blob: 4cecdd1b5e71210987a4c7475a1db5bdcc40c95b [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test OpenBMC GUI "Event logs" sub-menu of "Logs" menu.
Resource ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
Resource ../../../lib/logging_utils.robot
Variables ../../../data/
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Suite Teardown Suite Teardown Execution
Test Tags Event_Logs_Sub_Menu
*** Variables ***
${xpath_event_logs_heading} //h1[text()="Event logs"]
${xpath_filter_event} //button[contains(text(),"Filter")]
${xpath_event_severity_ok} //*[@data-test-id="tableFilter-checkbox-OK"]
${xpath_event_severity_warning} //*[@data-test-id="tableFilter-checkbox-Warning"]
${xpath_event_severity_critical} //*[@data-test-id="tableFilter-checkbox-Critical"]
${xpath_event_from_date} //*[@id="input-from-date"]
${xpath_event_to_date} //*[@id="input-to-date"]
${xpath_select_all_events} //*[@data-test-id="eventLogs-checkbox-selectAll"]
${xpath_event_action_delete} //*[@data-test-id="table-button-deleteSelected"]
${xpath_event_action_export} //*[contains(text(),"Export")]
${xpath_event_action_cancel} //button[contains(text(),"Cancel")]
${xpath_delete_first_row} //*[@data-test-id="eventLogs-button-deleteRow-0"][2]
${xpath_confirm_delete} //button[text()="Delete"]
${xpath_event_status_resolved} //*[@data-test-id="tableFilter-checkbox-Resolved"]
${xpath_event_status_unresolved} //*[@data-test-id="tableFilter-checkbox-Unresolved"]
${xpath_event_action_download} //button[text()[normalize-space()='Download']]
${xpath_success_message} //*[contains(text(),"Success")]
${xpath_resolved_button} //button[contains(text(),"Resolve")]
${xpath_unresolved_button} //button[contains(text(),"Unresolve")]
${xpath_filter_clearall_button} //button[contains(text(),"Clear all")]
${xpath_clear_search} //button[@title="Clear search input"]
${xpath_event_log_resolve} //*[@name="switch"]
${xpath_event_logs_resolve} //button[contains(text(),'Resolve')]
${xpath_event_log_data} //td[contains(text(),'Critical')]/following-sibling::td[3]
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Navigation To Event Logs Page
[Documentation] Verify navigation to Event Logs page.
[Tags] Verify_Navigation_To_Event_Logs_Page
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_event_logs_heading}
Verify Existence Of All Buttons In Event Logs Page
[Documentation] Verify existence of all buttons in Event Logs page.
[Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Event_Logs_Page
[Setup] Click Element ${xpath_filter_event}
[Teardown] Click Button ${xpath_filter_clearall_button}
# Types of event severity: OK, Warning, Critical.
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_event_severity_ok} limit=1
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_event_severity_warning} limit=1
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_event_severity_critical} limit=1
# Types of event status: Resolved, Unresolved.
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_event_status_resolved} limit=1
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_event_status_unresolved} limit=1
Verify Existence Of All Input Boxes In Event Logs Page
[Documentation] Verify existence of all input boxes in Event Logs page.
[Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Input_Boxes_In_Event_Logs_Page
# Search logs.
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_event_search}
# Date filter.
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_event_from_date} limit=1
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_event_to_date} limit=1
Select Single Error Log And Delete
[Documentation] Select single error log and delete it.
[Tags] Select_Single_Error_Log_And_Delete
Create Error Logs ${2}
${number_of_events_before}= Get Number Of Event Logs
Click Element ${xpath_delete_first_row}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_confirm_delete}
Click Button ${xpath_confirm_delete}
${number_of_events_after}= Get Number Of Event Logs
Should Be Equal ${number_of_events_before -1} ${number_of_events_after}
... msg=Failed to delete single error log entry.
Wait Until Element Is Not Visible ${xpath_success_message} timeout=30
Select All Error Logs And Verify Buttons
[Documentation] Select all error logs and verify delete, export and cancel buttons.
[Tags] Select_All_Error_Logs_And_Verify_Buttons
Create Error Logs ${2}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${xpath_delete_first_row}
Select All Events
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_resolved_button}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_unresolved_button}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_event_action_download}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_event_action_delete}
Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_event_action_cancel}
Select And Verify Default UTC Timezone For Events
[Documentation] Select and verify that default UTC timezone is displayed for an event.
