blob: 43e693fe4141e854f552d25ff888305311ab0543 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This program performs Factory data reset.
Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../lib/connection_client.robot
Resource ../lib/serial_connection/serial_console_client.robot
Library OperatingSystem
Suite Setup Validate Setup
Suite Teardown Close All Connections
Test Tags Factory_Reset
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Factory Reset
[Documentation] Factory reset the system and verify if BMC is online.
[Tags] Verify_Factory_Reset
# Factory reset erases user config settings which incldes IP, netmask
# gateway and route. Before running this test we are checking all these
# settings and checking whether ping works with BMC host.
# If factory reset is successful, ping to BMC host should fail as
# IP address is erased and comes up with zero_conf.
Erase All Settings
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Ping Host ${OPENBMC_HOST}
Should Be Equal ${status} False msg=Factory reset failed.
Revert to Initial Setup And Verify
[Documentation] Revert to old setup.
[Tags] Revert_to_Initial_Setup_And_Verify
# This test case restores old settings Viz IP address, netmask, gateway
# and route. Restoring is done through serial port console.
# If reverting to initial setup is successful, ping to BMC
# host should pass.
Configure Initial Settings
*** Keywords ***
Validate Setup
[Documentation] Validate setup.
Open Connection And Log In
# Check whether gateway IP is reachable.
Ping Host ${GW_IP}
Should Not Be Empty ${NET_MASK} msg=Netmask not provided.
# Check whether serial console IP is reachable and responding
# to telnet command.
Open Telnet Connection to BMC Serial Console
Erase All Settings
[Documentation] Factory reset the system.
Run Dbus IPMI Raw Command 0x32 0xBA 00 00
Run Dbus IPMI Raw Command 0x32 0x66