blob: 21357b0d09d186eb53d63de5974ccc6d0fd87860 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test OpenBMC GUI "Sensors" sub-menu.
Resource ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Suite Teardown Close Browser
Test Tags Sensors_Sub_Menu
*** Variables ***
${xpath_sensor_heading} //h1[text()="Sensors"]
${xpath_sensors_filter} //button[contains(text(),'Filter')]
${xpath_sensors_search} //input[contains(@class,"search-input")]
${xpath_filter_ok} //*[@data-test-id='tableFilter-checkbox-OK']
${xpath_filter_warning} //*[@data-test-id='tableFilter-checkbox-Warning']
${xpath_filter_critical} //*[@data-test-id='tableFilter-checkbox-Critical']
${xpath_filter_clear_all} //*[@data-test-id='tableFilter-button-clearAll']
${xpath_selected_severity} //*[@class="d-inline-block mb-0"]
${xpath_clear_search_input} //*[@title="Clear search input"]
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Navigation To Sensors Page
[Documentation] Verify navigation to Sensors page.
[Tags] Verify_Navigation_To_Sensors_Page
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_sensor_heading}
Verify Existence Of All Sections In Sensor Page
[Documentation] Verify existence of all sections in sensor page.
[Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Sensor_Page
Page Should Contain Sensors
Verify Existence Of All Buttons And Input Boxes In Sensor Page
[Documentation] Verify existence of all buttons and input boxes in sensor page.
[Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_And_Input_Boxes_In_Sensor_Page
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_sensors_filter}
Click Element ${xpath_sensors_filter}
#Search field
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_sensors_search}
Verify Search Text Entered
[Documentation] Verify search text input allowed from "Sensors" page.
[Tags] Verify_Search_Text_Entered
[Teardown] Click Element ${xpath_clear_search_input}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_sensors_search}
Input Text ${xpath_sensors_search} ambi
Wait Until Page Contains Ambient timeout=120s
Verify Sensors Filter From Server Health Clickable
[Documentation] Verify sensors filter from server health clickable
[Tags] Verify_Sensors_Filter_From_Server_Health_Clickable
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_sensors_filter} timeout=15s
Click Element ${xpath_sensors_filter}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_filter_ok}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_filter_warning}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_filter_critical}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_filter_clear_all}
Verify Invalid Text In Filter Sensors Search
[Documentation] Input invalid text in sensor search and verify error message.
[Tags] Verify_Invalid_Text_In_Filter_Sensors_Search
[Teardown] Click Element ${xpath_clear_search_input}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_sensors_search}
Input Text ${xpath_sensors_search} abcd123
Page Should Contain No items match the search query
Verify Clear All Button In Sensor Page
[Documentation] Select all severity and verify clear all button de-selects all severity.
[Tags] Verify_Clear_All_Button_In_Sensor_Page
[Teardown] Click Element ${xpath_sensors_filter}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_sensors_filter} timeout=15s
Click Element ${xpath_sensors_filter}
# Select all severity from filter.
Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_filter_ok} 0 0
Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_filter_warning} 0 0
Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_filter_critical} 0 0
Element Should Be Visible ${xpath_selected_severity}
# De-select all severity using clear all button in filter.
Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_filter_clear_all} 0 0
Click Element ${xpath_sensors_filter}
Element Should Not Be Visible ${xpath_selected_severity}
Verify Filter By Severity Button OK
[Documentation] Select severity button OK from filter and verify.
[Tags] Verify_Filter_By_Severity_Button_OK
[Teardown] Clean Up Filter Values
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_sensors_filter} timeout=15s
Click Element ${xpath_sensors_filter}
# Select OK severity from filter.
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_filter_ok} timeout=5s
Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_filter_ok} 0 0
Click Element ${xpath_sensors_filter}
Element Should Contain ${xpath_selected_severity} OK
Element Should Not Contain ${xpath_selected_severity} Warning
Element Should Not Contain ${xpath_selected_severity} Critical
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do suite setup tasks.
Launch Browser And Login GUI
Click Element ${xpath_hardware_status_menu}
Click Element ${xpath_sensor_sub_menu}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 5 sec Location Should Contain sensors
# Added delay for sensor page to load completely by waiting for disapperance of progress bar.
Wait Until Element Is Not Visible ${xpath_page_loading_progress_bar} timeout=15min
Clean Up Filter Values
[Documentation] Do clean up filter values after test execution
Click Element ${xpath_sensors_filter}
Click Element ${xpath_filter_clear_all}