[Tags] Select_And_Verify_Default_UTC_Timezone_For_Events
[Setup] Run Keywords Redfish.Login AND Redfish Purge Event Log
[Teardown] Redfish.Logout
Create Error Logs ${1}
# Set Default timezone in profile settings page.
Set Timezone In Profile Settings Page Default
Navigate To Event Logs Page
# Get date and time from backend.
${event_data}= Get Event Logs
# Date format: 2023-05-02T04:49:29.149+00:00
${redfish_event_date_time}= Set Variable ${event_data[0]["Created"].split('T')}
Page Should Contain ${redfish_event_date_time[0]}
Page Should Contain ${redfish_event_date_time[1].split('.')[0]}
Verify Displayed Event Details With Redfish
[Documentation] Verify event details like severity, desc etc using Redfish.
[Tags] Verify_Displayed_Event_Details_With_Redfish
[Setup] Run Keywords Redfish.Login AND Redfish Purge Event Log
[Teardown] Redfish.Logout
Create Error Logs ${1}
# Added a delay for error log to appear on error log page.
Sleep 5s
${event_data}= Get Event Logs
Page Should Contain ${event_data[0]["Severity"]}
Page Should Contain ${event_data[0]["EntryType"]}
Page Should Contain ${event_data[0]["Message"]}
Verify Existence Of All Fields In Event Logs Page
[Documentation] Verify existence of all required fields in Event Logs page.
[Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Fields_In_Event_Logs_Page
[Template] Page Should Contain
#Expected parameters
Verify Invalid Content Search Logs
[Documentation] Input invalid PEL ID in the search log and verify error message.
[Tags] Verify_Invalid_Content_Search_Logs
Input Text ${xpath_event_search} AG806993
Page Should Contain No items match the search query
Click Button ${xpath_clear_search}
Verify Resolving Single Error Log In GUI
[Documentation] Verify that error log can be resolved via GUI
... and the resolution is reflected in Redfish.
[Tags] Verify_Resolving_Single_Error_Log_In_GUI
[Setup] Run Keywords Redfish.Login AND Redfish Purge Event Log
Create Error Logs ${1}
Refresh GUI
# Mark single event log as resolved.
Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_event_log_resolve} 0 0
# Given the time to get the notification.
Wait Until Page Contains Successfully resolved 1 log timeout=10
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element Success
# Verify the Redfish response after event log mark as resolved.
Get And Verify Status Of Resolved Field In Event Logs ${True}
Verify Resolving Multiple Error Logs In GUI
[Documentation] Verify that error logs can be resolved via GUI
... and the resolution is reflected in Redfish.
[Tags] Verify_Resolving_Multiple_Error_Logs_In_GUI
[Setup] Redfish Purge Event Log
Create Error Logs ${3}
Refresh GUI
Select All Events
Click Element ${xpath_event_logs_resolve}
# Since we are selecting 'all events', 3+1 logs are resolved including informational.
Wait Until Page Contains Successfully resolved 4 logs. timeout=10
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element Success
# Verify the event logs status from Redfish after mark as resolved.
Get And Verify Status Of Resolved Field In Event Logs ${True}
Verify Default Value Of Resolved Field In Error Log
[Documentation] Verify that error log unresolved status from GUI
[Tags] Verify_Default_Value_Of_Resolved_Field_In_Error_Log
Redfish Purge Event Log
Create Error Logs ${1}
Refresh GUI
# Verify default value of resolved field from GUI.
Element Should Contain ${xpath_event_log_data} Unresolved
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do suite setup tasks.
Launch Browser And Login GUI
Navigate To Event Logs Page
Wait Until Element Is Not Visible ${xpath_page_loading_progress_bar} timeout=30
Suite Teardown Execution
[Documentation] Suite teardown tasks.
Close Browser
Navigate To Event Logs Page
[Documentation] Navigate to the event logs page from main menu.
Click Element ${xpath_logs_menu}
Click Element ${xpath_event_logs_sub_menu}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 5 sec Location Should Contain event-logs
Create Error Logs
[Documentation] Create given number of error logs.
[Arguments] ${log_count}
# Description of argument(s):
# log_count Number of error logs to create.
FOR ${num} IN RANGE ${log_count}
Generate Test Error Log
Select All Events
[Documentation] Select all error logs.
Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_select_all_events} 0 0
Get And Verify Status Of Resolved Field In Event Logs
[Documentation] Get event log entry and verify resolved attribute value.
[Arguments] ${expected_resolved_status}
# Description of argument(s):
# expected_resolved_status expected status of resolved field in error logs.
${elog_entry}= Get Event Logs
FOR ${elog} IN @{elog_entry}
Should Be Equal ${elog["Resolved"]} ${expected_resolved_status}