${before_image_state}= Get BMC Functional Firmware
${temp_update_loop_count}= Evaluate ${update_loop_count} + 1
FOR ${count} IN RANGE 1 ${temp_update_loop_count}
Print Timen **************************************
Print Timen * The Current Loop Count is ${count} of ${update_loop_count} *
Print Timen **************************************
Redfish Update Firmware
${sw_inv}= Get Functional Firmware BMC update
${nonfunctional_sw_inv}= Get Non Functional Firmware ${sw_inv} False
Run Keyword If ${nonfunctional_sw_inv['functional']} == False
... Set BMC Image Priority To Least ${nonfunctional_sw_inv['version']} ${nonfunctional_sw_inv}
${sw_inv}= Get Functional Firmware BMC update
${nonfunctional_sw_inv}= Get Non Functional Firmware ${sw_inv} False
Delete BMC Image
${after_image_state}= Get BMC Functional Firmware
Valid Value before_image_state["version"] ['${after_image_state["version"]}']
Delete BMC Image
[Documentation] Delete a BMC image from the BMC flash chip.
${software_object}= Get Non Running BMC Software Object
Delete Image And Verify ${software_object} ${VERSION_PURPOSE_BMC}
Activate Existing Firmware
[Documentation] Set firmware image to lower priority.
[Arguments] ${image_version}
# Description of argument(s):
# image_version Version of image.
${software_inventory_record}= Get Software Inventory State By Version
... ${image_version}
${num_keys}= Get Length ${software_inventory_record}
Rprint Vars software_inventory_record
# If no software inventory record was found, there is no existing
# firmware for the given version and therefore no action to be taken.
Return From Keyword If not ${num_keys}
# Check if the existing firmware is functional.
Pass Execution If ${software_inventory_record['functional']}
... The existing ${image_version} firmware is already functional.
# If existing firmware is not functional, then set the priority to least.
Print Timen The existing ${image_version} firmware is not yet functional.
Set BMC Image Priority To Least ${image_version} ${software_inventory_record}
Pass Execution The existing ${image_version} firmware is now functional.
Get Image Priority
[Documentation] Get Current Image Priority.
[Arguments] ${image_version}
# Description of argument(s):
# image_version The Firmware image version (e.g. 2.8.0-dev-1107-g512028d95).
${software_info}= Read Properties
... ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}/enumerate quiet=1
# Get only the record associated with our image_version.
${software_info}= Filter Struct
... ${software_info} [('Version', '${image_version}')]
# Convert from dict to list.
${software_info}= Get Dictionary Values ${software_info}
[Return] ${software_info[0]['Priority']}
Set BMC Image Priority To Least
[Documentation] Set BMC image priority to least value.
[Arguments] ${image_version} ${software_inventory}
# Description of argument(s):
# image_version The Firmware image version (e.g. 2.8.0-dev-1107-g512028d95).
# software_inventory Software inventory details.
${least_priority}= Get Least Value Priority Image ${VERSION_PURPOSE_BMC}
${cur_priority}= Get Image Priority ${image_version}
Rprint Vars least_priority cur_priority
Return From Keyword If '${least_priority}' == ${cur_priority}
Set Host Software Property
... ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}${software_inventory['image_id']}
... Priority ${least_priority}
Redfish OBMC Reboot (off)
Redfish Update Firmware
[Documentation] Update the BMC firmware via redfish interface.
${post_code_update_actions}= Get Post Boot Action
${state}= Get Pre Reboot State
Rprint Vars state
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Set ApplyTime policy=OnReset
Redfish Upload Image And Check Progress State
${tar_version}= Get Version Tar ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
${image_info}= Get Software Inventory State By Version ${tar_version}
Run Key ${post_code_update_actions['${image_info["image_type"]}']['OnReset']}
Redfish Verify BMC Version ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}